
My Avatar System(Rewriting)

In the wake of his sister's tragic passing, Damian is consumed by an unwavering determination to uncover the truth and exact revenge. Fortunate enough to acquire a mysterious power known as "The Puppeteer System," he embarks on a journey that unveils a startling reality - the world he once knew has evolved into a realm of unfamiliarity, where even his own abilities hold complexities beyond imagination. Join Damian as he sets forth on an enthralling quest to discover his true origins and confront the enigmatic forces at play. Get ready for an adventure that will captivate and intrigue from start to finish. Author's Note: Join the MAS Universe on WhatsApp! To join the MAS Universe group on WhatsApp, simply click on the following link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/L1P9lHz4fF4865qh2B2TWg I look forward to meeting each and every one of you in the group. Your thoughts, feedback, and enthusiasm are invaluable to the growth and development of the novel. Thank you once again for your unwavering support. Let's continue to immerse ourselves in the MAS Universe and make unforgettable memories together! Warm regards,

Likkle_Foxx · Kỳ huyễn
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66 Chs


" Target sighted, she's moving with Janet with Draxus shamelessly following behind, location..." a cold voice sounded

"Got it we'll be there soon"



"I know you're there, Draxus," I said. "Don't bother hiding."

"Hahaha, Lady Jenna," Draxus replied, his voice dripping with false bravado. "I wasn't trying to hide. As a gentleman, that I am, I was waiting for the appropriate time to approach you beautiful maidens." He laughed, but his laugh sounded awkward and forced.

I snickered. This guy was such a bootlicker.

"As I was saying before..."

A warning flashed before my eyes.


"Watch out!" Draxus shouted, suddenly pushing me and Janet out of the way.

The force of his shove threw us both to the ground.

"What the hell?" I shouted as I pushed Draxus off of me. A loud explosion filled my ears.

My eyes widened in horror as I saw the state our previous location. "Oh, my God..." I whispered. My heart began to race.

I could feel my hands shaking as I tried to process what I was seeing. There was a silhouette of a humanoid figure in the dust, what kind of raw power was that.

"Tsk, I missed," said a feminine voice as the figure slowly walked out of the dust cloud. I couldn't believe my eyes. The voice sounded like that of a child, but it couldn't be possible... could it?

And then the figure stepped out of the cloud. My eyes widened in shock. The figure that stepped out was a... lolita character, complete with pink hair, a pink dress, and pink daggers strapped to her waist. She looked to be around ten years old, if I had seen her back on earth, i would have thought she was a child model or something, but my intuition told me that this child was far more dangerous than she looked.

"Haaa..." the lolita character sighed cutely. "Bwig sister Jenna, Angela's tired. Pwease kindly stay still and let Angela do her job."


Definitely not cute!

I couldn't stop the corners of my mouth from twitching in annoyance. Here she was, acting like a toddler, when moments ago, she'd just destroyed five buildings with a single kick!

The daggers strapped to her waist gave her away as an assassin class, but there was no way an assassin class would have that much raw power. It just wasn't possible.

"I can swee that bwig sister Jenna is surpwised," the loli said, as if reading my mind. "You swee, Angela is a double class fwighter. I'm both a battlemonk and an assassin."

My eyes widened in disbelief. A double class fighter? Is that actually possible? 

Damn!, I don't know anything about classes.

But I couldn't let that distract me now, I could feel the lolli's intense gaze on me, she was waiting for an opening for her to strike.

"Bwig swister Jenna, Angels needs to go, pwease be quick"


Stop that!

If you continue I might develop pedophobia!

" Who sent you?" Janet asked from the side, also eyeing the lolli warily.

" Bwig swister Janet, don't you know, an assassin doesn't release those kinds of info"

"I see," Janet replied. "Is there really no way to avoid this?"


"I see," she said, as she placed her hand on her sword. "It's been a while since I fought another assassin class fighter. I've been itching for a fight lately."

"Oh, I'm very sorry, bwig swister," the lolita said, "but my tawget this time is not you."

I gasped as two more assassins suddenly appeared behind the girl, as if out of nowhere.

I whirled around, searching for any sign of the two new assassins, but I couldn't see or hear them. How were they hiding their presence so well? My mind raced as I tried to figure out what was going on.

"What's the matter, bwig swister?" the lolita taunted. "Are you scared?"

F**k you!

Lightning crackled across my body as I decided not to indulge her any further. She might be strong, but I was confident in my defense.

"Woah! So flashy!" the lolita exclaimed.

With a booming crash, my fist connected with her punch. The impact raised all the broken rocks around us and scattered them in every direction.

"You know what?" she said, dropping the baby talk. "I like people like you. You're direct and down-to-earth, not like some of the scheming royals out there."

Before I could react, she caught my next punch and dragged me closer, driving her knee into my belly and knocking the wind out of me. I staggered backward, coughing and trying to catch my breath.


"I would have loved to befriend you" she sighed " But it's really unfortunate that some people want you dead"


I knew it!

It was one of those anti-protagonist conspiracies I often read about.


I ran forward again and continued exchanging blows with Angela.


I was pushed back in no time, sent flying by an uppercut, but instead of glaring at her or showing any signs of pain, I grinned mischievously causing the Lolli to show a confused look.

These uneducated fools, thought I was a sorcerer. A Three magic circles appeared, one small one below her feet, one gigantic one around two meters above her and another enormous one about ten meters above.





The bolt hit the lolli sending her straight into the ground and creating a gigantic smoking five meters wide crater.

[ AMPLIFICATION (TEMPORARY,1 STAR): Granted by the puppeteer Damian Peters, this skill can be used to amplify damage by up to 40% and defense penetration by 20%, has a 10% chance of triggering a double cast. Multiple casts of the skill stacks the effect]


"Hahahaha! Damian is the best!" I laughed. "Let's try this again."

Suddenly, the air grew colder. The lolita, who was just crawling out of the crater, and Janet, Draxus, and the other two assassins who had been blown away by the shockwave of the previous spell, all shivered in unison. They shared the same thought.

Did we just hear her say again?

Come on sister, you're a sorcerer okay!

That kind of spell costs a lot of mana, sorcerers don't have that much.

And who the hell is Damian?

Then they all heard something that made them puke blood.

"Time to spam"










And then the world turned blue.



I sighed in relief. The intense feeling of dread I had felt had reduced by a lot. I was glad I was able to extract some useful skills from the monsters in this dungeon, I also sent some spells I just created just in case. If not for that, something might have happened to Jenna. Now I could focus on my own battle without worrying about her.

A/N: [TEMPORARY BESTOWAL(1 star): Other than the three borrowed skills you can give your avatars, you can also grant them temporary skills from any you have in your arsenal.]

[MANA COST: Varies]

[DURATION: 1 Hour]