
Chapter 2 Sorry, I refuse! _1

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Zhou Yuan gave a bitter smile, "I'm sorry, Miss Chu, I refuse the exchange!"

"I advise you to be reasonable!" Wei Shen scolded coldly, "Miss is willing to save you, even giving you hundreds of billions for free, that's already considering the past friendship between the Chu and Zhou families!"

"Greed will only hasten your death..."

Chu Ran shook her head, "Elder Wei, stop talking!"

Wei Shen wanted to say more, but his eyes were filled with disgust towards Zhou Yuan.

"You misunderstand!"

Zhou Yuan got out of bed and explained, "Actually, the marriage certificate isn't with me. If Miss Chu finds it unsuitable, then we can annul it, and I will not pursue the matter further!"

"Thank you for saving me, I take my leave!"

Although he longed for power and influence, his father had said, he hoped he would not be a coward.

He wanted to gain everything he desired through his own strength.

Moreover, having just experienced betrayal, he understood the importance of a suitable match.

If even Yang Li looked down on him, not to mention the daughter of the distinguished Chu Family in the Imperial City.

Chu Ran looked stunned, the marriage certificate wasn't on Zhou Yuan?

Was it just an excuse?

He didn't want the marriage annulled?


Wei Shen said discontentedly, "Do you think you can avoid reality just by walking away?"

"Let him go!" Chu Ran didn't want to kick someone when they were down, but she was determined to get the marriage certificate back!

Zhou Yuan felt grateful, at least Miss Chu of the Chu Family hadn't deliberately made things difficult for him.

"But Miss..."

Wei Shen felt uneasy, the life of the Miss was already tough enough, and now she had to deal with this troublesome issue, it was heartbreaking to watch.


Just then, Chu Ran, who had been looking rosy, suddenly turned as pale as paper, her peerless face covered with fine sweat and pain.

"Miss, you..."

"I'll get the medicine!"

When Wei Shen realized that Miss was having an attack, he rushed out of the door in a panic.

Zhou Yuan looked to Chu Ran, a multitude of strange knowledge flashing in his mind. Unsure if it was true, he hesitantly asked, "Is your whole body feeling cold?"

Chu Ran, clutching her abdomen and crouching on the ground, nodded painfully in response.

Zhou Yuan asked again, "Do you have Ice Syndrome?"

Chu Ran gritted her teeth, "Yes... there is no cure for this disease!"

When Ice Syndrome flares up, it's as if you've fallen into an ice cellar.

According to doctors, as the efficacy of the medicine diminishes, she had at most a year left.

Once the medicine completely wears off, her whole body will be encased in ice.

"I can save you!"

Once Zhou Yuan confirmed his thoughts, he realized it wasn't just a dream; he truly had inherited his father's secret technique.

And for this particular disease, there just happened to be a way to treat it.

In Chu Ran's eyes, doubt flickered, but her body was so rigid from the cold that she couldn't move.

"My apologies, Miss Chu!"

Zhou Yuan had intended to get consent, but he knew Chu Ran was no longer able to speak.

He stepped forward immediately, channeled the white air from within his dantian to his palms, and pressed them against her soft abdomen...


Wei Shen, having returned with the medicine, grabbed Zhou Yuan by the shoulder, and flung him powerfully onto the floor, roaring furiously, "I will deal with you later!"

"Miss, hurry... take the medicine!"

He took out two fiery red pills from the Jade Vial and fed them into Chu Ran's mouth...

"There's something wrong with that medicine, it contains a large amount of cinnabar!"

Zhou Yuan cried out after smelling the scent, "Taking this medicine for a long time will only make the condition worse."

But it was too late, Chu Ran had already swallowed the pills.

Wei Shen glared fiercely, "You scoundrel, the Miss saved your life, and yet you dare repay kindness with malice?"

To him, Zhou Yuan's recent light touch on Miss Chu's delicate body was a typical attempt to take advantage.

Now, posing as a doctor and giving orders around here was truly despicable conduct.

"I did not!"

Zhou Yuan, anxious to save her, stepped forward while explaining, "Her body can no longer bear the burden due to the invasion of the cinnabar."

"Nonsense!" A cold glint erupted in Wei Shen's eyes, "Step forward one more inch, and don't blame me for being rude!"

"Ah..." At the same time, Chu Ran let out a groan, the pain not only didn't subside but instead her body temperature plunged even more rapidly, thanks to the calming effect of the cinnabar, she regained a trace of clarity. Nevertheless, speaking was still difficult: "Elder Wei, you mustn't be rude!"

Wei Shen's eyes were bloodshot, his voice torn, "Miss..."

Chu Ran shook her head, "In this world, those who can diagnose my illness at a glance do not exceed the number of fingers on both hands, and everything he said was correct!"

"The sage of National Medical Hall, Guo Huai Ren, also said that Cinnabar Elixir cannot cure my illness, only fight poison with poison, and when the effect of the elixir is useless, that will be the day of my demise."

Wei Shen bowed his head in frustration, even though he had killed half his life, when faced with Miss Chu's strange illness, he was utterly helpess.

This is the world envying Hong Yan!

Whether it's talent, courage, or beauty, within the boundaries of Great Xia, there are hardly a few comparable to Miss Chu.

Chu Ranfeng's eyebrows slightly furrowed and said, "Did you just say you can save me?"

Although she regained a bit of clarity, her body temperature continued to drop rapidly, even covering her body with a layer of white frost; the acceleration of her symptoms much faster than expected.

If another solution isn't found, not to mention a year, she might not even make it through today.

Zhou Yuan said confidently, "I can!"

Chu Ran then said, "Do you know, among all patients with the ice syndrome, I am the only one who has lived past twenty?"

Zhou Yuan knew what Chu Ran was trying to express and immediately said, "If we delay any longer, I cannot guarantee I can still cure you!"

Wei Shen's fury was still rising, "Miss, he's a swindler."

"I'm already like this, what's there to worry about?" Chu Ran shook her head, then frowned and said, "How should I cooperate with you?"

Anyway, not trusting is also death, what if Zhou Yuan really has the ability?

After all, his father is a man akin to a god!

"Let him go out!"

Zhou Yuan's answer was straightforward, he immediately stepped forward and carried Chu Ran, who had lost the ability to move, and laid her flat on the bed.


When Wei Shen saw Zhou Yuan touch Miss Chu's tender body, a sudden surge of combativeness exploded within him!

"Elder Wei, please leave!"

"Give him a chance, and give me one too!"

Chu Ran bit her lips firmly; this was the first time she had been held in the arms of another man, and the overwhelming scent of hormones involuntarily made her blush with shyness.


"If you dare to take advantage of Miss Chu, I will chop you up and feed you to the dogs!"

After Wei Shen left the harsh words, he turned and left the bedroom, even closing the door behind him.

However, his heart was in turmoil.

He could only pace back and forth outside the door in the corridor!

"Miss Chu, forgive me!"

Due to the urgency of the situation, Zhou Yuan tore the straps of Chu Ran's dress around her abdomen, exposing her smooth, jade-like skin.

Those flawless features paired with a perfect body – claiming there was no impulse was nothing but a blinding lie!

After all, he was a normal man!

Chu Ran suddenly opened her eyes, annoyed, "You..."

Could he truly be a charlatan?

She regretted it!

This man before her had taken all the advantages!

"You have no choice but to trust me!"

Zhou Yuan imbued his palm with white qi, moving it over her skin as smooth as jade and as tender as water…

The sudden warmth caused Chu Ran to furrow her brows, bite her tempting red lips, and uncontrollably twist her body.

And the intense sensation made her let out a moan, "Mmm..."

"No... don't!"