

Chapter (80)


... without knowing that My Xu had pressed him, and My Xu gave a message to be careful not to be ambushed, catch with a trap!

After being pressed the alarm went to the security guard's office, and immediately several security guards ran towards My Xu's office. The employees who work overtime there look panicked and curious, but they are all prohibited from joining by the head of the security guard, and are told to remain calm, quiet, and continue their work, so not a single employee walks over except the security guards there.

There it seemed that Lui was very nervous and scared, My Xu realized it, then My Xu hugged her warmly so that Lui could feel calm. "I'm afraid!" Said Lui in a whisper in My Xu's ear.

"Sssttt... just shut up, calm down!" My Xu replied, who also whispered.

"Hmm .." replied Lui obediently.

My Xu was still hugging Lui while watching that person's movements.