
My Best Friend is a Hybrid

It’s the year 2073, and everything had changed. New high-tech dominates almost all aspects of life. This also has a dark side: unethical human experiments. 17-year-old Akira Cruz, the genius nephew of the president of the Philippines, was in the middle of grieving for his late best friend when he stumbled upon an abandoned orphan boy in the mountains while on a hike with his younger sister. That boy is Hachi Shimizu, a half-zombie, half-vampire who was disposed by an evil organization known as the Kara Tech, which was notorious for its brutal and unethical experiments. Together, the two boys would team up with a detective named Toshi Kawasaki, a half-Japanese, half-British who specializes in the supernatural and also considers the murder case of Akira’s best friend open despite the police closed it due to a lack of evidence. The three of them believed that the Kara Tech was somehow connected to the disappearances of various children in and around the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. As they go and solve cases, their friendship blossomed, especially when two people, Riho Yoshihara, Akira's childhood, biracial friend, and Htet Kawa, a half-Japanese, half-Burmese junior detective from Yokohama, had come along in their various missions, both involving the supernatural and the overworld. Will they stop the organization from committing more heinous crimes before it’s too late?

Roxas0702 · Khoa huyễn
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39 Chs

Chapter 1 – Grief

???'s POV

 "I can't go to school today," I said to myself as I sat on my bed while being depressed. The reason why is that my best friend, Hashi Nakamura, had died and went to the afterlife, without me. He didn't even reach second-year in high school. The reason why is that he disappeared while visiting Tokyo, which is 2 hours away from my home village called Okutama. He was like a brother to me. We had so many good memories together. I loved him like a brother. I cried so much that my bedsheets are wet with tears of sadness. Hashi was abducted and experimented by an unknown organization, which is said to promise 'better lives' for the people involved. But in reality, they did gruesome and unethical experiments on them. In Hashi's case, he was found dead at a river southeast of Tokyo. 

In the funeral, I cried so hard that my family and friends came and comforted me for the entire service, before he was cremated. 

His ashes were buried at a cemetery in Kawasaki. 

His parents wanted justice for their son, who was aspiring to be a detective, but currently, there is no evidence or update to the case. 

And now, 3 months since the funeral, I rarely went to school, about 3 times a week, and couldn't do PE class at all. 

Today, I was in my room crying my grief away, and my parents allowed me to skip school for most days so I could recuperate and recover emotionally.

 My name is Akira Cruz, a 17-year-old biracial high school boy living in Okutama. I am a half-Filipino, half-Japanese, and a Filipino by citizenship. I had brown hair and dark blue eyes and average in height. My full Filipino passport name is Akira Baybay Satoshi-Cruz. My father is a Filipino while my mother is a Japanese. I had two siblings, a younger sister named Miki, and an older brother named Taka. My father, Ian Cruz, is a factory worker while my mother is a teacher. I am currently in second-year in high school, and Miki is in her last year in middle school, while Taka is in his freshman year in college. I loved Western thriller and action movies and songs, as well as Filipino songs. I am also a bookworm, reading a lot of books, both physical and digital. But despite all of that, I had no idea what I want to be in life. There are so many choices, but I can't choose any of them at all. I even debated whether I should go to university after high school or not. I was in a loss.