
Chapter 22 I am leaving Martin

Zoe had never felt like this.

She had no idea anymore what was going on between her and Martin, but she felt… she felt giddy, smiling into space, dropping things, and just being generally stupid.

Rationally, she knew she had nothing to feel giddy about. Whatever this thing was, it was too fragile and uncertain. Downright crazy. Martin had made it clear that he thought it had been a mistake, and rationally, Zoe knew there were countless reasons why this was a terrible idea.  

But she still couldn’t banish the warm, giddy feeling whenever she thought of Martin’s arms around her, his blue eyes, his mouth, his scent. 

Part of her couldn’t believe her own thoughts. She’d always made fun of her siblings and in-laws for the besotted way they behaved around their significant others, and now she was acting far worse than them, over a man who wasn’t hers and never would be hers. Over a man who was from a different world.