

All Bella wanted was to live a normal life with normal people but things didn't go as she planned.Working at JLMK company was her dreams always.She buried all her past behind her if that was what she thought.But things kept on getting worse.Bella Anderson a smart, intelligent young lady who thought she could start a new life but it wasn't like that. Sean Walter the hot and arrogant CEO with his good looks.Delivishly handsome but dangerous.He got it all money,Looks,Fame. Sean carried a dangerous vibe around him, Cold,Distant, Intimidating but handsome.Every girls dreams man.But he doesn't have the time for women. ...... "Is this some kind of trick again bella?" Sean asked as he began listening to every thing he just couldn't believe it. "Sean it's not what you think" Bella pleaded put in front of this situation what was she even thinking. "So have been fooled again" Sean said to him self. "It's not what you think Sean" "What am I supposed to think about right now!!!"Sean raised his voice. This story is amazing.Will bella tell Sean are story or we she hide it or will Sean tell her what's his plan.Will there both fight for their love or it will lead to a disaster find out what will happen between this two both hiding their dark secrets. Notice: guys I don't know how to write long novels.my novel are not long and not short is just normal.thanks I hope you understand.And this is my first book so please give it a try and I'll try to update the book cover. Thank you

favigold · Kỳ huyễn
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I'll try to know

[At Bella's house....]

Nicki was having a hard time trying to figure out how she was going to submit this files to her dad the following morning.

"Is like am going nuts!!!"Nicki was frustrated at the pile of work she has to do.

"Keep on trying don't give up..."Bella tried her best not to laugh at Nicki right now.She knew Nicki didn't like work at all especially the company's work.Nicki was still trying to learn about the company and so on.But her dad didn't know that he wanted his daughter to take over and manage the company.

Nicki loved having her own freedom she didn't like stress at all.When her dad brought up about the company decision of stepping down from the position of been the CEO.

"He really doesn't know am not up for this..."Nicki thought as she sighed and recalled the conversation she had with her dad two month ago.


At the James Mansion....

"Dad you sent for me..."Nicki said as she sat down on the chair beside her.She just came back from the studio apartments.When her dad called for her.

"Yes Nicki I called for you"Her dad said.

"Ok dad am here now...so am listening"Nicki urged her dad to talk.

"You see Nicki very soon I'll be stepping down from been the CEO very soon,and you know that..."Her dad said to her.

"Oh...Ehm but dad I know but you still have time before you step down"Nicki said.

"I know that...Nicki I need you to be ready to take over the CEO position very soon,you might see this as unimportant to you but it's not...you have to be ready to be the next CEO of Toss and Dell.


What?!!How come so soon?!!Why is it now?

Nicki really see this coming at all.She looked pale how would she handle the company.

"You don't have to be like that...You have a month to still prepare for this..."Her dad said.

"B..But dad I still...you are really scaring me."Nicki said to her father.

"You have a month to prepare yourself after that month finish you will start working at the company..."


"Ok... Lemme explain to after that one month finish you'll start working at the company but not as the CEO I still have to teach you some things that you don't know"Her dad explained.

"Dad am not really up for this..."Nicki murmured to herself but her dad heard it.

"Sure you are,you just need a little guide on this trust me... and remember we don't have time to waste"Her dad said as he considered Nicki's feelings on this.

"Ok dad...I'll try to know the tips on this whole CEO thing"Nicki said.

"Don't you wont have a hard time learning this...after all you went to school and studied this course"Her dad said.

"That's wasn't my decision...you told me to take the course because of the CEO stuff and so on"Nicki said.

"And am glad you did study for this..."Her dad said.

"I'll try to know..."Nicki said with full determination.

"That's the spirit"Her dad praised her determination on this.

***End of flashback***

"Hmm...? I can't leave like this"Nicki said and bella busted into laughter.

"Hahahaha finally your seeing the work of the company...hehe don't get me wrong very soon you'll soon like it"Bella said.

"Your not helping me out..."Nicki said as she started to sign some documents.

"I'll try to..."Bella said.

"Duh... Staying in that office is so boring"Nicki complained again.

"You'll get used to it"Bella said.

"Bah I try to...I guess"Nicki said.

"That's it girl"Bella said to Nicki determination on this.

"So your really not trying to go,to JLMK and really found if your ready fired?"Nicki felt like opening Bella's brain to see what was inside.


"Bella you and I know you have to go there for confirmation..."Nicki said with enthusiasm.

"I-I was thinking about that you know..."Bella said.

"Good.Honestly I don't like the Idea of you thinking your fired"Nicki voiced out her concern.

"Am thinking of going tomorrow to the company to find out"Bella said the past week Chris would call her and also tell the same thing on going to find out.


'She's thought about that that's awesome!'Nicki said in her mind.

"That's the right thing to do... bella I know your not fired at all"Nicki said truthfully she had this feeling bella wasn't fired at all.

"Hey don't give me high hopes...I can't tell for now but to hear it directly from the CEO himself"A gleam flashed through her eyes.

"Now your making sense...I like the fact your going there to find out yourself"Nicki said.

"Hmm yeah"Bella murmured.

"Your handsome CEO must be worried why he haven't seen you since"Nicki said dreamy.

"In your own dreams...the devil CEO doesn't worry about anyone Nicki..."Bella said.

"Hmm? I don't think so the day you where in the hospital when he hugged you...?"

"Hehe that was my dream I..."Bella paused she told Nicki the wrong thing.

"Bella what really happened the day you where in the hospital...?"Nicki said.

"I told you the wrong thing that day"Bella said truthfully.

"Tell me the full story not leaving anyone out... ok"Nicki said the same time pleading.

"Find I'll you the real truth that happened not only that day."Bella said she didn't know what happened to her but she dreamt about what happened to her in real life but in a different way and she told Nicki so.