
My Caregiver

## My Caregiver: A BTS Tale of Transgression, Fire, and Hope Dr. Kim Taehyung, a respected transgender physician in bustling Seoul, navigates the demanding world of medicine with unwavering grace. Yet, his true test arrives not in a hospital ward but within the walls of his own apartment. A sudden, ferocious fire engulfs the building, threatening to consume Taehyung and his most precious possession – his daughter, Haerin. Just as hope dwindles, a figure emerges from the smoke-filled hallway: Jeon Jungkook, a fearless firefighter with a heart as warm as the flames he battles. Jungkook risks everything to save Taehyung and Haerin, forging an instant connection in the aftermath. While their attraction simmers, a more sinister threat looms over Seoul. A contagious disease, marked by a persistent cough and a horrifying demise, grips the city in its icy grip. Patients flock to Taehyung's hospital, their desperation mirrored in his own growing concern. As the disease spreads with terrifying alacrity, Hyosan, the district where Taehyung and Jungkook reside, is quarantined. The once vibrant city becomes a ghost town, patrolled by soldiers with itchy trigger fingers and hearts even colder. Families are torn apart, screams echoing through deserted streets as the military separates the healthy from the infected. Amidst this chaos, tragedy strikes. Haerin, the innocent victim of a cruel twist of fate, catches the illness. Ripped away from Jungkook, she is whisked into a sterile, isolating facility where hope seems as scarce as medicine. Witnessing this, Jungkook feels a white-hot rage at the military's brutality. Yet, his anger fuels his determination to reunite with Haerin and stand by Taehyung's side. Back in the hospital, Taehyung channels his despair into a relentless pursuit of a cure. Days turn into sleepless nights, research papers blurring into desperate pleas for more resources. The weight of Hyosan's survival rests heavily on his shoulders. The pressure doubles as the news of neighboring countries' horrifying solution reaches him – complete eradication of Hyosan, a fiery holocaust meant to cleanse the infection. Hope flickers anew when a breakthrough arrives! Taehyung, fueled by his love for Haerin and Jungkook, discovers a potential antidote. But his work is far from over. The challenge now lies in mass production and distribution, a task that seems impossible amidst the tightening military grip. Jungkook, unable to bear the thought of losing Haerin and living without Taehyung, hatches a daring plan. He embarks on a perilous mission – to infiltrate the isolation facility, reunite with Haerin, and help Taehyung distribute the antidote. Theirs is a desperate gamble for a chance at a future, a fight against the disease and the ruthless regime that seeks to erase Hyosan. **The climax is a heart-stopping race against time.** Will Jungkook reach Haerin before the disease takes hold? Can Taehyung ensure the antidote reaches the infected masses before the military enacts their macabre solution? Will love and resilience find a way to heal a city and two hearts yearning for connection? **The story's epilogue offers a glimmer of hope.** Hyosan rebuilds, scarred but resolute. Taehyung and Jungkook, their bond forged through fire and adversity, stand together as a family, their love a testament to the enduring human spirit that triumphs over fear and despair. Haerin, back in their arms, embodies the promise of a future where acceptance and compassion hold sway.

jojopeach7 · Người nổi tiếng
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

A cold, misty dawn draped Hyosan in a shroud of secrecy. Sergeant Kim Namjoon, his breath misting in the frigid air, squinted at the scene before him. A dented oil tanker, its rusted hulk tilted precariously at the edge of a deserted highway, was the centerpiece of an unfolding nightmare.

Namjoon, a seasoned officer with a nose for trouble, knew this wasn't a routine accident. The stench of diesel fuel hung heavy in the air, mingling with a more unsettling cloying sweetness – the unmistakable odor of decay.

He barked orders, his voice echoing in the stillness. Medics in hazmat suits swarmed around the tanker, their movements crisp and efficient. Namjoon, with a grimace, pulled on his own protective gear. The sight that greeted him behind the crumpled doors chilled him to the bone.

Dozens of bodies, crammed together like discarded cargo, lay sprawled across the makeshift hold. Some were skeletal, their flesh long devoured by time and scavengers. Others, however, were disturbingly fresh - contorted faces frozen in silent screams, eyes wide with a terror none could decipher.

And then there were the living. A handful of emaciated figures huddled together, wracked by a violent, hacking cough that echoed through the steel chamber. Their eyes, dull and glazed, held a flicker of fear that mirrored Namjoon's own growing unease.

One figure, a young woman with wild, tangled hair, stumbled towards him, her limbs shaking uncontrollably. A wet, guttural cough tore from her throat, spattering onto his visor. Panic clawed at Namjoon's throat. This wasn't a scene he'd ever encountered before.

Suddenly, a sickening realization dawned on him. Scattered amongst the dead, their bodies intertwined in an unholy embrace, were men – clearly immigrants smuggled from neighboring China. Their faces bore a grotesque leer, a testament to a final, perverse act committed even on the cusp of death.

A cold dread settled in Namjoon's gut. Had these men, desperate and depraved, unknowingly become the bridge between life and a horrific new reality? Had they, in their final moments, unleashed a silent plague upon this unsuspecting city?

As the frantic shouts of medics filled the air and the coughing figures were carefully extracted, Namjoon knew this was just the beginning. This wasn't a simple accident or a smuggling operation gone wrong. This was the start of something far more sinister, a silent enemy with the potential to consume them all. A shiver ran down his spine, a chilling premonition whispering in his ear – Hyosan was about to become ground zero for a nightmare beyond imagination.


The sterile white walls of Hyosan General Hospital buzzed with a frenetic energy. The usual rhythm of routine check-ups and scheduled surgeries had been replaced by a frantic scramble. Medics rushed by, their white coats billowing behind them, their faces etched with concern. At the heart of the storm stood Dr. Kim Taehyung, a frown creasing his brow as he examined the latest patient – a young woman with sunken eyes and a cough that seemed to rattle her entire body.

Taehyung, a respected transgender physician known for his calm demeanor, couldn't shake off the unease that gnawed at him. These weren't your typical flu symptoms. The hacking cough, the rapid weight loss, the vacant stare – it all pointed toward something more sinister, something entirely unknown.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and a figure clad in a police captain's uniform rushed in. It was Kim Namjoon, Taehyung's best friend and husband to Dr. Kim Seokjin, the hospital's head chef. But Namjoon's normally composed face was pale, his eyes filled with a chilling worry.

"Taehyung," he gasped, his voice rough with urgency. "We need to talk."

Before Taehyung could respond, Seokjin materialized beside Namjoon, his usual playful demeanor replaced by a professional seriousness. A quick peck landed on Namjoon's cheek, a silent reassurance and a testament to their strong bond. "Baby," Seokjin said, his voice laced with concern, "what's going on?"

The term "baby" held a special meaning for them. It was a secret endearment shared only between them, a reminder of the love that transcended societal norms.

"It's bad," Namjoon admitted, his voice strained. "The tanker accident… those who survived…" He trailed off, unable to articulate the horror he'd witnessed.

Just then, the door opened again, and two more figures entered – Dr. Min Yoongi, the hospital's stern but brilliant head doctor, and his husband Dr. Min Jimin, a renowned gynecologist with a disarming smile that could put even the most nervous patient at ease.

Yoongi, his gaze sharp and assessing, moved towards the patients. Jimin, ever the empath, offered a reassuring smile to the frightened young woman despite the worry he felt himself.

"Alright, everyone," Yoongi declared, his voice firm yet calming. "Let's get a handle on the situation."

He turned to Seokjin. "Seokjin-ah, how many survivors do we have?"

Seokjin, ever the efficient organizer, pulled out a clipboard. "Five in total," he said, his brow furrowed in concern. "Three men, two women. All displaying similar symptoms – rapid weight loss, fever, and that horrific cough."

"Any travel history?" Taehyung inquired, stepping forward.

Namjoon shook his head. "That's the confusing part. Nobody seems to recognize them. They're all Chinese nationals, but there are no records of them entering the country legally."

A tense silence descended upon the room. The implications were chilling. Illegal immigrants, a hidden disease, an unknown origin – it was a recipe for disaster.

"We need to run a battery of tests," Yoongi stated, his voice leaving no room for argument. "Blood work, X-rays, everything we can muster. We need to understand what we're dealing with here."

"And what about quarantine?" Jimin asked, his voice a quiet tremor in the charged atmosphere. "If this is contagious…"

The unspoken question hung heavy in the air. Quarantine meant fear, panic, and the potential for social unrest. But if this disease was as contagious as they feared, it might be their only option.

Namjoon, as the captain of the police force, knew the weight of that decision. "Taehyung," he said, his voice low, "as a doctor, what do you think?"

Taehyung met Namjoon's gaze, a deep well of worry reflecting in his own eyes. "We can't risk an outbreak," he said, his voice heavy with regret. "Until we understand this disease, quarantine might be our best shot at containing it."

Yoongi nodded grimly. "Agreed. We need to buy ourselves some time. Seokjin, prepare isolation units. Jimin, you might be needed to assess some of the female patients. And Taehyung," he continued, turning to his colleague, "you and I, we'll delve into the medical side of this. We need answers, and we need them fast."

The air crackled with nervous energy as the doctors and their significant others sprung into action. The weight of the unknown hung heavy upon them, but they knew they had to act swiftly and decisively. The fate of Hyosan, and perhaps the world, might just depend on it.

The sterile confines of the hospital research lab buzzed with a frenetic energy that mirrored the storm brewing outside. Taehyung, his eyes strained from hours spent poring over medical journals, slammed a book shut with a frustrated sigh. "There's nothing," he muttered, the exhaustion evident in his voice. "No known disease matches these symptoms."

Yoongi, his brow furrowed in concentration, leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers. "There has to be something," he said, his voice gruff but laced with concern. "The human body doesn't just… invent new illnesses out of thin air."

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of the unknown pressing down on them. Around them, the hospital hummed with activity: Seokjin marshalling nurses and staff to prepare the isolation units, Jimin offering support and comfort to the terrified patients. But for Taehyung and Yoongi, the true battle was being waged within the confines of their minds.

Suddenly, a sharp knock on the door startled them. It was Namjoon, his face grimmer than they'd ever seen it. "Taehyung," he said, his voice urgent, "there's something you need to see."

He pulled out his phone, his face illuminated by the screen. A video played, a grainy recording from one of his officers at the accident site. It showed the men who were found dead with the survivors, their faces contorted in a grotesque rictus. But most disturbingly, their eyes – their normally dark eyes – glowed with an unnatural, sickly green.

Taehyung and Yoongi exchanged a horrified glance. This was beyond anything they'd encountered before. This wasn't just a disease; it was something… more. Something sinister.

"I've contacted the President," Namjoon continued, his voice low. "He's mobilizing a team of specialists from Seoul. But they won't be here for hours. We need to figure something out in the meantime."

A heavy silence descended upon the room again, broken only by the rasping coughs echoing from the isolation units down the hall. The clock seemed to tick slower, each second amplifying the terror gnawing at their hearts.

"Yoongi," Taehyung finally said, his voice trembling slightly, "there's something I haven't told you… about the patients."

Yoongi's gaze snapped towards him, a flicker of urgency in his dark eyes. "What is it, Taehyung?"

Taehyung swallowed, his throat dry. "When I examined them… I noticed… a strange marking on their shoulders."

He pulled out a tablet from his bag, displaying a magnified image of the young woman's shoulder. A symbol, intricate and unsettling, was etched onto her skin, a dark stain against her pale skin.

"It's… a symbol," Taehyung whispered, a shiver running down his spine. "I've never seen anything like it before."

Yoongi's eyes narrowed as he studied the image on the screen. "This… this is bad," he muttered, his voice laced with a newfound fear. "This is way bigger than we thought. This might not just be a disease… this might be something… planned."

The implications hung heavy in the air, a chilling realization settling over them. This wasn't just a random outbreak; it was a deliberate act of malice. But who was behind it? And what was their ultimate goal?

Just then, a panicked voice crackled through the intercom system. "Dr. Min! Dr. Kim! We have an emergency! One of the patients… his vitals are crashing!"

A wave of dread washed over Taehyung and Yoongi. The fight against the unknown had just begun, and the stakes had never been higher. As they rushed towards the isolation unit, a single, terrifying question echoed in their minds: would they be able to stop this disease before it consumed everything they held dear?


Meanwhile, outside the hospital walls, a shadowy figure cloaked in darkness watched the scene unfold from a rooftop across the street. A faint smirk played on their lips as they spoke into a hidden microphone, their voice dripping with a chilling anticipation.

"They're closer than they think," the figure hissed. "But fear not… Phase one of the plan is going according to schedule."