
Chapter 26 He was used being alone

Martin tried to think, but he wasn’t capable of doing much of anything besides panting, his mind still hazy with pleasure.

Under him, Zoe was doing the same, taking in greedy breaths now that Martin had loosened his grip on her throat.

Finally, Martin lifted his head to look at her.

Fucking hell.

Zoe looked absolutely fucked out, her eyes glassy, hair damp with sweat, lips bitten red. Although she still radiated contentment, she was now showing signs of distress, her eyes filling with tears and hands gripping Martin’s shoulders.

Frowning, Martin rolled onto his side and quickly gathered her into his arms. “Shh,” he murmured, stroking Zoe’s back soothingly. “I’m here. I’ve got you.”

Zoe clung to him. She still seemed partly out of it, but she was dropping fast.

Martin stroked her hair, her back, murmuring sweet nothings. He did it without thinking; it came naturally, an instinct to protect and take care of.