

Izuku's always felt like the odd one out. It started long before there was something specific about himself that he could blame for not fitting in. That said, Izuku was never at a loss for other people to ever-so-helpfully give him reasons why he's a weirdo and why everyone, save Kacchan, avoided him. Name it and people have bullied him for it. His freckles. His thrifted clothes. His stutter. The fact that the top of his head looked more like a rat's nest than hair. And, of course, the fact that he grew up in a one-parent household, never having known his dad.

That one probably hurt the most. Izuku never cared what people said about him, but that one was at his mom's expense. And Inko Midoriya is, sincerely, a saint. She works her butt off every day as a social worker, helping kids get adopted, helping those with special needs get resources, helping people out of dangerous family situations. She's a real life hero, and people dissing her makes Izuku see red. Izuku got in more than his fair share of fights and came home with more than one busted lip and black eye when kids would call his mom a whore. It made him even more furious as his mom cried and doted on him, because the bullies won either way. But he never regretted throwing those punches, didn't regret the detentions or the suspensions. He's do it over and over again, because he loves her. Simple as that.

The last thing Izuku ever wanted was to make his mom's life harder. So when he started to question his sexuality, the absolute last person he wanted to go to with questions or confessions was his anxiety-laden, tearful, tiny angel of a mother. Instead, he did what any teenager did in the 21st century. He traumatized his developing brain with the wonders of the internet! And if he accidentally got a virus or two on his computer in the beginning, well… It sure helped him develop his technical skills. He learned to code and how to wipe a hard-drive and how to re-build a computer when you accidentally break it by panicking when your mom knocks on your door mid-jerk off.

To his gratitude, Izuku has made it into his early 20s without ever having to have the sex talk with his mom.

Or so he thought.

Inko Midoriya's entire face is bright red, eyebrows set in angry lines that make the tiny chubby woman look like a Muppet, steam practically coming out of her ears. She's holding the empty condom wrapper in front of Izuku by the very tips of her fingers, as if it was laden with diseases. For all she knows, it is.

Izuku subconsciously scoots away from Katsuki sitting on the couch next to him. His step-brother/fuck-buddy/boyfriend has his arms crossed, slouching, self-confident smirk on his face. He looks way too relaxed. You know, considering that their entire WORLD IS FALLING APART.

Izuku darts his eyes to Masaru Bakugou, standing next to his mother, looking profoundly uncomfortable. If Izuku had money to bet on it, he'd guess that Kacchan also never got the sex talk. Since, it seems, Masaru Bakugou doesn't want to get murdered.

Well, getting murdered sounds pretty darn good right about now. Izuku's mind is racing, trying to come up with some kind of plausible lie, explanation, excuse, SOMETHING. Something that isn't telling his mother that he's having sex with his step-brother. Oh my god. Oh my god Jesus Christ almighty please if there is a god, strike Izuku down in this exact second, oh please oh please oh please -

"I found this while cleaning your room, you two! Would you care to explain?!" Inko Midoriya's voice is shaky, yet somehow furious. Izuku can honestly say he's never heard her sound like that before, and he opens and closes his mouth several times. He doesn't remember the last time he got scolded by his mom, but he sure feels like he's five years old again and got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Except for hand, its penis, and instead of cookie jar, its his step-brother's asshole. Fuck.

This is it. They know. They know that him and Kacchan are having sex with each other. They know and they're going to send Izuku to military school (impossible, as he is 21) and kick Katsuki and him out (again, impossible, since neither one of them actually live there anymore) and disown them and call the police to arrest them for incestuous acts!!! (Which, again, they aren't.) The logical voice in the back of Izuku's brain is screaming at him, disputing every insane thought flitting through his mind, but Izuku's adrenaline is through the roof and he can't hear it over the blood that's pounding in his own ears.

"Now I know that this is yours, Izuku! I've been letting you spend time with Ochaco in that room with the door closed because I thought you'd be more responsible! But Katsuki, dear, you need to hear this too!" Izuku flinches. Despite that, relief floods through his body and he feels his shoulders relax.

Right. His mom thinks that he's having sex with his ex-girlfriend. Which, er, he had been. Before they broke up. Because he's now having sex with his step-brother-slash-roommate.

"M-m-mom…." Izuku starts, brain and mouth seeming to have re-established their relationship with the immediate threat of inexplicably imploding their entire family seeming to have vanished.

"Hm, kinda fucking up you don't think I get any pussy, mom." Katsuki's inflexion makes Izuku wince. Izuku, panicked, glances back at his mother.

Oh, Jesus. The tiny woman is actually shaking like one of those grade-school science fair volcanoes. Why does stupid Kacchan always have to open his big mouth and make everything worse?!

"Katsuki!" Masaru says in a stern, but insincere, tone. Inko just ignores him, continuing on with her speech as if she's practiced it. If Izuku knows his mom, she actually probably did.

"Now we know you two are adults, and are independent, and we won't tell you to wait until marriage…" Katsuki snorts again at that, and Izuku half-hopes his glare will actually burn through his betraying-boyfriend's head.

"But we want to support you and make sure the two of you are safe and healthy. So, we, uh…"

Masaru rubs the spiky hairs on the back of his neck and chortles, getting an elbow to his side from a barely-calming down Inko, knowing whats coming next. Now that doesn't bode well, Izuku figures.

"… We made the two of you a doctor's appointment. For physicals. And STD testing."

Izuku's mouth drops. What? Wow.

"Holy shit that's like…. A huge invasion of privacy. Fucking pass." Katsuki states with finality, and starts to stand up off the couch.

"You don't have to! Its…! I just worry about you two! Izuku, I know I wasn't around as much as I could have been as you were growing up, and… and… we never talked about safe sex or intimate partner violence, and you know I see so many of these complex situations at work, and kids that go through foster systems and don't have enough support at home and I want you to know that we're there to support you and help you make good choices!" Inko's starting to rant, her voice getting quitter and quieter. Izuku's heart drops and he starts to fidget. Well, now he's starting to feel guilty. He knows he's gonna go along with it even before his mom stops talking. Now, Kacchan? That probably won't fly.

"Mom, I'm not gonna impregnate someone and give up a kid for adoption," Izuku says with 100% certainty, rubbing his face in annoyance.

"I don't know, Mrs. Midoriya. I think Deku would be a very doting father." Katsuki sniggers. Izuku glares at his step-brother, fingers itching to strangle the other man in the least sexy way possible.

"If you two do this, I promise to never ever ask about either one of your sex lives again! Or go into your room uninvited!" Inko calls after Katsuki, and he stops in his tracks.

Now, in all fairness, his mom shouldn't have been in their room in the first place, but… It sure would make having sex a little bit less stressful. And maybe they can actually start sleeping in the same bed. The deal is sounding better and better to Izuku already, and he meets Katsuki's eyes. He doesn't know if his brother-boyfriend had the same thought, but Katsuki relents.

"Fine. We'll go," the bristling blonde finally grits out, and Inko Midoriya claps her hands together in joy.

So they pile up in Masaru's car and drive.

Silence or just listening to music would have been too much to ask for, of course. The duration of the car ride, Inko Midoriya would not stop lecturing. Throwing statistics around, describing the different forms of protection, going into way too much detail about the way sexually transmitted diseases can present. Izuku could have gone his entire life without hearing the words 'pus in the urethral meatus' from his mother.

It doesn't help that his ridiculous, shameless step brother is sitting, spread eagle in the backseat of the car, his foot on Izuku's side, literally rubbing against his calf in smooth arcs during this entire lecture, turning the car ride in the most fucked up confusing sexual conglomerate that he's experienced yet.

Their parents drop them off in front of a nondescript office building. The second they get out of the car, Katsuki bends over and starts laughing so hard that Izuku's annoyance turns into concern pretty quickly, especially when the blonde starts to wheeze. He's horrible. His boyfriend is an ass.

The two of them check in with the clerk and make their way to the 90s style chairs scattered around the waiting room. Luckily, its just the two of them and some super-outdated gossip magazines in this fluorescently-lit room. Well.

Izuku fidgets. If they're doing this sexual health thing, they need to talk about it. He just hates that he has to bring it up.

"… Well, uh… so… maybe we should talk about it?"

"Talk about what? That you wasted half my fucking day because you're a slob? Jesus, Deku. Throw your fucking condom wrappers away."

"This wasn't an issue before because we never had sex with condoms!!!" Izuku snaps back, surprised with how accusatory he sounds. He knows what lies behind those words, the implications he's throwing at Katsuki, and immediately feels guilty. Katsuki may be an ass, but Izuku is one too. Urgh.

"Yeah, well." Katsuki grumbles. He stares down at the ground, breathing out through his nose like he's a bull and Izuku's the hapless matador, eyebrows furrowed. Izuku can't help the spike in his heart rate. He doesn't want to know, but he also can't get it out of his stupid head. It doesn't matter. It shouldn't matter. But it does.

Since when is he this jealous and possessive? He's never acted like this with any of his girlfriends. And yet, with Kacchan, his insecurity shoots right through the stratosphere.

Doesn't help that Kacchan's affection is somehow locked behind a chastity belt and only comes out when they're fucking. And the key to said chastity belt appears to be, uh, keeping Izuku a secret from everybody.

"Fine, you fuck. You were obviously my first. And then I've had sex with probably 25 give or take more people since starting college. Always top. Always with a condom. And I get tested every three months. Okay? I'm not a fucking idiot."

Izuku's heart races. Wow. That's uh… that's a lot. He doesn't know what to say, so he doesn't say anything. Izuku knows, knows in his heart of heart it isn't true – but the first thought that comes to his mind is that he's just one of them. Not special to Kacchan in any way. A temporary fix to a temporary problem. And he's just as pathetic – because he knows Kacchan will never love him, but he'll keep coming back to him anyway.

No. No! Kacchan is his boyfriend. They agreed to be a couple.

Izuku pauses. Wait. Did they?

Oh my Jesus H. goddamn Christ, Kacchan never said that he agreed to be Izuku's boyfriend.

Izuku suddenly feels too hot and too dry, his saliva and tears somehow evaporating off him.

"Well?" Katsuki asks, irritable.

Izuku shakes his head, coming back to himself. Right. They're doing this. He can have a crisis about being nothing more than a sex buddy to the dude he's in love with. And, yeah, when he confessed his feelings, Kacchan just said, "Don't wanna send my dad to an early grave" and Izuku left it at that. What kind of an answer is that?!

"Um." Izuku clears his throat and smacks his lips, everything feeling gritty and sandy in his mouth. "You were… my first. Then three girls during college, Ochaco the longest, er, for six months. And, uh, I guess I've given oral sex to a few guys early on, but never had penetrative sex with any of them. I got checked before starting to date Ochaco. I also always used condoms."

"Huh." Katsuki says.

"Yeah." Izuku replies.

Its awkward. The energy between them is tense, and Izuku's fairly sure it's for different reasons. Kacchan's hung up on Izuku dating girls. He's made that much clear. When Izuku was trying to figure things out in high school, it was not an uncommon sentiment online about bisexual people. That somehow, they had the advantage, that they can just 'choose' to live a heteronormative life. That they can choose to avoid the painful coming out, the ostracization, the stigma. It made Izuku sick to his stomach. Horrible words like indecisive and slutty floated around his head, and he vehemently decided that no, he's not that.

But he's older now. More experienced. More understanding. He has a b-b-boyfriend, for fuck's sake. He shouldn't feel so weird about it. So why does he?

"So you're bi, huh?"

"Uh…" Izuku scratches his cheek. "I guess. I never… I just don't know that many LGBT people. None of my friends are and it never comes up in conversation. I guess I just…kind of refused to think about it after, um. The guy I liked moved away." Izuku glances at Katsuki sheepishly, and his step-brother seems to relax, shoulders drooping.

Katsuki waves his hands casually, as if this conversation is a normal conversation to be having.

"Eh, its whatever. My roommate's bi too, but I've never seen him get with anyone other than dudes. Its like, a fucking spectrum."

"Your roommate? Did you guys ever…." Izuku is an idiot, and can't hold his tongue, and oh god Kacchan is going to kill him –

Katsuki snorts so hard he starts to cough. Izuku pounds on his back until the man starts, and after catching his breath, Izuku looking on in concern, Katsuki finally answers.

"Jesus fucking Christ, no. I'd rather die. I need someone to have at least 1 braincell before I'm interested in them."

"You go to Harvard." Izuku reminds him, tilting his head. Surely, Kacchan is being dramatic.

"Yeah, you'd be surprised. Stupidity, too, is fluid. The little fuck's like, a musical genius or something, but he also put a metal spoon in the microwave to help scoop ice cream easier."

Izuku gasps. "What happened?"

"Well, the fire department had to put our kitchen out, but the fucker is a cockroach. Can't kill him even if I tried. That's why he's still living with me."

Izuku laughs, and the air between them gets a little lighter.

He likes this. He likes Kacchan telling him about his life, about his friends. He wants to know more. He wants so much more. He wants everything. He wants to lock the two of them in a room and get a play-by-play of the last three years of Kacchan's life. His friends. His classes. His passions and hobbies. Books he's read, movies he's watched, video games he's played.

Izuku wants to send him funny videos, wants to cuddle on the couch, wants to hold hands and go to the aquarium and – urgh. Fuck. He's gonna do it. He's going to ask. Izuku wants to be Kacchan's boyfriend, dammit, and this cryptic stuff has to end. He has to be direct. He just has to ask him. Why is it so difficult?!

"Um… is it okay with you? That I'm… bi, I guess?" Izuku flinches as he says it, something insecure on his tongue.

"The fuck kind of question is that? Obviously, dumbass. Also, you're chill with fucking your step-brother, but skeeved out by your own sexuality? O-kay, Michael Bowers."


"Fucking… attorney general in Georgia that ruled that gay sex is illegal or some shit in the 80s. Read a book and get primed on LGBT law, gayboy." Katsuki says, oddly affectionately.

Izuku giggles. Kacchan's the only person he knows that can pepper in historical facts on top of his insults, and he sort of loves him for it.

"Um… okay, I will. But," Izuku teases his bottom lip, aware of Katsuki's eyes burning into the side of his face, waiting for him to finish speaking. "Are we, um… exclusive?"

Kacchan says nothing. Izuku says nothing. The silence extends. The two boys stare each other in the eyes, Katsuki's not giving anything away, not so much as switching a muscle to reveal what he's thinking. Its unnerving. Izuku starts to bounce his legs, suddenly overwhelmed with nervous energy.




"KACCHAN!" Izuku finally cracks, and Katsuki's face breaks out into a shit-eating grin.

"Yes, Deku! Since I gotta fuckin' spell everything out for you, yeah. I'm your fuckin' boyfriend, or whatever. And I'm not gonna fuck anyone but you, and vice the fuck versa, I hope?"

"… That's always been the case, Kacchan. At least, for me."

"What the fuck? For me too. Dick."

"But, um…" Why is this doctor taking such a long time? Izuku glances at his watch. His appointment was scheduled to start ten minutes ago. Izuku half-hoped someone would come and grab him, that he'd have the opportunity to get away from Kacchan before his stupid dumb loudmouth blurts out the next stupid thought he has.

"Well. I mean. You're leaving in two weeks." Izuku says anyway.

Because life is like that. Because now that he's….together…. with Kacchan, they have to be separated. For a year. He can't ask him to… not sleep with other people for that long. It would be selfish. Obviously Izuku is cool with waiting, he's got a hand and an internet connection, but Kacchan…

Katsuki just shrugs.

"Phone sex is a thing. So are airplanes. Long distance can work if you're not a little bitch."

That sure sounds like Kacchan wants to stay together. Jesus, Izuku wants to start crying. He reaches out and touches Katsuki's hand, fully expecting the other man to jerk back. But he doesn't. He lets Izuku hold on to him, caress his knuckles, look the other man deep in the eyes.

"Kacchan, I – "

"Izuku Midoriya? I'm ready for y – Oh! Don't let me interrupt!"

Izuku and Katsuki immediately jump in their seats, hands stiffly at their sides as the doctor stands in front of them with a smirk on her face. She's young and dressed a little too provocatively, like she's a doctor in a porno with big ol' bazookas instead of breasts, big wide-rimmed red glasses and a 'fuck me' sultry look in her blue eyes.

"W-w-we're, um, not, I'm – I'm Izuku, nice to meet you, um – " Izuku stutters, standing from his seat after sending Katsuki a panicked glance.

The doctor looks between the two boys, dreamy expression on her face. "Ah, the vigor of youth! Now I think its very romantic to get tested with your partner! Such strapping and responsible young men!" she soliloquies, and Izuku looks around, half-expecting a hidden camera to be there. There's no way this chick is a doctor, and also, who says stuff like that?! Izuku wants to dissolve himself in a tub of acid.

She places a manicured hand on Izuku's shoulder and leads him to her office. She crosses her legs and he sits down on the examination table next in front of her, toying with the skin on his fingers.

"You don't have to be nervous, Mr. Midoriya. Doctor-patient confidentiality," Dr. Hayama winks, and Izuku does his absolute best not to groan out loud.

After what has to count as one of the most uncomfortable doctor's visits of all time, Izuku and Katsuki filter back into their room. Katsuki gets right back to studying, seemingly motivated by the prolonged conversation him and their doctor had regarding medical school. Izuku opens his laptop and googles LGBT law.

He's bisexual now. Er, probably has been this entire time. But. Everyone does things at their own pace, and Izuku figures its time to, er, 'get woke.'

He's deep in Wikipedia, getting progressively more and more angry at the absolute shit-show that is the American justice system and America in general, when he hears Kacchan speak.

"… I do like being around you."

Izuku feels heat rush to his face, and, like a schoolgirl, his heart starts to race.

"What?" he croaks out. He instantly feels his hands get sweaty. After everything they've done together, Izuku is surprised with how intimate those words are to him. How special.

"You asked me the other day if I like being around you for… other reasons. I do. You're… you're, fuck, the only person worth talking to. The only person that makes me not want to set all my brain cells on fire."

"…Kacchan." Izuku whispers, tears already clouding his eyesight. Katsuki turns back to his books, but Izuku can swear there's a tiny little smile playing at the corner of his lips.

Katsuki's phone starts to vibrate suddenly, and Izuku watches the other man answer it.

"Hm, sounds good. Thanks. Bye." Katsuki grins and goes back to his book, not mentioning anything to Izuku. A few minutes later, Izuku's phone rings as well.


"Mr. Midoriya? Its Dr. Hayama. Just wanted to let you know that all of your test results are negative. You've got a clean bill of health, stud! Have fun!"

Izuku doesn't even have a moment to hang up the phone before Katsuki's already walking over his side of the room, smirk on his face.

"What's the verdict?"

"…Um. I'm good."

"Me too. Take off your pants, bitch."

Izuku all but tosses his laptop off the bed and hops up, capturing his boyfriend in a giddy kiss. Comfortable and easy, Kacchan's hands find themselves under his shirt, and he's already helping the taller man take it off before Kacchan quickly goes to the door and makes sure that the room is locked. He raises his eyebrows suggestively and brings a finger to his lips.

Right, right. Their parents are downstairs, watching TV, and Izuku's about to get fucked by his step-brother, raw-dog style.


Katsuki's back on him, and they make out, wordlessly taking off each other's clothes until the two are bare-naked, kissing and touching all over. Its different, Izuku realizes. It feels…lighter, somehow. Nothing is holding them back. Kacchan actually talked with him today, showed some vulnerability. It was beautiful. Izuku should reward him for that.

He directs his step brother to lay down on the bed, and, confused but hard-as-fuck, Katsuki complies. Izuku takes a deep breath and lets it out, before turning around, ass up to Katsuki, lathers his hand up in lube, and fingers himself open right in front of Katsuki's face.

"Jesus Christ, Deku," Katsuki all but growls, his hands on the meat of Izuku's ass, caressing him as Izuku fucks into himself. As Izuku introduces the second finger, he feels Katsuki's hands tighten against his thighs, hard enough to bruise, and can see the other man's cock twitch.

It makes Izuku a little too eager. Even more so when, in a moment, he can feel Katsuki's fingers, two, against his hole, like he's asking for permission. Izuku gives it to him, puts his ass right in front of Katsuki's face as he positions himself and slurps up the other man's cock into his own eager mouth. Katsuki gasps, fingers stuttering as he fucks into Izuku's ass. Izuku moans around Katsuki's cock, bobbing in rhythm with each thrust of the other man's fingers, until he can feel the other man's movements change in pace and his balls tighten up. Perfect time to get off and give his boyfriend a well-deserved show.

"What are you…" Katsuki asks, dreamily, as Izuku nudges himself forward on his knees. Now, he's never done this position before, but he's had a girlfriend that did, and the view was… stupendous. He figures Kacchan, a connoisseur of the finer things, would appreciate it.

With his back to Katsuki, Izuku positions himself, using his hand to guide the blonde's pretty cock to his hole. Slowly, agonizingly slowly, for Kacchan's benefit of course, he lowers himself, and revels in the sound of the other man's breathing all but stop.

He hears a low growl from his boyfriend's throat as he finally sits at the hilt. Smiling privately, he arches his back and slowly gets back up.

"Fuck, Deku." Katsuki growls, and Izuku knows he's done well. Katsuki kneads into the meat of his ass, smacking it lightly in an effort not to make too much noise. It doesn't take long for Katsuki to lose his patience and start fucking up into Izuku, hips pounding relentlessly. Izuku doesn't miss the fact that Katsuki has to stop multiple times – and the fact that his step-brother is on the precipice of cumming this fast makes Izuku a little proud. Just a little.

Izuku's still on Katsuki's dick when they hear a knock on the door. Izuku stops moving his hips, going absolutely rigid.

"Hey, boys, are you still awake?" Inko's voice rings through the door, and Izuku has never lost his erection so quickly in his life. Doesn't seem to be so much of an issue for Katsuki, who just snorts and makes tiny movements in his hips, fucking up into Izuku like he doesn't have a care in the world.

"Y-yeah, mom." Izuku controls his voice, paranoia telling him that any change in inflexion might reveal that he's Eiffel-Towered on his step-brother's cock, reverse-cowgirl style.

"I just wanted to say… I'm sorry for invading your privacy and confronting you like that. I love you very much and just got scared, but I know you're smart and responsible," Kacchan accentuated his mom's word with a harsher thrust, and Izuku doubles over, having to bite into his own hand to prevent a moan from escaping.

"And I trust you to make good choices. Thank you for humoring me today. Love you, baby. Tell Katsuki I'm sorry too, for trying to mother him when he's an adult. That's not fair to him."

"Thanks!" Izuku yelps, "I will! Um, love you too, mom! Goodnight!"

Izuku waits until he can hear the footsteps disappear and his mom closes the door to her bedroom. He spins around on Katsuki's dick and glares at him. The other man nearly has tears in his eyes, looking like it physically hurts him not to laugh out loud.

"You are horrible. How are you still hard?!" Izuku demonstrates by thrusting his own ass back on Katsuki's still very excited erection.

The blonde has the audacity to shrug. He puts his hands on Izuku's hips and starts to move again, languid movements meeting with Izuku's, until they're completely in sync and Izuku's riding Kacchan smoothly like the man's a high-end sports car.

"Helped me last longer, what with no condom. This shit slaps, by the way," Katsuki jokes, and Izuku glares back, before thrusting his head back, his step-brother somehow finding the perfect angle to pummel his prostate and make him see the heavenly light.

"You get off on this, you exhibitionist! Gross!" Izuku says, between thrusts, suddenly boneless and brainless and very, very much hard again.

"Fuckin' sue me. Now get the fuck off me or I'm gonna turn your ass into a Boston Cream Donut."

Izuku snorts. Kacchan is actually hilarious. He's evil and horrible and hilarious and he's his boyfriend.

And Izuku doesn't necessarily mind being cream filled.

"Cum inside me," he says in the most sultry voice he can manage. Katsuki's eyebrows quirk, and like he's Popeye that just ate a whole can of spinach, starts to jackhammer into Izuku until the shorter man is near tears. Just when Izuku's pretty sure he's about to have a dry orgasm and meet god, Kacchan grips into his hips and bites into his lip, jerking into what looks like a fantastic release.

His face is so goddamn beautiful, Izuku almost forgets about his own aching dick and the fact that there's cum dripping out his ass, over Katsuki's cock and onto his favorite All Might sheets.

Well. There was one thing that was nice about wearing a condom. Oh boy.

Katsuki, coming out of his haze, is quick to jerk Izuku off and the two of them collapse against each other, sweaty and sated.

"I'm gonna have to thank your mom for this later," Katsuki finally says, and Izuku smacks him playfully on the shoulder. He leans down and catches the blonde in a kiss, his mouth tasting like salt and coffee. He's delicious. Izuku loves his so goddamn much. One day, he really needs to find the balls to tell him.

The two smile into each other's mouths, and Izuku's never been so happy in his entire stupid life.