
My Chaotic Marvel Experience.

A soul floating through the infinite expanse of space meets a god who gives him a chance to go through the infinite multiverse of marvel but with a twist...he shall go through the Fanfic worlds of marvel and climb his way through the power struggles and schemes that come with and hope to survive. #Dark Story. #Not suited for minors. #Will feature heavy subjects so you have been warned. #Its a HAREM! So No harem Sect please forgive me.

Faceless_Prick · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs


As soon as that thing roared a screen appeared Infront of me taking only 2 seconds for me to read it all.

[_Quest: Boss battle—

_descriptiom: You've stumbled upon an tier 1 evolved infected and as it is standing in your way you shall and must kill it to continue your way.

Reward: Perk: Mana Generator (High), +100 free stat points, + 1 random ability.]

' okay that…is actually neat' with a grin I looked back at the zombies and realised that the 6 underling zombies were sprinting towards me and grinning at that I used telekinesis while focusing on a car by the side and as soon as they reached my range I hurled that car straight towards them pushing them between a truck and a car squishing them to death.

' heh' with grin I looked at the now fuming muscle monster of a zombie looking at me like I killed it's mother…maybe I did but that doesn't matter as that thing started running towards me at great speeds shocking me but I kept my composure and held out my hand before it lit up in flames.

' well hope this works.' concentrating I activated [fire blast] using the best of my control and power over it and created 7 balls of pure destructive power and then used telekinesis on them to compress it before I shot at the monster at all his side's just in case it would try to dodge.

And that never came to be as the dumb monster instead took a position while running towards me as if he was going to tank my power but as soon as my orbs of fire met him them burned through him like butter before shooting off behind him and as the monster came to a stop with holes on his body, head and limbs a large explosion behind him occured shaking the very bridge we were on right now before it fell to the ground.


[Quest complete—]


Perk—Mana Generator: Able to absorb the ambient energies of the universe and assimilate them to your body creating a mana core able to fill itself with mana for your use(Amount:Soul×1,000)

Free Stats—100

Ability— Invisibility: Allows user to be able to become invisible for how ever amount of energy is used to activate this ability.]

'…. owesome' I thought to myself with a grin before I felt something in my head form and then I blacked out for second as chaotic and peaceful energies that had accumulated over the past eons started getting absorbed inside of my head a rapid pace before it was filled and I came back to consciousness huffing and puffing looking like I had just ran a marathon.

' holy….that kinda felt good…' i thought to myself with a grin.

Looking at the moon overhead myself I frowned before looking around myself with the fire I had created by blasting through that zombie eluminating the surroundings I pulled up my status

[ Name: Darius SinClair.

Age: 26

Race: Enhanced Cyber-Mutant.


Body: 4

Mind: 37

Soul: 50

Free Stats: 100]

With a grin I put 13 points into mind and then 46 into body and the rest into soul

[ Name: Darius SinClair.

Age: 26

Race: Enhanced Cyber-Mutant.


Body: 50

Mind: 50

Soul: 91]

And immediately as I confirmed my stat distribution I felt my body compressing and easing up only to repeat that cycle again and a splitting headache along with more energies getting sucked into my body making me groan in displeasure but after a minute it was all done.

" arghh…the fuck?" moving my body I felt aware of my every move and everything I did and my mind was able to work and process the said information at almost instant speed making me groan before I looked at the raging fire Infront of me.

Walking towards the body of the dead zombie I put it in my inventory before I looked back into the fire then began sprinting towards it making it Infront of it in less then a second before I jumped making a clean jump over it before gravity took its course I began descending and then crashed into a car.

" hahahahahahaha!" I laughed with excitement and glee, I was stronger then I ever was, better then I could have ever been and I liked this feeling.

Standing up at the squished car I grinned before I activated invisibility


Immediately I became invisible even in my eyes and concentrating I felt that I was using my mana to power this ability as 1 mp by my estimate was used before it was generated back my my natural mp regen making me grin as I could possibly become invisible forever if I wanted to.

Putting those thoughts aside I began sprinting, running off from this fucked up city before something happened and I was suddenly a zombie, like how do these guys even infect someone?.

With a sigh I grinned as I whizzed through car after car and jumped when I found an obstacle and in doing so I gained experience, I learned how much strength I should use to jump and how to control my speed and acceleration.

All in all I was in my own world now and as I made it off the bridge and kept running entering a forested area out of newyork I kept running and running.

—2 hours later.

I had never known that running could be the addicting as I kept whizzing through some abandoned cars on the road that kept being scarce and scarce as I ran but not long I felt someone on the front of the road which made me come to a sudden stop before running behind a tree to hide.

A couple of seconds later I felt him as he walked off carrying nothing but a machete and stalking behind him while invisible I used [Perfect structural analysis] on him and what I saw made me frown.

[ Name: Jason Wright [Main Character](heaven's favoured.

Age: 18

Gender: Male.


Body: 12

Mind: 10

Soul: 36


Cremation—{S-}(X-Gene): Wielder of the flames of the underworld, fires able to burn at the soul if unprotected against but also able to burn at anything material.

Skill System—{SSS+}(God's Gift): Wielder of the system which was stolen from the system world by the world god <8;$)6@)> and then later refined and given to Jason as his boon.

-Skill learn—allows user to learn and grow any skill with just simple repetition or learning something new of that skill which will allow host to learn faster while the system gives him proficiency and skill in that said skill.

-Stat Allocation—Allows host to earn 3 stats with every level he gains from killing other beings.]

" motherfucker…what?"


—Check out my Pat-reon if you wish to support me.

—patre*on.com/GodOfDepravity (remove the *)

—also give me your stones!! I crave em to increase my mana reserves!]