

I am writing this novel not only to satisfy my wish to become a writer but also to make more people aware of our current situation... A young man on Earth had the hobby of reading AND Writing novels...he wished for the world to turn into the same as one of those magical worlds with magical creatures, mages that can fly, mountains that float, waterfalls from the sky...One day thoughts come true...Will he able to face the challenge that awaits him...Will he be able to get past the Apocalypse caused by humans with their activities that destroyed the natural balance of this Planet Earth...Will he be able to survive the Post Apocalyptic world after it....or the challenges he will face after it...Can he face everything that comes in his way without being found out about being a novelist that predicted Apocalypse before it happened? I have entered this novel for the Writing Formula Practice #36: Male Lead - Secret Identity Hope you can vote with your power stones...

KIRAN · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

The Floating Mountains...

We found out that the Mountain we were in is floating...

Yes, the Mountain was floating...

Many boulders were floating around the Mountain and all around was completely chaotic...

Dust and Smog were everywhere...

We couldn't see much but we were sure something big was going on...

Some tried to go and stand on the boulders near the Mountain...

But something even more surprising happened...

On smaller boulders with width enough for 3 people to stand side by side, when more than one stands on it, the one that comes second will be not able to even land their feet on the boulder...

They were uncontrollable floating in the air and took a lot of effort to come back on the floating mountain...

Similar things happened at many other Boulders...

Some bigger Boulders could hold two people others could hold 3 standing on it...

So obviously depending on the size of the Boulders the number of people that can stand on them will change...

That means the Bigger the Boulder or even the Mountain we were standing on, the more number of people it can hold...

Another thing we found is it was more clear near the mountain almost forming a barrier of dust around it...

Boulders had smaller-sized barriers that corresponded to their size.

From all this, we could understand that the Planet we were on was no longer the same as we knew, or Were we on the same Planet?

All these were extremely bizarre...

We couldn't make out anything and 'What to do next...

After calming down a bit, I began to think about our current situation and what to do next...

Our main problem now was the lack of all necessities like food, water, pure air, shelter, and clothing.

All our clothes were horrible to look at and of course, all the dirt and sweat inside the Mountain left us in a bad state...

We needed to sort out the situation first, then find out sources of food and water...

Thus the Survival in Apocalypse started...

Not knowing where we are...

What is going to happen next will the Mountains remain floating or not?

Will be able to find sources of food and water?

How are we supposed to go around with a mountain floating and who knows how much height the Mountain is at...

Will we face any other problems if we ever leave the Mountain?

Are we on the same Planet or was the Mountain we were in got transported to another world like in some of those novels like I read before...

How should we leave the mountain?

All the anxiety, distress, and lack of enough food water, and sleep made us not fit for exploration of our new surroundings...

How should we leave the mountain?

Can we even leave the mountain?


What awaits us beyond this Floating mountain?

We didn't know what to do...we don't have any idea how high this Mountain is floating from the land...

Is there even land below?

If there is land below why is this Mountain floating?

where are we?

All these questions kept appearing in our minds...at least that's what I was thinking about all this time...

Time was passing, I am not sure if it was day or night everything was dark only a bit of light around...

We got used to staying in Dark places for all the stay inside the Mountain...

We can see so little here.

I have been tiring to calm down and think about the situation we were in...

Thought the Apocalypse happened in the same way as I thought but I didn't expect it to happen so fast and in such a manner that even I almost couldn't bear with it...

It was never a pleasant surprise of all the things we had to go through nor the things that await us in this new and strange world...

Now Survival was the only thing we could think of...

But now that things seem to settle at least temporarily we need to understand this new environment around us...

First floating mountains are straight out of the novel, can they even exist in the real world?

but we had to accept the reality...

We are now on a Floating mountain...

And we need to get down to see if there is land below...

But that seems not possible as we couldn't see the bottom and we didn't have enough lengthy rope(even if we join everything we have) to get down...

We also found there were no sounds we could hear from our new but strange surroundings...

Some tried to throw stones but they only went a certain distance before losing their speed and coming to a complete stop, floating like any other stone or boulders...

Finally, after a lot of thinking, we came up with an Idea...

We have 'Problems' so we needed were 'Solutions'.

We couldn't do anything except think of a solution for our present problems.

One such solution is going to help us go down and see how it is like down below the floating mountain...

We had Floating boulders around us and after seeing people jump from one boulder to another we go the idea of arranging these boulders in the form of Floating steps...

Yes, we were going to make Floating steps by arranging these floating boulders...

It was tough moving boulders even though they were floating around was tough for people who were partially starving...

Previously we gathered all the ropes available and tried to go down, but it was of no use...

Now we separated and used these ropes to tie up around the waist of all those capable of moving the boulders...

What I saw next was like astronauts in space without gravity floating around and moving irregularly around and of course, we had no space suits but only ropes and partially clean air...

The ropes were very helpful as at least we wouldn't float away from the Mountain...

We tried for a few hours( not sure how long as there was nothing we could care except for reaching down...might be I should look for a mechanical watch that working of course...smart-watches would just consume the battery very fast here and with no option to recharge it as there was current here in this situation...).

Finally, shouts were coming from down below, though not sure what they found as I was taking a rest after using up all my energy...

New was passed on to the top and there seems to be water down below the Floating mountain...

Water, we found Water...

We were on a Floating mountain and this was floating on top of Water...

Water an important substance for any living being...

we were low on water reserves and we needed a fresh-water source...

So now that water was found below, we needed to get down to know if it is drinkable or not...

Was this water safe to drink...

What is the extent of the water below?

Was it like a big lake? or are we floating on a larger water source(which might even be the sea)...

As I remember all the flooding seawater that came and submerged a lot of places...

We once again attached the ropes and lowered a bottle, to get the sample of the water below...

We were let down to find it was Saltwater...

Yes, Saltwater with a lot of impurities and consumption might be even lead to our death...

Disappointed we returned to the top of the mountain...


I will be writing in this novel based on the condition that, if Apocalypse hit this Planet Earth(I want everyone reading this novel to realize what this Planet is heading towards...or what the humans have made to this beautiful and healthy Planet), I truly wished for this Planet to turn into the same as one of those magical worlds

Hope you can enjoy it as I understand and hope my novel will come true.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Hope you can add the novel to your collection and reading list.

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Thank you

KIRANcreators' thoughts