
Chapter 114- Wedding Preparations.

Raina's POV

I was tired and drained from working nonstop all week, Bas, Matteo and Gabriel traveled too for business leaving I and Lyn here.

The week wasn't fast, it was slow long and terrible as hell, there was so much work to do and also too many demands fron satisfied customers.

The director of finance told me it wasn't their fault they demanded, it because I was talented and my work made them want more.

"It's actually my team's talent too." I pointed to my team members who smiled me,they did well, they also designed with me, making the work load which kept on increasing.

It was like everything just had to happen at the same time, the work load was exhausting, and I really missed Bas a lot, we called, but he didn't even have the chance to pick up my calls sometimes, I wondered how busy he might have been.

"Miss Raina, please we will like you to sign this." I turned to the director of Pineville arts center who came to my office.

"I would love to sign it, but I need to re read the contract." I told him, forcing a smile, I needed to check the credibility of what I was getting into before I got into it.

"Okay, how long are we waiting, you said you'll like to do the same thing last week." The director said and I nodded.

I wanted to clarify since last week, but it was a busy time, and this week has been busy, though I got clarity from the company and finance house, I needed that final one from art records, I didn't want any of my business to jeopardize EBC in any way.

I sighed as I opened the email of art records, I was definitely a newbie when it came to art and aesthetic, it also looked like Pineville was a town in love and obsessed with arts, the records were a lot, it took me more than the minutes I gave the Art Director, but it was worth it, I couldn't even finish reading them, but I stopped when I saw Pineville Arts Center, it was legit and I could do business with him, I also checked my art records since I was new artist name around here, I realized how effective I had been lately, but I still had a long way to go.

I signed the papers immediately, handing it over to the Art Director who sighed as he shook his head.

"You were wasting your time Miss Raina." He said irritaitingly and I smiled.

"Well," I raised my hands up shrugging non chalantlly, "business is business, and one thing about business, is you have to confirm how legit it'll be." I said and he laughed.

I smiled knowing that I had just completed a deal that wilk bring profit and also make me known around town, I frowned immediately after I reminded myself that I had things to do, it was going to be another stressful day at work.

I sighed as my phone rang, at least it wasn't the office line ringing, but it made me a little annoyed that it could be business again, I now had my business phone and personal phone and right now, my personal phone was ringing.

I smiled when I checked the caller ID it was Lyn calling, "hello there princess." I said with a smile, I could hear her chuckle from the background, and also voices mostly women's voices and some shuffling, it sounded like she wasn't in the office, she may have had business outside.

"Hello there princess." Lyn drawled and I chuckled, we all had one way of making each other laugh somehow.

"I called to check up on you, work has really been hectic these days." Lyn said and I hummed thoughtfully, I was happy she wanted to check up on me, she did this twice every single day, she was that bestie I never thought I would have and with a vampire at that, which I was going to be soon.

"Thanks for checking up on me, maybe we could get lunch now, I'm a little free weirdly." I said checking my activities record, I didn't have anything doing anymore, my work has finished for the day, and I could go home if I wanted to.

"Don't tell you've forgotten." Lyn said and I racked my brain trying to remember what it was she talked about.

"I'm sorry forgotten what?" I asked her when I got tired of racking my brain.

"Oh gosh, you did," she exclaimed, "it's understandable, I mean you've been busy, but I'm happy that I was made in charge, or you would forget your D-day." Lyn said, but I was still in confusion, I couldn't even remember what it was she was hinting at.

"Oh silly, your wedding is coming up and we have not fitted any gowns, I'm your planner and I control every arrangement remember," she said and it dawned on me that we both agreed on shopping for gowns today.

"I'm so Sorry, I forgot." I said feeling guilty, I didn't even remember till she talked about it, the past week and days have been really hectic and stressful.

"I can't believe I forgot." I said with as nervous laugh.

"Oh it's okay, I can believe it, it happens and that's why I'm here." She said and I smiled I was actually Happy she was the planner, it was going to make everything run smoothly.

"Okay dear, so where are we shopping?" I asked estactically, I was happy when I got reminded of the wedding preparations, I suddenly thought of Bas and wondered if he saw my missed calls and how was things where he was.

"I'm already here, so come over, I'll text you the address." She said and I laughed,it wasn't surprising that she was planning ahead, now I understood why I heard the women's voices where she was. I smiled when I saw the message.

"I'll be there soon." I said ending the call, picked up my phone and bag and left for the wedding dress shop.

I was practically smiling like someone who had a teeth or toothpaste advertisement, because I knew it was going to be fun, with Lyn around the shopping would be a blast, Lyn wouldn't just shop, she would make sure you had the best time, like when she did during my opening.

I smiled as I reached the shop in no time, it was close to the office, I saw Lyn standing outside with two cups of milkshake, I collected it and we giggled like elementary school kids while we went inside.

"Welcome Miss Raina." An ecstatic looking lady walked up to me when I came in, I nodded slightly and she smiled, she was very pretty with natural straight blonde hair, her lips were small and pouty, she wore a peach flowered dress with a sea green designer boots, she definitely fit the part of the looking like what you do, and this shop didn't just sell and rent wedding dresses, they had other parts too, like party dresses, formal dresses, designers, suits and lots of other attires.

"You're the bride of the year." She said with a smile and I blinked in surprise, I didn't even know why I was called the bride of the year.

"I'm the bride of the year?" I asked still surprised.

"Yes, everyone is looking forward to your wedding, that's why I will like it if we made it a hit." She said with a smile.

"Oh, and your name is?" I asked and she gasped.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't introduce myself, I was happy to see you." She said and I laughed.

"I'm Jacintha and it's an honour to meet you." She said and I nodded smugly, if I stayed in this shop one more time, I would be so smug that everyone might be shocked.

"You're making me feel like a celebrity " I told her with a smile, while joining Lyn at the bench she sat on.

"Oh, but you are a celebrity." She said stressing every part.

"Let me show you what we have," she pointed to the room that was closed and I raised my brows.

"I'm giving preferential treatment." She said and I smiled we went into the room and I was so wowed by my site, my mouth was wide agape.

The gowns in here, both the designers, the party dresses and the wedding dresses were like the wear only edition, I couldn't believe it, I was even scared I won't have a choice soon.

I got startled when my phone rang and I prayed it wasn't any work related call, I was happy to be free, I smiled when I saw the caller ID, it was Bas.

"Hey you, so you've finally decided to call me." I said and he laughed.

"I'm sorry baby, was too busy, would like to pick you up to the castle, it's important." He said and I nodded.

"Let's round up." I said to Lyn and she nodded, we started thinking of a gown to choose and the reception gowns too.