


I woke up, that's weird I don't even remember falling asleep, I was pulled against a strong chest. Strong arms holding me close, then I remembered everything, the bot arriving, the sex, well I couldn't forget about that with how sore I'm feeling right now.

/"Good morning beautiful/" the bot says kissing my face, I smiled at the nickname.

/"Good morning bot...I mean Damien/" I say remembering to call him by his name.

/"You can call me anything you want Roman/" he replies that's the thing with bots, they'll do anything you ask them for.

/"I want to call you Damien/" I say, he just smiles and nod at me. I looked down at myself to find myself completely naked sleeping his arms. I was taking the day off work to enjoy having my robot, I informed my parents I'll be off only to be told they don't need to hear about my sexual adventure.

But they are wrong, I might crave sex, everyone does. But I'm not sex freak, I didn't get a bot, I mean Damien just to have sex the whole day and night. I wanted a companion with me, we're not having any more sex for a while now. My body is satisfied and his doesn't require this whole thing.

/"Are you ready to get up?/" He ask me, I nod my head yes I was.

Damien lifts me up against his chest and goes towards my bathroom, that too was a mess, some dirty laundry on the floor from my last shower when I forgot to take them back out. Some empty shampoo bottles that I was reading the labels off still, few different kind of soap depending on how I felt that day.

The utilities were clean, I'm messy but I'm not a pig. Damien ignored everything, he doesn't judge instead he asked if I needed to go. I nodded my head yes to that, I actually needed to pee.

He left me down on my feet so I can do my business, he was really quick to clean everything out, the dirty laundry was off the floor and into the hamper, the empty bottles in the trash. When I was done he held a hand to me and walked us toward the shower, turning it on the perfect temperature, he washed my hair, body, washing all remaining of our play time earlier.

He didn't need to be washed really, but he did the same to himself to make it feel like he's another person. Finally after finishing he turned the water off, wrapped me in a towel, the water just slipped off his skin leaving him dry. He pulled me up against his chest again, carrying me bridle style back to my room, he pet me dry and get my clothes remembering to put on some pants.

This was the nanny side of his program, the one made to take care of me in daily tasks. On my own my mind would wonder away couple times making this whole process take about an hour to be over.

/"What do you want to do now?/" He asks after getting dressed in his discarded clothes. I shrug, I never had anyone with me around the house. My parents never cared even when I said I want to move out, they simply said I'm smart enough to be on my own.

/"How about we get some food?/" He suggests, well that's a good choice I haven't eat anything yet today. I just nod, I don't tend to talk much, living alone and working with a computer, you don't need much words.

My kitchen was a mess of takeout, although there's some robot chef, I didn't want to have one in my house. I work with robots, was raised by them, but for my home the only robot allowed is the bf-bot. He's an all in one, better for being overwhelmed with too many unnecessary information.

He did the same act of cleaning, he was quick and quiet, getting everything into order. Now he went toward my fridge, my empty fridge, next he searched the cupboard but only found some random candy and sweets.

/"Roman, you have no food anywhere. You can't live like that/" he says in a firm scolding voice.

I didn't like being scolded by my own bf-bot, but studies showed that being worried about someone, and even hard on them is a sign of love. There's a difference of course between tough love and abuse, but a slight scolding because I had no real food, I'll count that as tough love.

/"Sorry Damien/" I mumble, not being used to being scolded.

/"I'm ordering food right now, your fridge will never be empty again/" he says. Well that's a relief, I hated shopping.

/"Thank you/" I say with a slight smile, the food would be paid by my credit card, and delivered to my place in thirty minutes.

In this time Damien moved around the place tidying it up, he got me dizzy looking at him move around so quickly.

When there's some real food in my place, he set it all in place, I don't have to remember them all, I just need to ask him to get me whatever I want.

He cooked brunch for me, pancakes and bacon. One of my favorites, although he had no need for food, he sat with me the whole time I was eating simply sipping on water in a mug to give it the feeling of sharing a meal.