
My Brother's Love

Max's lover for his sister went from normal to abnormal and it was way out of his control. Read this and ses how far a brother's love can go

Chynuella22 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter Two - Role

Max sat down for a moment trying to bring himself back to reality, he got up and made his way into the bathroom, showered quickly, dried himself up and landed on the bed ready to take a nap.

Max! Max!! come down, food is ready, said Mrs Sarah while arranging the foods on the dinning. Talia ran to the kitchen to get the juices and glasses. Mr Gilbert was already seated, careful with that Talia, warned Mrs Sarah, having seen Talia trying to carry the juices and the glasses at once. Max came down grabbed a seat and without any delay feasted on his meal.

Young Man, since when did you develop this high level of hunger that you no longer wait for all of us to Bless God for our daily bread? asked Mr Gilbert. Oh! am sorry dad, just that i have been starving, you know i left for gym early and i ate nothing and you know how it is at the gym, max said with a mouth full with spaghetti. Talia laughed at the very sight of it, oh Max!

You little rat stop mocking him, Mrs sarah cautioned Talia. Max honey you should have told me, well am sorry it skipped my mind that you haven't had anything, our fasting ended today that's why we are eating by this time, Mrs sarah apologized. Max smiled at his mom, as Mr Gilbert said a short prayer and they started to eat their meal.

Dad that's something i want to talk to you about, Talia said, breaking the silence that seem to be there forever. Go ahead darling, what would you like to talk about asked from Mr Gilbert, Talia hesitated for a bit thinking of the right words to use. Ehmm dad there's this fashion show i want to audition for, she managed to spit the words out. A fashion show? Mrs Sarah asked looking amused. Not like a fashion show but it's similar to that, talia saud, what's this fashion show all about my dear?, Mr Gilbert added looking at Talia.

Thank you dad, ehm it's a show were we get to promote average people's product like shoes, clothes, night wears ecetara Talia said confidently demonstrating to her parents and elder brother.

So what do you have to do and who are these average people? Max asked trying to be part of the conversation. Thank you for that, she said winking at her brother, it was as if she was waiting for that question. The average people are the actual owners of those clothes and shoes that wants to use this RIDA FASHION SHOW means to advertise their products, they pay Mr Florida for that and we act as models, we dress on those outfits and we get snaps and the cloths get advertised. And you never can tell, i just might get lucky and get connections to the real modelling world, Talia explained

Mr Gilbert smiled and told her It's a good thing that she's working towards her dreams but he still don't know who this Mr Florida is and how legit this RIDA FASHION SHOW is, why is it just for girls?. Dad, Mr Florida is the owner of the Rida fashion show and it's not just for girls, we have guys as well but mostly girls come on dad please, just this ones, i promise it's safe and it's government approved, Talia pleaded.

What's your prove it's government approved? Look Talia, don't get carried away by your love for modelling, you don't get carried away and get into trouble, Max warned her but Talia gave him a hard look and continued to plead with her dad, who was paying little to no attention to what she was saying.