

All Bella wanted was to live a normal life with normal people but things didn't go as she planned.Working at JLMK company was her dreams always.She buried all her past behind her if that was what she thought.But things kept on getting worse.Bella Anderson a smart, intelligent young lady who thought she could start a new life but it wasn't like that. Sean Walter the hot and arrogant CEO with his good looks.Delivishly handsome but dangerous.He got it all money,Looks,Fame. Sean carried a dangerous vibe around him, Cold,Distant, Intimidating but handsome.Every girls dreams man.But he doesn't have the time for women. ...... "Is this some kind of trick again bella?" Sean asked as he began listening to every thing he just couldn't believe it. "Sean it's not what you think" Bella pleaded put in front of this situation what was she even thinking. "So have been fooled again" Sean said to him self. "It's not what you think Sean" "What am I supposed to think about right now!!!"Sean raised his voice. This story is amazing.Will bella tell Sean are story or we she hide it or will Sean tell her what's his plan.Will there both fight for their love or it will lead to a disaster find out what will happen between this two both hiding their dark secrets. Notice: guys I don't know how to write long novels.my novel are not long and not short is just normal.thanks I hope you understand.And this is my first book so please give it a try and I'll try to update the book cover. Thank you

favigold · Kỳ huyễn
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Time to go

Time flies fast,That was what Arya thought today was the day she was going to leave this place.However,She hadn't heard of Linda since their last discussion.So far so good she got some info that might help in leading them on this.She braced herself for what was yet to come.

"So the journey of two weeks in a room has come to an end"Arya said she was still recalling how she first came here.When a door slammed open.She turned her around and saw the bulky guard in front of her.

"Let's go"With a nod she walked out of the room the door closed behind her.The body guard gestured her to follow him.Then the two of them walked until they arrived outside.She could see the surroundings of the place she seemed a bit surprised that she saw houses around.

"Ok boys...You know what to do"Linda voice said.

'Oh that's Linda's voice'

"Linda..."Arya muttered.

"Ok is everything set and is she ready to go...?"Linda said as she talked to the men in black.She walked past Patricia as if she didn't existed in the first place.

"Good...You guys did a great job"Then Linda walked towards Patricia [*Aka Arya].

"Time to go"Linda said.

"Ok..."Patricia said as she walked towards the black van where the men in black where waiting for her.

"I guess this where we part ways"Linda said.

"Yeah...I guess"Patricia said.

"Well is a good thing...I guess you managed to find out something from me, While I didn't...But it's okay there was nothing I could get from you anyway"Linda said.

"Oh..."I was not quite sure of that.

"It was nice meeting you anyways..."Linda said mischievously and Arya didn't miss the gleam in her eyes.

"I guess so..."Patricia said as she started into her eyes.

"Ok...Boys take her now"Linda said to the guards.Patricia then entered the van as she took a photo of Linda without her knowing or the men in black.Linda watched as the van left until she couldn't see it anymore.


Meanwhile at JLMK the company seemed more busier by the day.The employees were getting work and more work that they started to feel worked some of the employees on different department where piled with work.It was finally break that's what most of the employees thought in their various minds.

"Ahh finally I get to take a break"A female employee said.

"Yeah I feel worked out already"Another chimed.

"If like the CEO is punishing us"A male colleague said.

"Hmm your right for these past few days the work keeps on increasing"Another colleague said.

"He's definitely killing us,Arghhh"

"Am so stressed out"Another colleague said.

The employees were voicing out their thoughts of been so worked out for weeks.Ellen was still busy with her own work that she didn't noticed that it was already break.She was to immersed in her work that she failed to notice one of her female colleagues standing opposite her,Until she tapped her.

"Hey,Wanna grab some lunch"Ellen stopped what she was doing when she heard,what one of her colleagues said.

"Hmm maybe after this..."Ellen gazed travelled to the pile of untouched papers she had to fill.

"Ah c'mon Ellen take a god damn break!"Her colleague said.

"Uhm...You see this pile of papers I have to file them all..."Ellen said.

"Ok...But please come with me to lunch... Pretty please..."Her colleague pleaded as she pouted her lips.

"Ah okay don't plaster me..."Ellen finally agreed to go for lunch.

"Great... Where do you wanna grab lunch a restaurant or a..."Her female colleagues paused as she saw Ellen raised her hand before saying.

"Let's just grab lunch here...Okay come on let's go"

They both arrived at the cafeteria it was crowded with employees who came to have their lunch.Both of them ordered their lunch and joined some of their colleagues in their department.

Ellen sat down and drank a bottle of water before she began to eat her lunch.Soon the four of them are their lunch while each of them brought up conversations to lighten the mood.

"Ellen...You know I noticed something..."Mia said.Mia was the one that called Ellen over to have lunch.

"Hmm...? what is that,mia?"Ellen asked mia who was her colleagues and her friend.

"You know I used to see you with that new colleague...Ehm you guys do bond well"Mia really didn't who the person was to Ellen.

"Oh...you mean bella?"Ellen already guessed it was bella mia was referring to.

"Oh so that's her name..."Mia asked politely.

"Yup she's really nice..."Ellen said.

"Wait you mean her name is bella...? because that's the same name with the CEO personal secretary"A guy named Blake said.He was part of their design and also their colleagues.


The other guy:"....."


'Why are you asking me Blake?'Ellen thought.

"Hey dude...how did you know that...?"The guy named Nate said.He to was curious now.

"Hehe don't give that look because the CEO personal secretary hasn't been at work over a week..."Blake said shocking mia and Nate.



Both still in shock expect Ellen she knew about it beforehand.


"Blake so you mean the CEO personal secretary has been absent lately"Mia was still have complicating thoughts.

"Yeah...but am quite curious about her tho..."Blake said.

"Hmm...?Ellen your quite do you prehasps know this beforehand...?Wait that new colleagues you are always with is she the CEO personal secretary?"Nate asked and both mia and Blake both turned their attention to Ellen who seemed suddenly so quite.Now it was Ellen turn to be shocked.


'Damnit Nate why do ask such ridiculous questions now,huh?'Ellen was panicking right now she didn't know what to say and she was receiving suspicious gaze from her fellow colleagues.


"Ellen answer us..."

"So you knew about all this...?"

So many questions coming one after another making Ellen at the verge of crying.

"Ellen why so quite...?"Mia asked she knew Ellen might know something about this.



