
Chapter 2 knowing second gender.

Exactly at 5:00 am ..

"hey wake up ,wake up you sleepy head today we are going to be checked our second genders oh good Lord I hope to be an Alpha I mean just take a look at me am handsome,tall,so cool,hehe even without a check up I believe to be an Alpha huh?... you idiot am talking to you and your still sleeping heyyy wake up!!!" he said as he was pulling a beautiful boy out of bed " SHUT THE FUCK UP XANDER . it's five in the morning why are you excited about a damn gender check had no one ever taught you not to be a nuisance to people?!" the angry munchkin yelled with a pout he didn't notice how it made him look like an innocent Angel he wasn't "awww look at you looking so adorable early morning your making me wanna kiss you this instantly haha" Xander said as he was laughing knowing that he's provoking him to the climax " AAAA GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM!" annoyingly the beautiful slender body threw pillows at Xander who found it cute and the tantrum made him laugh ' lord please let him be an omega and I'll claim him ' he thought and smiled then continued to wake the sleeping beauty again" hey wake up sleeping baby I really am excited to know what's your second gender perhaps we could date or do something exciting " he winked and that's when the angel woke up and looked at Xander annoyingly " haha look at your face looking looking so adorable while annoyed" Xander winked to the body who got off bed to tidy up " oh shut up dude I can't be an omega and even if I am I can't be yours" he rolled his eyes " ouch baby that hurts " Xander pretended to be torn apart " argh your so annoying and by the way who let you in my room? " he asked pretending to be serious" come on baby am not intruding and as a good boyfriend taking ofcourse my boyfriend to school " he giggled weirdly "sigh .. you asshole though we are childhood buddies till now it doesn't mean you should bug in without notice I am a man and I need privacy of my own " he said as he was now preparing for school which was staring in hours " aww Justin I just wanna bite your cheeks can I ?" Xander smirked as he looked at Justin who was wearing a the petite beautiful body and his eyes shifted to Justine's face which looked like a porcelain doll Justin had doe eyes , pink lips dark coal hair and cuteness that would confuse him to be a girl yet nature opposed him being one his kissable lips made Xander sigh and snap outta his thoughts "sigh.. okay since your done and we gat no tym for breakfast let's head to school am already excited for the day hehehhehhe " they descended the stairs to head to school the moment they opened the front door a sad looking owl eyed beautiful young lady looked at them to the verge of crying" hey hey hey darling what's with you this early morning aren't you excited to find out your second gender cause I am " Xander bragged not caring about the sad girl in front of him" imagine me and my omega hanging out all day and night in his heat days me to be there heehe Lana wanna be my omega if you're to be when checked up? " he asked the sad girl who was Lana she looked at him and retorted " fuck you xander can't you see I was trying to get Justin's attention a pervert like you doesn't deserve a diva like me I mean am pretty sure id rather be Justine's omega than yours hmph buh am to be a beta am sure of it " lana said but the time both looked they saw Justin already hitching a ride to school the two blabber beaks looked at themselves with an expression of -what-the-fuck- they hurriedly followed him when three of them were in the car they looked at Justin Like a wired alien " what I don't have all day waiting for two grown ups arguing about random stuff 😒" Justin turned to his phone checking on school program " but jus aren't you the youngest here remember am your momma and I need attention come on pweeeezzzz " lana began shaking Justin's thigh tenderly and Justin who felt like busting to laughing but he controlled it . these three idiots have been childhood besties and have spent half of their life span together " hey Lana stop disturbing him he won't talk to you since it's you haha" Xander provoked knowing how Lana loved Justine's attention she glared at Xander and stuck her tongue out .these two would never stop their banters they would argue about the most stupid small stuff and Justin enjoyed every little bit of it ' sigh I wish I could be a beta' Justine thought as they arrived at school

Wuxia Academia... Feb 2920

the large gates opened thousands of students entered most students excited to know there second genders " oh buda I pray to be an omega cause my boyfriend is an Alpha heiyaaa our couple would be a match in heaven " the girl squealed clasping her hands

the three buddies by passed her and Lana rolled her eyes " dreaming argh" . "hey ladies mind stopping the commotion the tests will begin soon " the principal said and the girl with her friends dispersed like wind " Justin Kim ,Xander Qin , Lana chen, you three would be checked second as requested by your parents but we need to get the ex-president's son results cause he needs them to be private and the other two " the principal said as he began heading back to his office " presidents son my foot why do those three get attention first before students here just because they are are children of big people around the country doesn't mean they can swoon over other people head " Xander said frustrated about the whole issue " duuhh and how's that your problem nut head " Lana said as they entered there classroom and sat down " stop it guys as long as we are all getting the check up it doesn't matter " Justin spoke . they studied for two hours until " okay students I'll end here as it's time for the check up hope y'all get the genders you dream of remember if you become an omega you should keep safe from now and Alphas you should be considerate cause omegas are weak plus being a beta too ain't bad then thats all for today let's all shift to the miss shins clinic to begin the tests" miss meily said as she moved out of the classroom and the students followed most of them excited "Xander how do you see if I am an Alpha and you an omega then I marry you - ouch duuudeee that hurts" she was lightly knocked onth forehead by Xander " I'd rather die a virgin than you marrying me first your ugly, second it's still the first reason and third reason you have a cold heart bless me not I'd rather die" he said as he ran to enter miss shins office and Lana ran after him " hey you asshole stand and repeat what you said then you watch me shut that thing you call a mouth" she ran after him " please let me not be an omega it'll be disaster for me " Justin Crossed his fingers and also entered to get the tests they all sat at the lounge as they called out one bye one after some 60minutes it's was Lana's turn " hi madam shin uhhh uhhmm as you know the most famous students on compose uhhhh have. uhhh they .. gotten there check up yet?? .." miss shin looked at Lana with an expression of 😒 "yea they have why ask interested in one ?" she asked " hehehhe no am just a fan " she bitted her nails after some minutes the tests were done " okay wait outside for your results and the others too" she took up and began. walking outside "yishh I just asked she didn't have to be rude duhh i- " before she finished mumbling she heard " miss chen I can hear you and please be respectful next time next " she called someone else in " sorry ma'am" she bowed and ran out and found Xander standing at the door way " pfttttt hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha haha you deserve it hahaha I always warned it about your careless mouth" Lana turned crimson red and just walked away "hmph" after hours of all checkups all students were handed their envelopes "Aghhhhhh am a beta what did I expect from beta parents" Lana said as the three of them headed to the cafeteria to have their lunch as they sat down Justin hadn't opened his envelope Xander opened his as soon as they sat down "AAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa am an alpha I knew it I knew it an alpha thanks parents you did well am An Alpha soon to get an omega everyone am an alpha" Xander said as he stood up the table " hey old gramps sit down your making me ashamed of being your friend sit down no one cares how about you Justin what's your second gender?" she then looked at Justin who was staring in space"hmmm uhhh I haven't opened it yet but am not yet ready for the results yet " he smiled and stood up" I'll go somewhere after I'll be right back" he said as he began walking away

" hey Xander you think he'll be okay am a little bit worried about him.."she asked worryingly"yeah I think so hey Lana just look at those girls giggling at me he smirked " ishh shoose am outta here " she stood up and went away