
My Big Shot Fighter Boss

“I'll have you know that I’m already being paid triple the amount by your gym with the set schedule.” A smirk curls up on Lucy’s lips. “I mean, THAT amount, I’ll triple it.” Owen emphasized his words to get the message across. Lucy was taken aback but her brain did auto-math and a moment was all she needed to say yes. “I’ll see you at the gym.” “Not the gym, my home. I’ll send you the address.” --- Lucy works hard as a physical therapist to earn money for her and her grandma. She met Owen, a bigshot MMA fighter, willing to pay her generously. Their lives get entangled beyond professional connections when it comes to light that Owen also knew Lucy's grandmother and considers her an important person in his life. Owen seems to always have the solution to Lucy's problems. The young woman has always been reluctant to accept help but Owen has started to break down her resistance for unknown reasons. Let's watch the pair navigate life, discovering and solving each other's puzzles, breaking through doubts, injuries, health, petty jealousy, and much more.

Dulce_Mansa · Thành thị
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58 Chs

Do You Accept My Proposal

Owen said they'll talk over dinner, she grabbed her phone from her back pocket to look at the time. 10:15 AM. Maybe she'll take a nap for an hour.

Lucy shot up as soon as she woke up. She felt like she just slept but was sure that it was not the case at all. She checked her phone, the screen showed the alarm details she wasn't able to set. She zoomed in on the time displayed in the corner. 

1:00 PM. Good Heavens.

She shot up like a rocket pushing herself off the bed. She can feel her face partially numb, probably displaying a good set of bed marks on one side. There's a mirror beside the door which she used to at least make herself a bit more presentable, combing her hair with her fingers and pressing the red lines on her cheeks. It didn't do much and she was forced to accept the reality eventually.

She gave the door a slow push and walked a few steps while scanning the surroundings. Where Owen might be. 

The door beside her swung open. 

"Hi." Her face was blank and it was the single word was the only coherent thought she could produce. It's not coherent at all but it will do right now. 

There was a stark contrast in appearance between her and Owen. The man was relaxed, which is understandable because it is his house but Lucy still felt slightly misplaced.

"The food is in the kitchen." He didn't mention Lucy's tardiness or the flushed display on her face. He walked leisurely towards the open counter where one large brown bag was resting. Owen started taking out the containers from the containers one by one. 

"I didn't know what you liked and you didn't answer the door when I knocked." He arranged three plastic containers in a row. "Choose." He's leaning on the counter with one arm, waiting for a response from the lady, still holding the brown bag with his other hand.

Lucy chose one at random. "This is fine." She is not a picky eater anyway and even if she was, she'd be too embarrassed to show that side of her in this situation.

Owen took two of the containers, set them aside, and took another one from the brown bag before discarding it in a trash can. She's impressed by Owen's neatness. Not that it's a grand deed, setting the container aside and throwing the trash are basic but there's something in the way he moves that makes it look purposeful.

The man looked up and caught Lucy staring. She pressed her lips together to contain the silly smile that was forming. "Yes?" Owen simply tilted his head, sat down, and gestured for Lucy to do the same. 

They were halfway into the meal when Owen spoke. "Do you accept my proposal?" 

Lucy didn't have much time to think about the offer because she was asleep the whole time. Truthfully, she just wanted to shut her brain off but she knew she couldn't. She has Nana. 

She looked at Owen before answering. 

"Yes." The answer was not from careful consideration but from an impulse. She trusted the man, and it was help offered out of good faith. This is a temporary arrangement, once everything is settled, which she now thought was a possibility, she'll move out.

"Good." Was all he heard from the man who now had eyes set on the food instead of her. "Get ready, we'll get your stuff from your old house.

"Right away?" Lucy felt anxious knowing she'd have to get in here again.

"It's better to go during the day, thugs like that won't make a scene in broad daylight." Owen stated as a matter-of-factly.

"Okay." Lucy is getting used to listening to Owen giving out surprisingly accurate information.

They finished their meal and Owen discarded their trash. She could have done something that simple but when she stood up, Owen was reaching out for her share as well. 

The things that followed were uneventful compared to the events of the last 24 hours. Owen went to his room, reminding Lucy to be ready in 10 minutes so they could go to her house. 

She can't do anything to prepare herself other than wash her face. She wasn't able to take any clothes from the hospital to wear here, she thought everything would go well when she went to the police and was planning to go back to the hospital right after. 

She sent a message to Uncle Fred earlier to not worry the man and asked for a day off which she was easily granted. Tomorrow she has a schedule for Owen's treatment. She needs to get at least a few uniforms she could use for work.

The bathroom is well-stocked with towels and toiletries, if Lucy is troubled it is because of how organized everything is, she's uneasy messing it up.

She went out of the room and sat on the couch, waiting for Owen. She checked the time and Owen was out in no time. He nodded at Lucy, signaling her to stand and she did. She followed him again, tracing the path they took to get in, said goodbye to the doorman and got in the car waiting right in front of the building entrance.

Lucy felt like she was on autopilot, keeping close to Owen, following his lead. They were silent in the car but it was expected. Owen was not the kind to talk when there was nothing to discuss. It's surprising how he manages to keep engaged in conversations with Nana whenever he visits. 

They arrived at the familiar neighborhood. Owen had to park a few blocks away because the house can only be accessed by walking. Lucy took the lead and arrived at the shabby gate of their home. She knows she only had to pull it because it's already opened, anyway.

She got inside, Owen following close behind.

The view when she swung the door open devastated her.