
Chapter 54 Hospital Discharge

Aunt Shannon turned around to smile at Nicole. When she turned back to look at Darwin, her face darkened again.

Obviously, she was angry with Darwin.

It was the first time that Darwin had seen Aunt Shannon get angry with him. He was taken aback a bit.

"Mr. Hayden, as a servant, I shouldn't say it, but I really can't hold it in anymore." Aunt Shannon put her hands on her hips.

Darwin pursed his lips. "What are you trying to say?"

"Mrs. Hayden is your wife, isn't she?" Aunt Shannon asked.

Darwin glanced at Nicole and asked, "So?"

Nicole raised her eyebrows.

Was that a yes or a no?

"She is your lawfully wedded wife, but have you ever treated her as such?" Aunt Shannon pointed at Nicole.

Darwin's face darkened. "When haven't I treated her as my wife?"

"Good question." Aunt Shannon patted her chest. "Mr. Hayden, in your heart of hearts, have you ever considered her your wife? Why did you leave your sick wife in the hospital and go to take care of some other woman?"