
My Boss Is A Lady

Staring casually into his eyes, the tears she has been holding in her eyes broke loose within the lids of bondage and rolled down her cheeks. It didn't take up to a minute before her eyes turned red. "You really didn't care, did you?" Her shaky voice nearly succeeded in bringing the young man in front of her, to his knees. "I-I di-did... This is a mis-take... Don't be li-like this..." "Like what?!" She screamed! Her hand already flying in the air towards his face... But... Someone held her hand from behind. Prepared to vent the anger on the person behind her through redirecting the slap meant for the man in front of her, she turns unsuccessfully forcing her hand out of his grip. The hot tears that were gushing down her face this whole time dripped more profusely. Her red face started calming down when she saw the man behind her. Her pink lips forming an oval shape that signified her shock. "Haoran...?" The man smiles handsomely with his eyes displaying happiness in them. "Yes... It's me" She slowly buried her head into the chest of the man and wept in pain, punching his chest lightly and murmuring. "Why didn't you go? It's an opportunity that can't be-?" "It isn't an opportunity that will make this company flourish. If it is, it won't make me leave you" Hearing his voice made her cry the more. She looks tattered, and poverty seems to be her identity. The siren of the police vehicles engulfs the air and the man who attempts to run away got handcuffed before he even realized he needs to move. The eyes of Haoran scan Haozi dreadfully as the woman cried on his chest. "Where are the others?" ******* Experience the journey of Haoran and Ai Mi as they work hard to retain the biggest company of Japan, and discover so many missing people in their lives. Standing for each other is their virtue.

novel_lights · Thành phố
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62 Chs

In Disguise

The darkness and shining spots in the skies known as stars shown clearly with the moon shining desperately on the white, handsome face of Haoran.

He is seen sitting on the street bench not far from his house and in front of the house between his house and Ai Mi's.

He's wearing a white sweater with its hoodie over his head, white pair of sweatpants and a pair of white sneakers. On his face is a hard expression that can't be easily studied.

He checks his wrist watch, just in time to see the minute hand strike 9pm.

He looks up and sighs.

I'm so stupid to think she'll come.

He takes his phone from the bench and stands up. Just about to take a step forward, a figure appears and he stops in his tracks.

"Lost patience, huh?"


"May I ask that all new workers should be the only set of people available in the company's building"

"What?" "Why?"

The other workers watching from the other hall asks themselves in hush voices.

"Zhi Ruo, you may leave with the other workers. Beware that the cameras are still active, none should go blank. Else, I'll take it that you are still present"

Everyone turns to stare at the Zhi Ruo who tries to calm herself down, hoping severely that her anger won't be made obvious.

"Yes, Miss Ai Mi" she stands up and walks out of the hall.

"She's her assistant?"

"I don't know. Why?"

The woman who asked the other woman sitting beside her follows Zhi Ruo with her eyes. Knowing fully well that Zhi Ruo ears might catch every sound nearby including her voice, she shuts up and apologize to the woman whom she asked the question to and turn to focus on Ai Mi.

Zhi Ruo did hear what she said. She stops at the door and looked back at her with her chest heaving heavily with rage.

But not long after, she proceeded to the other hall.

Ai Mi made sure everyone left the company including Zhi Ruo who took a while before she left.

Not relying on the cameras, she sent someone else from the meeting to follow her and report back when everyone had left.

A couple of seconds after thorough confirmation, Ai Mi nods at Mrs Jacobs.

She switches off the speakers and Mrs Jacobs and the rest seated beside the stage walk down the stage with pride in their steps.

"You might be wondering why we made sure everyone left the company before we said anything" Everyone's body can be visibly seen shaking.

Mrs Jacobs walks past them slowly, her fragrance oozing out of her like smoke out of a bakery's chimney.

When she passed Haoran, his eyes caught the scar he saw on Zhi Ruo's and Mrs Lee's neck that traced to their ears.

What is this scar? And why is it this deep?

"We are agents sent by the government for supervision in all producing companies, and to recruit members willing to have double posts as companies employees and government workers"


Mrs Jacobs walks to the middle of the line where Sheng stood, and inches became the parameter

between them.

She stood so close to Sheng that their noses almost touched.

Sheng starts to fidget immediately. His body became shaky and his eyes starts to stare at different directions at his feet, fear seen in his eyes.

"People like you can't be part of us"

Her voice sounded like a lion's roar in the ears of Sheng. She said it in a disappointed tone which made Sheng's breath to cease.

He didn't know where the courage and strength to look into her eyes came from but he did it anyway.

Staring into her eyes felt like an abomination, but he continued with bravery in his eyes.

A couple of seconds later, a smile broke on the lips of Jacobs. His determination and courage to look into the eyes of his discourager made her smile, impressed.

"Good for you"

She then steps to the side, in front of Haoran.

Her eyes scan him and he did the same to her.

"Why are you not afraid?" Haoran took a while before he opened his mouth to speak.

"Why should I? I shouldn't be afraid of someone I don't know, that's my past"

Jacobs eyes displayed a glint of curiosity.

"Past?" She asks.

Haoran immediately became tongue tied towards that topic. He felt a bit uncomfortable at that point so he ignored the question and just stared at her.

"What makes you think I am looking for fear?"

Haoran could tell this was a test, and everyone, including Jacobs, were earnestly waiting for who will fail it.

"Scared people are not on your list, scary people are"

Sheng turns to Haoran. He nudges his hand trying to ask him to shut up!

He isn't talking to his younger sister.

Besides, where did he get such a quote from?

"You are right" Jacobs answers "I am looking for scary people"

Everyone watches in silence.

Starting from the front row, they stood up until all the people in the hall were on their feet.

"Scary people… In disguise"

Haoran blinks lightly, still having the glaring look on his face.

"And it seem like I've gotten what I've been looking for"

She passed unto Haoran a small smile and then turns to Ai Mi who is at the end of the line of the employees.

"Well done, Ai Mi…" Ai Mi's face lightens up immediately.

"You will receive their designation by next week"

Ai Mi nods "Thank you, Mrs Jacobs"

With a stare at Haoran and not a word said, Mrs Jacobs walks out of the hall with the rest of the people following closely behind her.

No one moved as they left, and soon, only Ai Mi and the employees were remaining.

"Get ready guys, you start your double posts two days after you receive your designation"

They all nod with smiles on their faces, but Haoran remains stiff.

That woman looks a bit familiar...

Her face... Aura... Voice... He feels like there's some connection between them... But why?

He stares at the back of the woman before she finally disappears from his sight as the doors closed.

His eyes then diverts to Ai Mi as she passed on an announcement of having them carry on with work without the department leaders and other workers.

Sheng and Haoran turn to look at each other with questioning looks. Why would they do that?

"You all know that at board meetings like this, pitches are supposed to be collected right?"

Another look coming from both guys to each other. That's so true!

They all hurried back to their departments but Haoran took a bit of his time.

Designation? Double Posts?

He need answers.