
My Book Is Too Magical

Gilgamel lived an unfortunate life after transmigrating to a new world, but everything changed after he escaped from his noble house. One day, he met a traveling fortune teller, which became a turning point in his life. Later, he became a wizard, and a strange book suddenly appeared in his mind. This strange book only had a few pages, but each page granted him different abilities. The first page gave him an appraisal ability, which allowed him to recognize all kinds of objects in the world. The second page granted him an ability…

Mysterious_Pen · Kỳ huyễn
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Start From Being An Appraiser

In a city where the sun never rises, the sky is always adorned with a luminous moon and twinkling stars, and the cold air creeps over the skin. There is a small building situated at the far west end. It is not too secluded but doesn't stand out compared to the buildings around it. The building has been strategically placed to be visible enough for people walking down the street.

"Sir, this is a 2nd grade elixir called Lovia Flower. It has a distinct aroma can cause people who inhale it to become infatuated and think of someone they desire. While this elixir is not particularly rare, it is also not commonly found. Therefore, if you sell it to regular elixir shops, you can get 200 mana crystals, but if you sell it to Love Love Paradise, you can receive 500 mana crystals."

In the designated guest room inside the building, there was a sixteen-year-old boy with black-colored hair. One-third of his hair was braided, while the rest was styled in a messy, spiky style. One of his prominent features was a dark-colored, diamond-shaped marking between his eyes.

This young man wears clothes that clearly show he is not an ordinary clerk. He wore a white tunic underneath a dark blue shirt with a high collar trimmed with gold. He also had a red sash that held the shirt together. Additionally, he wore a long, deep blue robe.

He sat facing a middle-aged man in a worn-out robe, describing the characteristics of the exquisite purple plant he had just examined.

The middle-aged man frowned as he said hesitately, "Where is Love Love Paradise?"

The young man raised his eyebrows in shock.

Love Love Paradise was a well-known brothel in the city and had even expanded its business to several other cities in the empire. Therefore, it would be unusual if people, particularly adult men, had never heard of this place.

The young man briefly wondered if this old man was living in a cave. It was hard to believe that a man of his age could be unaware of Love Love Paradise, given its widespread reputation.

"Sir, from here, you can walk south and arrive at Magnolia Street. If you see many adult men wandering around there, then you've found the right place."

A few moments later, the young man watched the middle-aged man exit the building after paying the appraisal fee. With this, his job for today was basically finished.

Not long after, he also came out of the building.

He gazed up at the sky, but all he saw was an expanse of darkness. Regardless of how many hours passed, the sun seemed never to rise, giving the impression that it had been set in this state from the very beginning. This may be why this place is known as Evernight City.

The young man's name was Gilgamel, a certain transmigrator from Earth.

His past background was nothing impressive.

He was just an ordinary college student who died because he forgot to turn off the stove and stupidly ended up in a fire. At the time, he was trapped inside the building and ran out of oxygen.

The next moment, he woke up again as a newborn baby.

It was too sudden, and he didn't even remember the process of being reincarnated into this world. Otherwise, it would have been an unforgettable experience. 

Long story short, he was reborn as a noble child. However, because his mother was originally a servant, he was not treated well at home.

Being a noble sounds grand and opulent, but it was pretty miserable in his case. Despite his noble status, he lived no differently from a beggar. Whenever he wanted to eat, he had to beg the servants. On top of that, his half-siblings often harassed him every chance they got.

As a transmigrator, how could he possibly accept such treatment?

If it weren't for something that held him back, he might have run away from that hellish house as soon as he could walk and talk.

It was quite miraculous that he managed to endure it for twelve years.

In his previous life, he was an orphan, but even so, he managed to survive and put himself through college.

In this life, he had no reason to live dependent on others, especially when those people treated him like unwanted trash.

Eventually, Gilgamel ran away from home at the age of twelve without the acknowledgment of his father and other family members.

He traveled to nearby small towns before he met a kind elderly couple who let him work in their small inn as a cleaner and guest servant. Although it was hard, at least his efforts were appreciated, and no one humiliated him in any way.

A half year later, an unusual guest arrived at the inn. She was a woman who claimed to be a traveling fortune teller. Although she didn't have the money to pay for a room, she offered to use her skills in exchange for accommodation. Despite the skepticism of others, the kind elderly couple allowed her to stay for free. 

The woman, feeling grateful, insisted on using her divination skills and eventually got the opportunity to perform a divination on Gilgamel.

Gilgamel didn't decline. It was his first experience with a fortune teller, so he found it quite fascinating.

The divination Gilgamel received had a short and simple message: "Your greatest opportunity lies in the South!"

The woman also briefly and enigmatically explained that he would be unable to change anything if he missed this opportunity.

Her words made Gilgamel's heart beat like a drum for some unknown reason. This made him skeptical and hesitant for a long time. He even consulted the elderly couple.

The elderly couple kindly said, "Feel free to go. You can always come back if you don't find anything."

With that encouragement, Gilgamel finally decided to head south without knowing what awaited him.

He continued to walk south aimlessly for seven days and seven nights until he finally arrived at a large city, which he later learned was called Evernight City, a city owned by a wizard organization called Owl.

Since then, he realized that the greatest opportunity he had been looking for might be here!

He was overcome with excitement when he made this discovery.

His excitement reached its peak when he also learned magic exists in this world.

Those who possess magic are known as wizards and witches. However, only those with a talent for magic can become one of them.

Gilgamel happened to possess that talent. Although it was only at the lowest level, it was better than having none.

Magic talent can be categorized into four types: Chaos, Medium, Advanced, and Abstract.

Chaos talents are those who have an affinity for the four basic elements: fire, water, wind, and earth. This talent is considered to be of the lowest grade due to its slow progress in practicing mana gathering.

Medium talents are wizards with an affinity for less than four basic elements. They have a faster speed of practicing gathering mana compared to chaos talents.

Beyond the four basic elements, such as wood, ice, lightning, light, darkness, etc., talent is classified as advanced talent.

Abstract talent is the rarest type. Those with this talent not only gain abnormal training speed but can also learn and use all kinds of magic.

Different magic talents come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let's take the chaos talent, for example. This talent has a slow training speed, but it enables wizards to learn and use all magic spells based on the four basics of magic.

On the other hand, the medium talent has a faster training speed than the chaos talent, but it is limited in diversity when it comes to learning and using magic spells, and it depends on the number of elemental affinities the wizard has.

Similarly, the advanced talent is limited by the wizard's own affinity.

However, the abstract talent is an exception. Wizards with this talent can use any magic that exists in the world.

However, Gilgamel heard that this talent is rare among wizards, and once they appear, they immediately become a bone of contention for wizard organizations.

On the other hand, chaotic talent was more prevalent, comparable to a ubiquitous weed. If it weren't for his unique talent, Gilgamel would not have been able to join a top wizard organization like Owl.

There were numerous wizard organizations in the Moniyan Empire, and the Owl was considered one of the top ten. Its leader was known as one of the strongest wizards in the empire. Given its ranking and prestige, the Owl had high recruitment standards, making it unlikely for chaos-talented wizards to join.

However, Gilgamel, with his chaos talent, managed to slip in, thanks to his appraisal talent being recognized by a senior member of the Owl. With a backer supporting him, he smoothly navigated life within the organization and even advanced from an ordinary mortal to a First Circle Wizard. 

Every wizard starts as a Novice Wizard.

The Novice Wizard is the beginner stage for wizards, during which they can only use a basic magic spell: Telekinesis.

The next stage consists of ten levels, known as the First Circle Wizard through to the Tenth Circle Wizard. The First Circle Wizard is the weakest, and the Tenth Circle Wizard is the strongest.

Usually, it took less talented individuals like Gilgamel about five years to level up from Novice Wizard to First Circle Wizard. However, he managed to achieve this milestone in just three years, all because he had a Goldfinger!

Ever since Gilgamel became a Novice Wizard, a strange book suddenly appeared in his mind.

This strange book had only one page, which allowed Gilgamel to identify any object within his range of vision.

Of course, although this ability brought a lot of convenience to Gilgamel, it came at a price. Every time he wants to appraise an object, he needs to consume a certain amount of mana crystal, and the amount depends on the object's value. The higher the value, the more mana crystals he had to pay.

For this reason, he opened a small business in the city that specializes in providing object appraisal services. This effort also maximized the usefulness of the strange book while helping him earn pocket money to assist him in his training.