
Chapter 169- Burial.

Kathryn's POV.

When Bas broke the news I couldn't help but feel alarmed about the fact that what I kept thinking about is coming to pass, she already felt something terrible would happen, she didn't know it would happen so soon that it disrupted the honeymoon she was having, she rolled her eyes and hit herself on the head countless time for even thinking something bad would happen, and now when it happened she couldn't believe it, the king that came to her marriage is really dead and the fact that Bas has to go back to the main town in the city immediately.

I looked at his sulky face while he packed, I stood up packing up my clothes too, he smiled when he saw me join him, I rubbed his hands softly, I knew he had something else he wanted to say to me, I just had a feeling he did, but I didn't want to force him, I felt he would tell me whatever it was when he wants to, when he was ready to, his countenance changed immediately he picked up the phone, I just knew it was more than the king dying, they were other news he was keeping from me.

"Are you okay?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah I'm good." He replied driving ahead of the car that blocked us, he still acted this way while we packed before driving.

"I hope you're alright." I said and he nodded.

"I feel like you're disturbed about something, I hope I'm wrong though."  I said and he turned to me.

"It's something but I'll talk about it when we almost reach the castle." He said and I nodded.

"Okay, talk when you're comfortable, I feel like it's about the candidacy right?" I asked and he nodded, I smiled ruffling his hair again, he returned a little smile, but he kept frowning, I nodded looking out, he would take when he was finally ready.

I felt a sharp turn that had me almost out of the seat even with the seatbelt, I felt his arm pressing me closer to the seat, I gasped turning around, looking for the car who just drove past us, it looked like it wanted to hit us purposely, I felt like Bas knew this with the way he clutched his hands and clenched his jaw together, he looked at me with worried eyes, searching my face for any injuries.

I sighed as I saw the blood trickle from his face, he winced as I applied ointment on it immediately he parked the car well, "sorry, why did that car do that though?" I asked.

"Well, that's the reason why I've been wanting to talk to you, I didn't know how to put it well." He said groaning when I poured menthol on it.

"Oh, so it was on purpose?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah it was." He replied.

"Wow, this is serious than I can imagine though, but anyways, are you ready to tell me now?" I turned to him searching his face.

He sighed, "well, I'll start with the fact that we'll be in the target from now, like what just happened that was a spellbound car, it was filled with energy sent to hit us and crash our car." He said and I gaped at him, wondering who the heck would even do that or try that, I felt like it has something to do with the candidacy, I could just feel it, but I didn't really know how to link it.

"Why would someone even do that?" I asked.

"Well, because I've been picked as a candidate to contest for the next King of Kings of vampire city since the former is late." He said and I nodded, he told me something about that ,but I didn't think we would he hurt because he was just picked as a candidate, he wasn't even the King yet, was this even part of the competition, there was a lot of things my parents sheltered I and my brother from, we didn't know lots of laws when we were smaller and since I was taken to the human world, I didn't know about the laws, I'm sure my brother found out when he grew up, when my parents finally let him in on everything that goes on in the city, even the shady things, and I'm sure he found out some on his own, discovering these stuffs about the city now, was sometimes a lot for me, I was happy when he told me he was choosen as a candidate, but I didn't even know it would be this bad, I wished he won, because I wish him everything wonderful, I won't lie but I imagined myself being a Queen and staying in the beautiful palace I sighted from the distance, designing it with Lyn to our taste, I wished I did not think about that,he is suffering because of it, he will be targeted again from the look of things, that's why he wasn't excited.

"When you told me about your candidacy, I wanted you to win, but now I'm rethinking it now I realized you're now a target." I said and he sighed.

"It's you I'm more worried about," he said cupping my face, "I would normally don't care about these things, but right now, it seems you'll be a target because of me and our family too." He said and I shook my head.

"I don't care if I'm a target, I want you safe, I really do." I said.

"I also want you safe, and even if I try to dodge, I still need to attend the test for the next coronation after the burial." He said and I nodded, this really is more complicated, but I would support him, and I hope he's also safe.

"We both want each other safe, and I think our love is strong enough to withstand this test." I said and he smiled.

"I love you." He said kissing my lips, I licked my lips, kissing him back immediately.

"I love you too." I replied and he smiled.

"Let's go, I don't think I should be late, and I want to see the shock on whoever sent that to crash our car." He said starting the car.

He told me a lot on the way home, from the fact that the burial would be quick, things happened quickly here, and also how most of the things would be, we spent the time discussing about lot of things till I saw the castle in view and I smiled.

I could see everyone dressed in black already, they were waiting for us,we took time because of the accident we got, We rushed up immediately dressing up, I wore my black Palazzo pants  and black blazers and black sneakers rushing down with black shades, everyone dressed in all black, it was a funeral we were going to afterall.

"You guys wasted time, though I understand it must be annoying to see your honeymoon being cut off immediately, I'm sure you did not expect this." Lyn said and I nodded, it is annoying, and I did expect something to happen, but not this and what happened on our way back here.

"Yeah let's go." I replied.


The funeral finished as fast as Bas said it would finish, but the drama after it finished was really surprising, even Matteo who didn't get shock easily gasped in surprise, Bas just smirked, I had a feeling he knew what would happen.

"I can't believe you managed to convince the king into sneaking you in before he died, I'm sure you even killed him." A councilman said immediately he saw Bas, Bas just smirked, Matteo gasped in shock, looking at him now, I realized he was gasping in mock shock to garner attention, he never ceases to amaze.

"Councilman Theo, you're here." Bas said unfazed by what he said.

"He's one of the candidates, I have a feeling he sent the spellbound car to you guys.", Matteo said and I realized Bas must have told him about it.

"Not a feeling, he did it." Bas said and I stilled,I couldn't believe someone would do something that way, all because of the throne.

"Yes I am, I don't know what you are here though." He barked and Bas smiled shaking his head slowly.

"Yeah, I wonder why, with what happened to me today, I've realized someone wants me dead, it would've been my funeral today, so I won't miss it for anything." Bas said and he stilled.

"Who would want you dead?" Another councilman I didn't know, they were really a lot as Bas said more than the ones I saw at the trial that day.

"I don't know, but whoever wanted me dead failed woefully." Bas replied and I saw Councilman Theo flinch.

"This is more interesting than a soap opera." Matteo said and I laughed.

"Yeah it is, they should just stay away from my brother." Lyn said.