
My Blue Lock System

Leonardo Marcia, a 30-year-old footballer from Verona, Italy, experienced a devastating injury 15 years ago, causing him to be released from La Masia, FC Barcelona's youth program. Despite multiple trials, he was rejected by most teams, leaving him no longer a promising prospect. In spite of being fat overtime, Marcia still adores playing football with children in the park and died whiles playing with them. He regrets squandering his talent and never reaching his full potential as a professional athlete. In a new world after he transmigrated, he received a Blue Lock invitation. The real story begins on from there.

Luciffero · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

Hyogo Prefecture Semi Finals II

Hokkai High School vs. Hyogo Mikage Shihan

As soon as the referee blew the whistle, Murano and his teammates started running in the sweltering midday sun. Hokkai High School felt more assured after they scored a goal. Their spirits were set ablaze.

Hyogo Mikage Shihan, however, refused to attack after giving up a goal in the second half and instead opted to defend and waste time. Hokkai High, Murano's team, found the opposing team's strategy of passing the ball around frustrating. They tried to regain control of the game by increasing their intensity and speed, but the defense remained solid.

When Juro from Murano's squad successfully intercepted one of their passes and crossed the ball to Kichi on the left flank, the opposition's chain of play was abruptly broken.

Kichi handed the ball to Hideki before sprinting into the opposing half without turning around. The other defenders formed a defensive wall around the penalty area and encircled it. Hideki nonetheless made an attempt to shoot the ball. Sadly, the defense blocked his shot, and the ball bounced back toward midfield. Then Murano's team quickly regained control and continued to attack.

But then…

"Kajiwara, pass here!" Murano called out to Kajiwara. After analyzing the situation, the genius midfielder then hit a deadly no-look through ball to Murano.

As the ball reached Murano, he fired it directly at the goal but was denied by the goalkeeper. The referee then declared a corner against Hyogo Mikage Shihan. The resulting corner kick was taken by the same genius midfielder who had just made the incredible through pass.


Once again, Murano called out the system. He knew he had to remain focused during this set piece as it could provide a goal-scoring opportunity.

He reflected on how different the agility elixir was from the stamina elixir in terms of his experience. The former had a significant impact on the game, but the latter had little impact because he already had his full stamina.

He made the decision to look at the specifics of what each item in his inventory accomplishes. He also decided not to look at his stats since he believed that doing so would be distracting at this moment. Instead, he focused solely on the effects of each item. This allowed him to gain a deeper understanding of how he could best utilize his resources in the match.

Murano questioned the efficacy of the stamina elixir.

He had no idea how increasing his power or agility would increase his chances of winning. To find out more about the effect's operation, he opened the Inventory Panel.


[4x Stamina Elixir

Grade D: The Effect lasts for around 15 minutes and restores 25% of your energy.]

[4x Strength Enhancing Elixir

Grade D: Muscles and the core body are strengthened, and the effect lasts for roughly 15 minutes.]

[+5 All Stats

Grade S: Adds +5 to all stats and the effect lasts indefinitely.]

[5x Mental Pill

Grade D: Mental clarity and focus are enhanced for about 5 minutes.]

[-10% Store Sales

Newbie: Six months of 10% off shop purchases.]

[4x Agility Elixir

Grade D: It allows you to move rapidly and smoothly for roughly 15 minutes while also boosting your speed five times during each 15-minute interval.]

'I should have read the details before using the stamina elixir. It feels like a waste now.' Murano reflected as he regretted his hasty decision. He was able to determine that the mental pill would be useful in the match by focusing solely on the effects of each item. He decided to use it during this crucial moment in the game.

He decided to take two Mental pills because he knew that he would need the effect for the corner (set piece).

But after consuming the pill, Murano's senses heightened. His heart started beating rapidly, and his ears grew acute.

He noticed the players moving slowly and deduced their direction from their trajectory.

As the players swarmed into the box, the referee signaled for the corner to be kicked.

Kichi then quickly crossed the ball over the defenders. With his newly enhanced senses, Murano observed the movement of the ball and the opposition's defenders.

He foresaw the ball hitting the post and rebounding at the edge of the penalty box. This conclusion was reached not only because he saw the trajectory, but also because he sensed Kichi's desperation, as they badly needed an equalizing goal. With that, he knew Kichi was attempting to score from the corner rather than crossing it to the other players as instructed.

He moved quickly from his original position that was on the right side of the goal box, just in front of the goalkeeper. The ball then rebounded after it hit the post, and it landed exactly where Murano predicted it would thanks to his improved senses. He then calmly struck the ball as it fell in front of his foot. No one else predicted that the ball would rebound earlier, but it did.

Luckily, Murano's quick reflexes allowed him to react in time and score the equalizing goal. The crowd erupted in cheers and Murano was hoisted up by his teammates in celebration. He couldn't help but feel grateful toward his system. Murano raised his fist and joined his teammates in celebration.

"Nice!" Murano said with a smile as the ball just went into the box from the kick of his foot.

He was excited and brimming with pure joy.

'If this is a dream, I never want to wake up,' he thought after finally succumbing to the sensation he felt 15 years ago.

Score: 2-2

After about 20 minutes of silence following the first goal, another goal was created. The crowd erupted with cheers and screams, and the energy in the stadium was palpable.

The tension in the air was thick as both teams fought for the winning goal. The game was intense, but he felt alive and grateful to be a part of it. The intensity of the match only increased from there, with both teams giving it their all. The game was now tied at 2-2, and Murano couldn't help but feel the pressure mounting. He knew that every move he made from this point on could make or break the game for his team. The excitement was contagious, and he found himself completely immersed in the game.


I know you've been waiting for blue lock content but please stay again for the next chapter. Because the real story starts from there. Thank you!!

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