


/"Roman, what's the name of this!/" my mom asks on the phone, she wasn't yelling, but she sounded mad, like extremely angry, she's only ever this calm when she's extremely pissed, mission completed.

/"I did nothing mother/" I reply trying my best to keep my poker face, it was hard not to smile a naughty smile, well I did that, but my voice was very calm and even, that I was proud of.

/"I saw your resignation, Roman, if this is about the money, we all know you can have a raise, or maybe two/" she says trying to talk me into staying, well if I was anyone else, I'd stay. But I'm their son, I don't need my job, I already have a trust fund to make me live a very comfortable life for a very long time.

/"You know it's not about money/" I tell my dearest mother, it was never about the money, I have that, it's about the companionship.