

Suddenly got arranged with him.. a cold CEO with a stubborn attitude, a heartless man who thinks he can never be in love.. but will y/n will able to win his heart? will this stone man will fall for her?? to get to know please read it :)

ivy_pjm · Người nổi tiếng
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4 Chs


*i was getting ready while my hair stylist was making my hair i was wearing a white wedding dress and makeup artist was doing my makeup and then jimin came*

"are you going to be a late comer at your own wedding?" *he said coldly, he was wearing a black wedding suit the way his hands were in his pant's pockets was attractive not gonna lie*

"Do you think its easy for me to sit here for past 3 hours?" *i said while maintaining my cool and rolling my eyes*

*jimin pov*

"Don't try to look pretty because you are not attractive for me" *i said while looking away coldly*

*am i being to harsh? she looks fine.. but why should i compliment her I don't care right?*

"as expected from you, and you look trash too" *she scoffs and continue to into makeup mirror*

*i move forward and grab her hand mot too gently as I don't wanna be a soft husband and give her wrong idea*

"Get up..we are getting late" *i said in stern tone and look at her with cold eyes*

"are you out of your mind? " *she said in shock*

*without wasting anymore time i pull her towards me*

"Is it too difficult to understand that we are getting late?" *i raise my eyebrow*

y/n pov:

*my heartbeat suddly rised up when he pulled me i look at him with wide eyes and stayed silent*

"yes.. lets go" *i said while controlling my blush and walk with him*

*we both walk to our seats while guests were clapping for me i was still thinking about the way he pulled me , after we take our seats guest starts greeting us*

"Don't expect too much from me" *he whispered and keep looking straight like a robot*

*is he a failed experiment of programming?" *i thought in my mind*

"I don't expect anything but rude behavior from you " *i whispered back with a cold look on my face*

*he looked at me with corner of his eyes and sigh in annoyance, and then priest came and we both stood to get ready for taking oath*

"Mr. jimin do you accept Mrs.y/n as your lawful wife and promise to stay by her side?" *priest said while holding the documents*

*jimin took a while to answer and then he answer with a sigh*

"yes i do" *he sighed*

*what a actor* *scoffs in mind*

"Mrs. y/n do you accept Mr. jimin as your lawful husband and promise to stay by his side?" *priest asked me with a smile*

*i have never hated someone with a smile on there faces but you.. priest you are the main character in my ruined life because you are about to ruin me by asking that*

"yes i do" *i said with a forced smile on my face*

*fuck.. that's it!* *i said in my mind*

"you may now kiss each other" *the priest said with a same killer smile on his face*

fuck that was it! *i close my eyes and face palm myself in my mind*

*and then i feel warm hands around my waist and a soft feeling on my lips when i open my eyes i saw jimin kissing me with his eyes closed*

jimin pov:

"you may now kiss each other" *the priest said and i could see the frustration on y/n face without making anything more awkward i kiss her*

*it was a kiss.. i kissed her its not like that i mean it.. i like it? but she got a soft lips that makes me to not just give her a peck but to kiss her.. i was a fool but I can't think straight that time*

*i break the kiss and look at her coldly to not show her how much effected i was by her sweet virus*

*we both look at each other and then i could see a blush on her face and the way she was looking away*