
My Best Friend is a Hybrid

It’s the year 2073, and everything had changed. New high-tech dominates almost all aspects of life. This also has a dark side: unethical human experiments. 17-year-old Akira Cruz, the genius nephew of the president of the Philippines, was in the middle of grieving for his late best friend when he stumbled upon an abandoned orphan boy in the mountains while on a hike with his younger sister. That boy is Hachi Shimizu, a half-zombie, half-vampire who was disposed by an evil organization known as the Kara Tech, which was notorious for its brutal and unethical experiments. Together, the two boys would team up with a detective named Toshi Kawasaki, a half-Japanese, half-British who specializes in the supernatural and also considers the murder case of Akira’s best friend open despite the police closed it due to a lack of evidence. The three of them believed that the Kara Tech was somehow connected to the disappearances of various children in and around the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. As they go and solve cases, their friendship blossomed, especially when two people, Riho Yoshihara, Akira's childhood, biracial friend, and Htet Kawa, a half-Japanese, half-Burmese junior detective from Yokohama, had come along in their various missions, both involving the supernatural and the overworld. Will they stop the organization from committing more heinous crimes before it’s too late?

Roxas0702 · Khoa huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
39 Chs

Chapter 35 - A half-Japanese, half-Burmese

Third person POV

 One Saturday afternoon, after work, Akira and Hachi are walking down the street thinking and wondering where they will go at this hour.

Toshi is not with them due to some extra work at the agency.

 "So, where are we going?" Hachi asked him.

 "I don't know," Akira responded while looking at the map of his smartphone for navigation.

 "Okay, wherever you go."

But then, they heard some beat-ups coming from a nearby alley ahead of them.

So, they went to check it out, only when they arrived there, they saw three young thugs beating up a young man for money.

Akira and Hachi are very surprised with alert to see that.

 "What the...? Hey!" one of them shouted.

The three thugs then stopped what are they doing and turned around.

 "What's your problem, huh?" one of the thugs asked.

 "What are you doing to that person?" Hachi asked, ready to intervene.

But, Akira stopped him. "No, don't."

That didn't last long when another of the three thugs wielded his lead pipe at them. "Oh, yeah? I'll beat you up to a pulp!"

He then charged at Akira and Hachi.

Hachi then went full on with his powers as a hybrid, shooting red vines of rays at the charging thug.

 "Hachi-kun!" Akira shouted at this, but to no avail.

He then thought, "I don't want him to get into trouble..."

But then, Hachi beats the first thug with his fists.

This leaves the remaining thug to try to act tough at Hachi and charged at him with his baseball bat.

But still, Hachi punches him in the face, sending him flying a few meters away.

While this was happening, Akira went to the injured young man and checked for any signs of injury.

He then saw that they were just bruises on the arms and face, and eventually helped him get up and walk.

At the same time, the three thugs fled the scene in fear because of Hachi's aggressiveness.

 "Then don't do such a stupid thing ever again, you idiots!" he gave out a warning.

And then, Akira said to him, "Come on, Hachi-kun, let's take him to the nearest hospital!"

Upon seeing that, Hachi nodded in agreement.

And so, they took the young man to the nearest hospital on foot.

But, who was that young man?