

“ how could you hide such thing from me don't you trust me to handle it the right way “ he spoke, his eyes looked sad with an hint of betrayal “ am sorry” Kelly cried holding her hand above her head “ there is no excuse for your lack of trust Kelly I trusted you I love you I respect you and every decision you take for us and the family I never one day doubted your actions because I love and trusted you , I trust you more than I trust my self how could you?” “ Please forgive me I was so scared of loosing you and our baby” she cried louder Seeing this man cired for the first time in front of her means he was heart broken he never cired not even when his grandmother who he had lived with almost all his life died of cancer “ and even thought, telling me the truth would cause you loose us and everything there is no excuse for your selfishness Kelly I harte liars “ he said again and this time he didn't let a single tears drop his eyes all red “ I was blackmailed trust me I never meant any harm" she cired again while putting her head down she has failed the one and only person who has always been her back bone her strength when she is weak he harte lies and she knew he trust her, he trusted other but they ended up breaking him how could she, what difference is she and those who have offended him and lied too him “ Kelly do you think I would judge you because you were rape by your cousin when you were little. You really do think lowly of me and you never love me from the beginning because love is trust, true love is trust Kelly am not gonna request for a divorce but I need time too get over it, just like a mirror you broke I don't think I could be amended” he spoke is voice low and it releases pain of betrayal and lack of trust. The nightmare she has always fear has come true after years of leaving her past behind her it has resurfaced.

Fejis_gold_James · Khác
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Growing up in an undeveloped country I have always wanted to leave my country the country I wanted to go was country w I usually draw maps though am not a fan of geography but I love maps .

well the journey wasn't easy I gather up myself for my visa because I had a fashion business which was well flourish I was really making good money soon I got a schoolarship to study in a military school in country w

Few weeks before my arrival,I had too prepare mentally binding my family and country good bye putting in mind what I was going for I promised too make my family proud my nation and my self .

I smile as I walk into the airport with Joy I sat behind a fat lady with her grumpy bady that doesnt smile.

I smile at the baby regardless of the fact that the baby didn't smile back thank God no one saw me making funny face at the baby and giggling at how ugly the baby mama looks I kept my eyes closed as I mediated I soon felt a soft baby hand holding my fingers I opened my eyes immediately and found the baby staring and smiling with a soft giggle I smile awkwardly trying to remove his finger from from mine I carefully remove his arms " strong man" I mumbles and touch his cheeks softly .

just immediately an announcement was made I made my way too the plane I sat the far end of the plane beside the window and I was glad I found that seat my partner was an old man we got along and he made jokes with me I couldn't stop laughing but siliciently not too attract the attention of others in the plane.

the plane was quite as a graveyard no one spoke few put on their earphones on why some were mediating it was so quiet.

we soon landed at county w I was so happy and thank God my loggage was intact a car would be sent to pick me up by the army commissioners so I waited after few minutes a white car park in my front and the window was drawn down ' get in miss Kelly " he called out I was startled " me ... I don't know you " I said out of shock " does she has to know us "the other guys said. " shut up " he turn too me and show me is Id " sorry I never introduce myself my name is zane and him his Michael we are top students and are sent too pick you up " he said just as I debated to get in I got an email notifications spend zane and Michael picture I smile and too a deep breath as I walk into the car " miss are you okay " Michael ask as he help me with the seat belt

" yeah thank "

"my name is Michael and my best friend Zane we are top students "

" oh nice to meet you " I said

" your welcome and hope you dont get into trouble " he said and smirk and Zane barked at him " stop scaring the girl Michael " Zane growled " oh please I wasn't scaring her I was just informing her " he defended himself " keep your silly information to your self " he said again they both cast a glance at each other and I could feel the temperature grew wilder I was expecting a fight but thing happened I just slightly shake up my head and glance back to the window every now and then my mouth would found an "O " shape it was an amazing sight I was very amazed at everything I saw .

we stop at a ginatic building I stare at it and realized the car had already stopped " we have arrived" Zane said we opened the door and came out we entered inside the building I followed the both of them as we walk through the hallway from step to step finally I go through all the interview and all the school qualifications.

hello guy please it author of this book again please comment so I would kown what on your mind and the error l have made happy Christmas Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Fejis_gold_Jamescreators' thoughts