
Chapter 40 Martin is alive

As per family tradition, the Cavalier siblings gathered at Zachary’s house on every Christmas Eve. Initially, it had been just them, but as they had grown older and significant others and kids had entered the picture, it had become a large, loud gathering.

It felt like the house was absolutely stacked with people.

Zoe mostly tried to stay out of the way. Although these days she made some actual effort to be sociable, she no longer forced herself to socialize and fake happiness if it felt like too much. It wasn’t like her family had ever bought her act. Her siblings seemed happy enough that she was no longer completely shutting them out and was actually making an effort to pick herself up and move on.  

Granted, they were still treating her like a ticking bomb. Too careful. Too soft. Too wary.

“Zoe, come here, why are you all alone in the kitchen?”

Case in point.

Zoe suppressed a sigh. “I’ll be there in a minute,” she said. “Don’t wait for me.”