
My boyfriend is a rockstar

Applying as a band manager on the most popular band in music industry and meeting the hot and handsome lead vocal of the band. Ella Janine De Guzman is a independent woman who works for the family but she fell for the deal and agreed to it, will he be her boyfriend or just for picture?

aestheremielle · Thành thị
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11 Chs

Chapter 11

I woke up early in the morning and I can still feel the strong arms hugging me from behind and it was Nathan's arms. I turned around and seeing him sleeping peacefully and I touched his smooth and pimple free face he is just so handsomee. HUHUHUHUHU I wannaa be his baee:<

I got up from bed and I went directly into the kitchen to find some food though my foot still hurts but I can still walk and drive that bike I think? I saw my dad cooking eggs and pancakes and fried chicken the smell is lingering in my nose that I want to eat them all already it smell so good I love it. I sat down quickly on the table and my dad has already prepared the plate with rice and he will just serve the rest

"Good morning Ella. Where's Nathan?" When he turned around and served me the meal and asked where is Nathan

"Uhmm.. He is in my room dad we slept together that was a nostalgic night I missed it when me and Nathan sleep together when we were young. He always sang me a lullaby to make me fall asleep and caressed my hair and after that he will hum the song and I can sleep after." As I looked at my dad with brightest smile and he was happy too he smiled at me that something good happened

"Yes Ella such a beautiful night for you siblings. Okay now eat your breakfast I will call your brothers to eat with you." I nodded at my dad and I smiled at him and he left the kitchen to wake up my brothers

I started to eat my breakfast and I chose eggs and chicken for the pancakes it can serve as my dessert, I always love the syrup of the pancake it's sweet hehehehe. I just heard Andrew groaning when he walked downstairs HHAHAHAHAH such a a dork

"Hey babee good morning!" I smiled at him and he lift his head gurl he has a dark eye-bags whats wrong with this kiddo did he sleep late at night?

"Why are you like that? What's wrong? Did you sleep late at night?" He sat down on the chair and serve himself with rice and two pieces of eggs

"Yeah I was talking to Ava she was just so excited that she will be moving here next month in our neighborhood. W- We finished talking 2am and I am so freaking tired." He rested his head on the table and his face landed on the plate

"Hey stop that ur plate will be dirty" I tried to lift his head and he's sleeping just what is this boy doing too early for love. I removed the plate and rested his head properly on the table, I saw dad and Nathan walking together coming to the table

"What's with this brat? Is he sleeping?" Nathan pointing into him

"Yeah he said he's tired" I started to serve my food and put them on my plate while Nathan sat down and as well as dad

"Come on together we eat. Andrew you should wake up or books on the counter will not be yours" He woke up as fast as the strike of lightning and he open up his eye buggy eyes HAHAHHAHA his bags are getting dark

"Wow u sure do love books babe" I looked at him he just smiled at me and he continued eating I looked around seeing everyone is busy with their food so I continue to eat mine as well.

Nathan finished first he's the one who always eats fast and the second one is mee Dad and Andrew has some things to talk I'm sure daddy is been suspicious about his girl. But I ain't tellin' him I just don't know why he knew about it HAHHAHAHAHA

I went upstairs and got to my room I heard my phone rang, the fuck! Early in the morning such a banger so noisy!

I irritatedly answered the phone fuck this shit! What's its problem huh?!

"Hello? Who's this?" I tried to keep my emotions still as a rock

"Ah hello maam is this Ms. Ella Jane De Guzman? Please return the bike upon the due time for we will report you to the police for a case of theft. Thank you and goodbye!" Oh my Gosh! The bike! Yes I forgot the bike its on my school shit! This is a total mess Ellaa you are a foool!!

I quickly changed my clothes and told Nathan that I need to go back to school for some problems. As I walked on the hallway going to his room I heard something weird some like someone is moaning.

"Jinx! Pleasee take me to school I need to deal with something" As I opened the door and he is with his laptop jerking off and alot of tissues scattered on the floor.

His jaw dropped I saw his reaction his manhood was hard he was watching porn the fuck?! He quickly picked them up and arranged his boxers and wore his sweatpants

"For fuck's sake Nathan why are you doing this piece of shit?! Fuck you, Nathan! I understand that you all boys do this shit but please never show it to me! Or else that thing of yours will be gone by tomorrow morning!" As I glared at him angrily the fuck is this?!

"I-I'm sorry I can explain Ella. I-I just missed my ex I got turned on when I saw her perfume on my bag like you know we always do it all the time and I-" I covered my ears and raised my middle finger and ran out the house as fast as I could

"Shut up! I don't need shameless explanation you are so very disgusting you know that? huh! you stink fucker! stay away from me now on..." As I looked at him for the last time he turned around and picked up his shits from the floor and wiped his tears, it's my first time seeing him cry over this kind of thing but I don't care he deserves it.

I kissed and hugged my Dad and Andrew goodbye and called a taxi to go to my school it was 8:15 am and the sun is not yet too high I removed my sweater and tied it on my waist. Luckily it has no traffic peace and quiet.

"Thank you sir good bye!" As I accepted the change of the taxi fare and I already arrived at the school when I looked around I saw those boys again the ones who helped me yesterday.

They are going inside the campus with their guitars and the other one holds the stick I think he's the drummer, Should I sneak or not? I asked myself maybe I can just a little I just wanna see these hotties hihihi

I waited for a few minutes before going inside the campus I followed their traces and I found myself outside of a room and them inside with their music equipments the boy with a bun is crying, the other three boys are comforting him.

I put ear on the door slightly to listen what they are saying.

'Hey man what's wrong? You have been in a bad mood since last week? Do you have any problem?' He was just sniffing his nose and he tried to speak

'Yup I kinda broke up with someone right now he said that he needs space, but I don't get it why does he need space?! I=I am always here for him I took care of him when he was sick I loved him dearly and yet he said he needs some space?! The fuck is wrong with this guy?!'

He cried harder and the boy with a black sweater was shocked and confused

'So ur bae is a HE? The fuck man u gay or somethin?'

The boy who has piercing looked at him angrily

'What's ur problem dude?! You're not helping! Why it's fine man, he doesn't want to become a woman he just loves men you fucker!' The boy who is on black sweater remained silent and shocked he was still processing the happening on his mind

'Dude it's fine it takes time just forget if you don't like it but please accept him. He's the real him we need to accept for who he really is dude' Th boy who holds the stick patted his back I realized that all of them knew his sexuality but except for the boy with the black sweater

'Who owns that hair on the window?' I looked up shit I forgot I'm in a bun shit! I need to get away from here!

I ran from stairs and I'm afraid to fall again do they have elevators here?! Ughh! I looked around and yes they have one I quickly clicked the button to first floor and I arrived safely. I quickly got out from the campus and deliver the bike to the rental house

"Thank you for returning the bike Miss, why won't you buy one? It's quite affordable in here" She showed me the different bikes but nah! I would prefer scooters over this

"Ah do you sell scooter motorcycles as well?" I asked and her face brightened she took me to a part of their rental house that has a lot of scooters

"These are all brand new Ms it arrived yesterday morning and we decided to display it today" She smiled at me these scooters are really hot but should I buy it? Maybe it would convenient since we don't have any car but the question do I have budget for this bitch?

"How much is your scooter miss?" She gave a book full with different prices on each scooters on display

"Wow! 25? 39? 56? Thousand? Why is it so expensive?" She shook her head and grabbed the book from my hand

"Miss we sell the most cheap scooter motorcycles around here our cheapest is 25k but we can give a discount since you are our first costumer" Oh my this is a hit I hope dad will let me have one scooter at least!