

TW: Rape, stalking, sensitive subjects


After talking to Finn, I kept thinking about all the things that could go wrong. My parents told me they were going to Italy to meet with the founders of a new clothing company. 2 weeks I will stay with Darren occasionally with Khloe taking into account that she mostly stays at Klara's house more mostly I will stay with Darren. I hope in these two weeks to reduce the tension between the two of us.


My phone is ringing, Serenity keeps trying to call me, Darren tells me to answer, he was curious what could come out of his mouth. I answer and put the phone on speaker. "Lord Finn! What an idiot are you? Why did you have to get me in trouble with the law? What if they put me in jail because of you? If that happens after they release me, I'll kill you!" Darren intervenes. "Leave it easy with these words, if you touch him you will be in prison."

"What him, can't you see he's still acting like a girl who wants attention?"

Hearing these words I couldn't help but try not to let my sensitive side win. She was already making transphobic comments at me.

Darren got angry and hung up on him. Disturbed by the comment she made. "Finn, don't pay attention to her, she's crazy, don't let what a crazy woman says about you affect you. If they lock her up, she better rot in jail until she learns to stop stalking people. You can sleep here tonight, Hugo's parents are gone, they're only coming in 2 weeks, you can stay as long as you want. It won't be good for you to go out now, considering that

woman knows where you live."

" It wouldn't be such a bad idea I think I can afford to stay here for a while.

"Perfect then."

*The next day Hugo returns home.*

"Darren I'm home."

I leave the room and he is unpleasantly surprised to see me.

"What are you doing here?!"

Darren also leaves the room and tries to explain to him, Hugo did not want to understand that if I leave the house now, Serenity is able to kill me, Hugo nervously went to his room and locked himself there. He was angry with me, this thing was visible, but I couldn't do anything, I just had to wait for his anger to pass. I had slept in his room the other day but now that he's back I can't do that considering he hates me, I wasn't allowed in his parents' room because they locked it when they left. I couldn't even go to Khloe's room because she wanted to stay there alone, they didn't have a room for guests so the last option was the couch.


It was evening and I tried to fall asleep on the couch.


I go down to the living room and to my surprise I see Finn on the couch trying to fall asleep, he couldn't. "Why are you sleeping here? I have a double bed in my room, I can't let you sleep on the couch if you're not used to it."

Finn was surprised he didn't expect me to give him a proper place to sleep. We get to my room and I could see that he was a little bit embarrassed about the fact that he would be sleeping in the same bed as me. The room smelled a bit of alcohol since I had some wine left over so I decide to offer Finn a glass of wine as well.

"Do you want some wine?"

I ask pointing at the wine bottle.

"I don't really drink alcohol."

"Come on, what harm can a glass do to you?"

"You're right about that."

From one glass then about 3, he didn't have a good resistance to alcohol, he was already drunk, I knew what I was planning was wrong but I had to find a way to make Hugo jealous. The reason I brought Finn here is not because I feel sorry for him or anything, it's just to make Hugo jealous and how can I make him jealous? By having a one night stand with someone. I just hope Finn will forgive me.


What the hell is happening to me? I'm dizzy all I can see now is just Darren. What is he doing, why is he taking his shirt off! No, oh God no!

"Finn, you're so handsome when you don't know what you're doing."

He says as he gets on top of me, blocking my handsm. I struggled, I wanted to leave, I wanted to run away, I didn't want to feel like this anymore. His hand was roaming over my body, I hadn't had sex reassignment surgery done yet, I still had all those parts. His hand was massaging my chest, I felt very uncomfortable. I try to say something but I couldn't, suddenly he kisses me.

"Stop! Darren! Stop please!" He wanted to undress me, that was clear, I resisted, I was crying. This whole thing was a pain for me, he really didn't care at all, why is he doing this to me? Why? Why did he bring me here if he knew what he wanted to do? What did I do to deserve this? What the hell did I do to deserve this?

"I just want to make Hugo jealous. Hold still and let me finish." "Stop!"



I wake up, surprisingly I don't find Finn on the couch, I don't even know where he was. Darren comes down to the kitchen, he doesn't say anything, no good morning, no hello, nothing. I decide to ask a little worried, I hated to admit it but I still cared about Finn, I understood why he did what he did, why he called the police. "Darren, where's Finn?" He looks at me a little disturbed by the question and says: "I don't know, I think he went home."

"I asked because I didn't see him on the couch and I didn't notice any pillows on the couch."

"Well, he didn't sleep on the couch, he slept in my room."

"In your room? How so?"

"Well I felt sorry to leave him on the couch, he didn't really like trying to sleep there so I suggested he sleeps with me in my bed." "OK then."


I went home, I didn't even care if Serenity killed me or not, better killed by her than living with this memory. Why did Darren do this to me? Why? Why? I've known him for 2 years, he's always been nice to me, now he's taken advantage of me.

I never want to see him again.