
Chapter 34 I’m His Wife

The woman on the other end of the line didn't get a reply from Nicole so she asked again, "Hello, who are you? I'll hang up if you don't tell me."

"Wait, don't hang up!" Nicole stopped her hurriedly.

The woman stayed on the line. "Then tell me who you are."

"I'll tell you." Nicole took a deep breath and calmed down. "I'm Darwin's wife. May I know who you are?"

"Darwin's wife?" The woman's voice became sharp again. "You are telling me you are Darwin's wife?"


The woman sneered, "Hey lady, I don't know who you are, but you are not Darwin's wife because he is not married. Why don't you call back when you come up with a better lie?"

Nicole was dumbstruck by her words and felt a little stifled.

She was Darwin's lawfully wedded wife, but everyone thought that he was single. She really had failed as a wife.

Also, who was this woman?

Why could she access Darwin's phone so late at night? Plus, she seemed close to Darwin, obviously, they were not just friends.