
First encounter.

Come back here Devin, Cherish yelled at the little chubby 5 years old.

Nope i wont, i don't wanna take a shower.

Cherish is an orphan, she is 20 years old and living a comfortable life all thanks to her hard work.

She currently helps out an old Mrs Gina in her little orphanage.

Mrs Gina walks into the bathroom.

DEVIN!!! she yelled.

Uh uh Devin muttered.

I am sorry aunt cherry ( Cherish name was always shortened to Cherry it was her nickname).

i will take my bath now.

Thanks alot Cherry dear, you know you do not have to keep doing this, said Mrs Gina.

Its ok ma i enjoy helping you out okay?.Cherry assured her.

If you insist dear. Mrs Gina concluded.

Cherry was about heading home to her little but cozy apartment.

As she tried crossing the street, a very expensive looking sports car came out of nowhere and splashed dirty water all over her.

She shrieked in utter anger, Heyyyy what the f**k is wrong with you, are you so blind that you cant see me, She ranted.

Then out of the drivers door came out the most handsome man she has seen in her life with high cheekbone, deep black obsidian eyes, sharp pointed nose, perfect thin pink lips, thin waist all classed in his expensive Italian suit.

He was so devilishly handsome, he looked like a fallen angel. Cherry couldn't help but gawk at him, he was a heavenly sight to behold but then something hit her.....this th....is.... him one of the most richest men in the world, the most eligible bachelor in X city, every woman's dream, it was him,standing right there like an Adonis god, so perfect. The man who shook places even if only his name was mention, it was him, Alexander Cheng

She forgot all about her anger.

Alex stared coldly at her his face devoid of any emotion and he only said one word......SCRAM.