

“ how could you hide such thing from me don't you trust me to handle it the right way “ he spoke, his eyes looked sad with an hint of betrayal “ am sorry” Kelly cried holding her hand above her head “ there is no excuse for your lack of trust Kelly I trusted you I love you I respect you and every decision you take for us and the family I never one day doubted your actions because I love and trusted you , I trust you more than I trust my self how could you?” “ Please forgive me I was so scared of loosing you and our baby” she cried louder Seeing this man cired for the first time in front of her means he was heart broken he never cired not even when his grandmother who he had lived with almost all his life died of cancer “ and even thought, telling me the truth would cause you loose us and everything there is no excuse for your selfishness Kelly I harte liars “ he said again and this time he didn't let a single tears drop his eyes all red “ I was blackmailed trust me I never meant any harm" she cired again while putting her head down she has failed the one and only person who has always been her back bone her strength when she is weak he harte lies and she knew he trust her, he trusted other but they ended up breaking him how could she, what difference is she and those who have offended him and lied too him “ Kelly do you think I would judge you because you were rape by your cousin when you were little. You really do think lowly of me and you never love me from the beginning because love is trust, true love is trust Kelly am not gonna request for a divorce but I need time too get over it, just like a mirror you broke I don't think I could be amended” he spoke is voice low and it releases pain of betrayal and lack of trust. The nightmare she has always fear has come true after years of leaving her past behind her it has resurfaced.

Fejis_gold_James · Khác
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i was woken up by Hanzon he seems worried about me but I wasn't too sleepy too not have noticed

" let me sleep jerk " I said softly

" am sorry for disturbing your sleep but you have too get up and eat something please"

" go away jerk please let me sleep " I pleaded with my half sleeping voice

" okay I promise to let you sleep when you are done eating okay " he said helping me too a sitting position.

he opened the tray of food and sat at the edge of the bed he scoop a spoon full of white rice and spicy chicken stew " open up please? "

and I opened my mouth as he feed me for some reason I didn't feel embarrassed at the fact that he was feeding me I just felt the warn and a sense of safety around him after eating almost all the food in the tray he help me laid on his arms and then I slept off.

for almost 2 weeks he has been so sweet and many nurse though he was my boyfriend not bad at all.

he jokes with me take me out for a walk and read books too me if I told him I couldn't sleep I didn't know he was good at reading books to children I just realized his hidden talents on like my dad he is terrible at singing lullaby songs.

" Hanzon am okay now I would get sick if I stay here any longer" I said too him

" yeah I know the doctor said you are perfectly okay now but you still more rest so relax rose Mary "

" and who is rose Mary cause the last time I checked my name is Kelly"

" are you jealous?"

" what? jealous? you must be kidding me "

" are you sure you won't mind me making out with another girl "

" 1000 million percent sure "

" okay what about I go firlt with those nurses out there they seem hot and they were trying to get my attention" he said with a proud smile

" go ahead no one like a jerk"

" see you "

" you haven't been rejected all your life by a girl that why or else this your confidence about getting any girl would crumble and beside the nurses smile to literally everyone and the doctor for sure looks cuter than you " I said with a proud smile but I never saw what was up next.

" so you mean the doctor is cuter than me ?" he ask with his side eyes

for sure the doctor looks cute but Hanzon was more handsome but I wasn't gonna admit that too him " the doctor of course " I said too annoyed him.

he roughly too my hands and lean it against the wall he gently tipped my chin his thumb brushed my lower lip making my lip part for him, he sealed my lips with his without warning.

he let go all of a suddenly and he looked down

" am sorry" he said and left in an hurry

I tired stabling my breathing

what the fuck just happened I tired too get my self some rest and finally I slept off the next day I discharge myself and called Emma too come pick me up she was so relieved she saw me she hug me and cired a little why was she crying we aren't that close but she told me I was the first true Friend she ever had all her friends called her weirdo and seriously laugh at her for the birth mark she had on her cheeks we took a taxi too school.

" I thought something happened too you ?"

" Emma am so confused right now what about Davis my friend"

" am not sure but the head department said a girl was found raped almost too death.

" what?"

" put yourself together Kelly""

" what about Sonia?"

" I don't know about her but there was no more news "

" okay "

we finally reach our hostel and Emma help me with my stuff as soon as I got in I found Sonia sitting with her leg crossed

immediately I walk in she suddenly bursts out crying and shaking in fear

" I didn't do anything please don't hurt me " she said as she cired

I couldn't bear too see her shake in fear but I was still mad at her

" Sonia it me Kelly" she turn around and immediately swipe her tear as she ran up too me

" thank God you are alive I was sick worried that the same thing that happened to Davis might have happened too you" she said in between the hug

" Sonia what happened too Davis?" I ask scared .

" she .....(cired) " she told us Davis got raped and was now sent home for recovery.

" it was all my fault" she cired

" no it not your fault stop saying that" I said.

" Sonia do you know where Davis lived?" I ask

" yes at the McDonald's street that where she lived "

" I will be right back" I said getting up

" where are you going too? "

" that non of your business Sonia don't get work up relax" I said too Sonia while I turn too Emma

" thanks so much for the help it mean alot too me but I can't let you come with me I need to handle this by myself okay "

" sure but take care " Emma said while smiling at me.

this time I took a public train I got too the house describe I ring the doorbell and a boy a young cute boy came out he look a little bit Younger I guess he was Davis younger brother

" hi how can I help you ?"

" I wanna speak to Davis"

" are you from the military?"

" yes am her roommate" I said

and he suddenly brust out with anger ready too attack me

" you all are evil you couldn't protect my sister you all decieve the people's, you criminals get out of here before I do something you and I would regret" he said fumming of course I understood his anger but I wasn't gonna leave

just as he yelled at me his dad and mom came out

" what son?" she ask with dark circles underneath her eyes with no doubt this woman have been through so much

" she among them" he said she looked at me and her eyes caught fire " are you here to creat more problems for my daughter" she ask fumming

" ma please hear me out please"

I pleaded and luckily the dad took his wife and son inside

" honey let hear her out please come in " he said as he ushered me inside

" thanks " I smile politely as I made my way inside

hello guys please am putting hard work into this and I need you guys too comment and please don't remove my book from your shelf'

Fejis_gold_Jamescreators' thoughts