


Sleep did last long, I was up by the sunrise, looking around Damien wasn't there. Worried I ran out of bed searching for him, I found him in my living room, sitting next to his power charger, he need to charge for a full hour every day or few hours for longer power usage.

Once I was in the room his sensor turned on and turned to me smiling, it was a bit weird to have someone with you in the same house but it's good kind of weird, the one I'm craving.

/"Good morning love/" Damien says leaving his spot and moving toward me, he gave me a kiss straight on the lips. Then another kiss and another one, I pushed him away blushing, he licked his lips and kissed me one last time.

/"Let's get ready for today/" he says taking me back toward my room, he did the normal getting ready thing humans do, helping me get dressed for the day.