
Chapter 25 Why Didn’t You Fight Back?

Nicole spent nearly two thousand dollars on this red long-sleeved midi dress.

Although it was far less luxurious than gowns, it was a pretty good dress too. Nicole didn't see anything wrong with it.

"Why are you wearing this dress?" Julia, the leader of the secretaries curled her lips and said with disdain, "It might be okay for any other employee, but as Mr. Hayden's secretary, you represent the company image. For you to wear this dress to the welcoming party is not just a disgrace for the secretary department, but also for Mr. Hayden and the company. Do you know that?"

"Disgrace?" Nicole pursed her lips. "I don't think it's a disgrace, but look at you guys..."

Nicole's eyes fell on the cleavages they were showing, and she was taken aback.

Their dresses were each more revealing than the last.

"Nicole Francis, what are you looking at?" Julia covered her chest and glared at Nicole with annoyance.