
My Bond With The Enemy

Have you ever witnessed Death or imagined it? Seeing your loved ones drop dead before your --Watchful eyes you watch and do nothing? And how does it feel to be solely condemned by the people you call your own? What about deeming you worthless? This is Lelia's story. The curse that gave her the stigma of a weak among the pack, even with the blood of a powerful Alpha, her life was always in the shadow, hiding from prying eyes. Leila Pentagon, who was almost no different from a normal human, faces so much turbulence driving her life towards a corner. Will she be able to achieve her goals?

Ruovaf_star · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Ox City

Leila's Pov~


That was the first comment made by the man, with a charming smile on his face. But that did not make us lose our guard. I can hear the continuous snarling and growling coming from members of the silver moon pack. Judging from the man's attire and his aura you could tell he is not a simple person. "Who the hell are you?" My brother, Luther, questions him with an icy tone.

The Man's smile deepens more as he removes his sunglasses revealing his amber eyes and his nose bridge. "You are truly the son of Alpha, Bruno Pentagon." The Man expressed while smirking lightly. I narrowed my eyes at his response. "That did not answer my question." My brother queried. "Wait…" l cut in, stopping my brother, and stepping in front of the man who has not changed his expression. My brother tried to hold me back but I smiled back assuring him everything will be fine. "You speak like you know my father, who are you?" I asked the man in a calm voice.

He cleared his throat and smiled. But this time he didn't slack but went straight to the point. "That's a beautiful question Young Miss. And it amazes me to see that Your father raised you guys well." He responded, nodding his head lightly.  "That's not the damned Question…" my brother groans at him. "You need to calm down, young man. Well, I'm Mr. Clinton. The Minister of affairs of Ox City. Your Dad sent me to you guys."

 He explained while keeping a straight face. There's no similarity to saying that he's lying. "He…" My brother was speechless, even with unspoken doubts in his eyes. "I'm aware of everything that happened. You know you can only trust your father's words." The man added in a warm voice. Seeing our raised brows.

He placed his fingers on the communicator in his right ear and said a few words out loud for us to hear. It wasn't that long, two luxurious buses for tourists drove down from the right intersection and stopped right in front of us. Just then, four men appeared from the same woods we just walked out from dressed up as forestry men.

"Wait, are they the owners of the footsteps we heard?" Arther inquired with his eyebrows raised. My brother snapped his head to the right, glancing at him. "What do you mean?" He asked with his eyebrows cocked. "Before you walked in, earlier we heard the sounds of footsteps. They weren't in a rush, but…" Arther explained. 

We watch as the men step in front of Mr. Clinton and greet him with respect. Mr. Clinton glances at us as he nods his head. "Your instincts were right. They are my men. l sent them in search of you all. Now we don't have much time left." Mr. Clinton said in one go.

We sigh deeply and exchange looks. I recognize that calmness in my brother's face. I understand he's mind-linking everyone. "We will go with you." My brother declared with a firm voice.

Mr. Clinton smirked and nodded like he was expecting that answer and moved towards the driver's side of his car. He stops his movement after opening the door of his car and glancing back at my brother. "I don't mind if you tag along with me in my car." He said, still grinning. Didn't he say he is a minister? And a young one at that? I thought to myself while observing him. 

The pack members started taking turns climbing into the luxurious bus. "Arther, Daniel, you both should join the others in the buses while l join that cocky man." My brother said, giving Mr. Clinton a cold gaze. Who didn't mind either? My brother held my hand and walked towards his car. Taking the cue he opens the passenger side of his car.

"You need not worry Mr. Clinton, I will be sitting with my sister in the back seat." My brother responded as he helped me into the car. Mr. Clinton can only shrug his shoulders and sit in his driver's seat and start his car before stepping on the accelerator and driving off.

Inside the car, Mr. Clinton tried to engage us, in a conversation. My brother who was still full of doubt for the reason best known to him answered him in a monotone.

He never minded my brother's actions but grins as he continues. "You don't need to worry, Luther Pentagon, everything is kept under control." He said assuringly while looking at us through the rearview mirror of his car. "What do you mean?" My brother asked, raising his eyebrows.

"An estate is already prepared for the leaving condition of Your Pack. Alpha, Luther Pentagon." Mr. Clinton, countered while making it sound clear to my brother who just kept staring at the back of his head meaningfully. I can't explain what was going on in his mind. "Thank you." My brother responded after some time passed. Mr. Clinton only smirks and locks eyes with my brother again, through the rear mirror. "You owe that to your father. Young pup." He said the last part with a smirk. I can feel the change in my brother, hearing him call him a pup.

It took us three hours to get to the new destination. We arrived in front of an estate with a Golden Gate. The security man, recognizing Mr. Clinton's convoy, waves a white flag. The Golden Gate opens up automatically after he did that. Giving the buses the privilege to drive inside. The security man walks out of his post with a smile and greets Mr. Clinton, nods lightly, and drives in.

I could tell from the looks of the estate it's been untouched. There's no sign indicating that anyone leaves here. He pulled off right in front of a mansion and came down from his car. We followed suit, joining him to stand outside the mansion. We stare in awe at the environment. Looking downwards, we could see that the others had arrived. We glanced back at him at the same time.

"I know you have a lot of questions running through your mind right now. But there's no need for a rush yet. I'm ready to tell you all you need to know once you are settled down." Mr. Clinton said, reading the look on our faces.