
My billionaire Frenchman

warning r18 "Chloe, my love, my heart beats solely for you," Charles declared, his eyes burning with passion as he looked at her. "I cannot see a future without you by my side. You are mine, and I am yours. We are destined to be together, forever and always." With a sweep of his strong arms, he lifted her off the ground, he held her gently in his embrace as if she were a precious treasure. Chloe's laughter and gentle protests were lost in the passion of his kisses as he carried her to his room, his strides long and purposeful. The world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the all-consuming fire of their love. As he laid her on his bed, his eyes never left hers, drinking in the beauty and grace of the woman who had captured his heart so completely. In that moment, Charles knew that he would never let her go, that he would spend the rest of his days making her happy, cherishing and loving her, and basking in the joy that only she could bring him.

Arianalove · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

chapter 3

The following week, Chloe was all set to embark on her journey to Paris. Excitement coursed through her veins as she finalized her packing and made her way to the airport. Her best friend Rita accompanied her, both of them trying to hold back tears as they faced the impending farewell. At the terminal, they hugged tightly, the kind of hug that conveyed a thousand unspoken words. Tears streamed down their faces as they said their goodbyes, each promising to stay in touch and visit each other.

"Promise you'll visit me in Paris soon," Chloe said, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Absolutely," Rita replied, her eyes glistening with tears. "I can't wait to see you living your dream."

After what felt like endless hugs and final goodbyes, Chloe pulled herself away and proceeded with the necessary procedures before boarding the plane. She checked in her luggage, went through security, and finally reached the gate. Every step brought her closer to the realization of her dream, and she felt a mixture of nervousness and exhilaration. 

As Chloe boarded the plane, she couldn't help but smile. Her heart swelled with happiness knowing that she was taking a decisive step towards a new and fulfilling life. For the first time in a long while, she felt that her life was truly on track.

Finding her seat by the window, Chloe settled in and watched as the airport activity buzzed around her. The anticipation of what awaited her in Paris was almost too much to bear. She took out a small notebook and began jotting down her thoughts, dreams, and plans for her new life. The simple act of writing calmed her nerves and filled her with a sense of purpose.

As the plane began to taxi down the runway, Chloe took a deep breath, feeling the engines roar to life. The ground beneath her started to blur as the plane accelerated, and soon they were airborne, ascending into the sky. She looked out of the window, watching the familiar landscape shrink beneath her, and a sense of liberation washed over her. She was leaving behind the heartache and disappointments, moving towards a future filled with endless possibilities.

During the flight, Chloe let her mind wander. She imagined herself strolling along the Seine, visiting art museums, and sipping coffee in quaint Parisian cafes. She thought about the new friends she would make, the delicious food she would taste, and the adventures that awaited her. The excitement was overwhelming, but it was a feeling she welcomed with open arms.

Hours later, the announcement came that they were beginning their descent into Paris. Chloe's heart raced as she peered out the window, catching her first glimpse of the city she had dreamed about for so long. The Eiffel Tower stood tall, a beacon of hope and new beginnings. She couldn't believe she was finally here.

When the plane touched down, Chloe felt a surge of joy and relief. She had made it. Gathering her belongings, she stepped off the plane, her heart pounding with excitement. As she walked through the airport, she knew that her adventure was just beginning. She had left behind her past and was ready to embrace the future, with all its uncertainties and promises.

Chloe took another deep breath, feeling the French air fill her lungs. She smiled, knowing that she was exactly where she was meant to be. Paris was her fresh start, and she was ready to make the most of every moment.

Charles Alphonse, a 35-year-old billionaire, had spent his entire life in France, a country he adored despite his extensive travels. Growing up amidst opulence, Charles was known for his good behavior and humility, traits that stood out despite his privileged upbringing. His parents, often preoccupied with their own affairs, were rarely present in his life. Consequently, it was his nanny, Miss Loretta, who became his primary caregiver and source of comfort. Miss Loretta wasn't just a caretaker; she was like family to Charles. She helped him with his studies, played games with him, and read him bedtime stories, tucking him in every night with warmth and affection.

As years went by, Charles's parents began to realize the distance that had grown between them and their son. They made efforts to repair their relationship, planning more family time and showing greater interest in his life. However, just as they were beginning to bridge the gap, tragedy struck. A horrific accident claimed the lives of both his parents, leaving Charles devastated. The sudden and immense loss was overwhelming. 

Charles found himself the sole heir to his family's vast wealth, sprawling estate, and his father's extensive business empire. The weight of these responsibilities, coupled with his grief, was nearly unbearable. In an attempt to escape the pain, he threw himself into a relentless work routine. He buried his emotions under a façade of ceaseless activity, immersing himself in business affairs and projects.

However, work alone wasn't enough to numb the sorrow. Charles's grief led him down a darker path. He sought solace in fleeting romantic encounters, none of which offered genuine comfort or connection. His nights became filled with heavy drinking, a futile attempt to drown the overwhelming sadness that engulfed him. The once vibrant and promising life he had known was overshadowed by a persistent sense of loss and loneliness.

Despite his outward success, Charles's heart remained burdened by the memories of his parents and the life they could have had together. His journey through grief and his struggle to find meaning amidst the chaos marked a significant chapter in his life, setting the stage for the challenges and transformations that lay ahead.

For years, he tried to fill the void left by his parents' absence, but nothing seemed to alleviate his sorrow. That was until he met Lina. Lina was from a middle-class family, and her beauty was only matched by her humility and radiant smile. Charles was immediately captivated by her. She had an aura of warmth and kindness that drew him in, and soon he found himself falling deeply in love with her.

Lina brought a light into Charles's life that he had not felt in a long time. They went on romantic dates, traveled to exotic locations, and spent countless hours simply enjoying each other's company. For the first time since his parents' death, Charles felt genuinely happy. Lina's presence pulled him out of his darkness and gave him a reason to smile again.

One beautiful evening, Charles decided to propose to Lina. He chose a picturesque setting with twinkling lights and romantic music to create the perfect mood. In front of her family and friends, he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. Lina's eyes sparkled with tears of joy as she said yes, and they kissed, sealing the moment with love and excitement. It was a beautiful evening filled with laughter, cheers, and the promise of a wonderful future together.

That summer, they got married on a stunning beach, with the sound of the waves providing a serene backdrop to their vows. The ceremony was lovely, filled with flowers, music, and the presence of their closest friends and family. Both Charles and Lina were overjoyed to start their new life together as husband and wife.

Shortly after their honeymoon, Lina discovered she was pregnant. When she shared the news with Charles, his joy was palpable. He lifted her up and spun her around, kissing her with sheer delight. The news of their impending parenthood brought them even closer, filling their hearts with anticipation and love.

After nine long and expectant months, Lina gave birth to a healthy, beautiful baby boy. Charles was overwhelmed with happiness as he held his son for the first time. They named him Christain, a name that held deep personal significance for Charles. Bringing Lina and their newborn son home, Charles felt a profound sense of completeness. For the first time in years, he had a family of his own. The love he felt for Lina and Christian filled the once-empty spaces in his heart, giving him a renewed sense of purpose and joy.

Charles watched over his family with a protective and loving eye, cherishing every moment they spent together. His journey from the depths of despair to the heights of happiness had been transformative, and he was grateful for the love and light that Lina and Christain brought into his life.

Their lives were filled with love and happiness. Eight years later, their idyllic world came crashing down when Lina fell seriously ill. She was rushed to the hospital, where, after a series of tests, the doctor delivered devastating news to Charles. Lina had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. The doctor explained that while chemotherapy was an option, her chances of survival were slim. Charles was heartbroken. He stood frozen in shock, unable to speak for what felt like an eternity. When he finally found his voice, he pleaded with the doctor to do everything possible to save his beloved wife, regardless of the cost.