
Chapter 70 I love you too Derek

“Derek,” Wendy said, closing the door.

Derek didn’t look up from his computer. “Not now. I’m busy and you’re… you’re too distracting.”

Wendy smiled. “Distracting, huh?”

Derek shot her a glare, but it was half-hearted at best.

“Come on, just tell me already!”

“No special treatment,” Derek said. “You’ll learn your grade when everyone else does. Tomorrow.”

Leaning back against the door, Wendy bit her lip. “Did I fail?”

She wasn’t sure. Derek had helped her a lot lately, explaining a lot of the stuff Wendy had missed at the beginning of the semester. Wendy had thought her understanding of the subject improved and that she’d done pretty well on the exam, but now, looking at Derek’s grim face, she wasn’t sure anymore.

“No,” Derek said. “You didn’t fail.”

Wendy breathed out. “So what did I get? A C, right?”

Derek pursed his lips. “You got a B.”

Wendy’s mouth fell open. “Really? Wait, did you—”