

“ how could you hide such thing from me don't you trust me to handle it the right way “ he spoke, his eyes looked sad with an hint of betrayal “ am sorry” Kelly cried holding her hand above her head “ there is no excuse for your lack of trust Kelly I trusted you I love you I respect you and every decision you take for us and the family I never one day doubted your actions because I love and trusted you , I trust you more than I trust my self how could you?” “ Please forgive me I was so scared of loosing you and our baby” she cried louder Seeing this man cired for the first time in front of her means he was heart broken he never cired not even when his grandmother who he had lived with almost all his life died of cancer “ and even thought, telling me the truth would cause you loose us and everything there is no excuse for your selfishness Kelly I harte liars “ he said again and this time he didn't let a single tears drop his eyes all red “ I was blackmailed trust me I never meant any harm" she cired again while putting her head down she has failed the one and only person who has always been her back bone her strength when she is weak he harte lies and she knew he trust her, he trusted other but they ended up breaking him how could she, what difference is she and those who have offended him and lied too him “ Kelly do you think I would judge you because you were rape by your cousin when you were little. You really do think lowly of me and you never love me from the beginning because love is trust, true love is trust Kelly am not gonna request for a divorce but I need time too get over it, just like a mirror you broke I don't think I could be amended” he spoke is voice low and it releases pain of betrayal and lack of trust. The nightmare she has always fear has come true after years of leaving her past behind her it has resurfaced.

Fejis_gold_James · Khác
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38 Chs

injury on the head

she struggles as she carries the heavy bag while he walk without glancing behind to check if she was okay. the bag was so heavy that she almost ran out of breath she panicked as she saw the stairs he was taking he wasn't using the elevator how on earth was she going to make it down the stairs this was no joke this was serious she glance at him and for a second he stop and glance at her " Don't even thinking of using the elevator" he said coldly and continue walking " ugh?" Kelly didn't understand what he meant was he guessing she use the stairs when he knew it was a waste of energy and time but does she has any choice no he was their fucking senior and they need his help she mumbles as she she drag the bags along with her she climbed the first stairs and was about to drag the bag up when she suddenly loose balance and fall down the stairs and bumped her forehead against the stairs lucky for her it's wasn't that serious but she had a little bit of injury on her head it wasn't that serious Hanzon rush down to her and helped me up she glance at him deadly in the eyes but his eyes seem sorry and guilty he help her too a corner and luckily for her the first aid was closed by so he bandage her wound she was so angry and the only thing still holding her back was the fact that she didn't wann to cause any fight and respect her self then he suddenly smirk and said " girls are so weak that why I harte working with girls they are just another form of animals" he said annoying with that smirk on his lips that made her uncomfortable

but wait did he just .....no no no girls are another form of animals? I should breath in and out right? but was he referring to me as animal was he ? this was too much I can't take this after making me struggle ? can any male of my age carry this without complecation ? I agree Female are not too strong as men but that doesn't make us any weaker I was so pissed that I suddenly slap him across the face he look pissed definitely he wasn't gonna kill me right? before I could speak my mind he walk away and suddenly stop " I don't wann get too the library before you " he said without turning at me and left.

where was this mother fucker expecting me too get the strength to Carry this heavy bag.

okay I was a bit scared you know, but he deserved it.

she finally struggle to get the heavy bag too the library but she didn't use the stairs of course not why would she use it she definitely used the elevator he wasn't there any more and he told her to get there before him what were you expecting she didn't have super powers too get down there she was all sweaty when she finally got down to the library she opened the door and damm it was so noisy but few boys did noticed me so they helped me get the equipment inside Davis ran too me and handed me a bottle water thank God she Knows what I needed but I took so much time but where was Hanzon hope he didn't change his mind I was about to ask Davis if she saw him but the class suddenly went silence and everyone was seated expect me I turn my back too see what cause them too suddenly keep quiet just for me too meet his gray blue eyes staring at me I was so nervous I wasn't the one who ask them to make noise so why was he looking at me furiously okay now I get it was it because of the slap I was angry and he was a jerk he wasn't gonna make my life a mess through out this whole project maybe I was gonna fail this project any way I just prepared for the worst " what are you doing? " he ask

wait what was I doing? nothing.

I didn't say a word as he walk up too me I was so nervous and uncomfortable at the same time I sucounciouly wiped the sweat on my arms " what are you doing" he ask again and this time I felt like dieing " ..we...well ...,I...." I was able to complete my statement because he suddenly grab me by my wrist and I wince and realized I had a little scarth on my wrist he let go of my wrist and look away from me and face the class " the project Start now and you have 5 minutes to complete your first project" he spoke and everyone gasped because we didn't know a thing about this project were does he expect us too get the knowledge from " look at me and watch me do this this. might take an hour but trust me 40 minutes is enough for you " he spoke as he brought out the equipment I was about to seat when he said " I have not given you any permission to seat so keep standing" he spoke so how on earth does he especially me too keep standing after carrying that heavy bag and falling of the stairs but I didn't throw a tratum I just watch as he explained he was a great teacher I even understand his teaching more than professor Black some of the girls wasn't concentrating because they would giggle and would only adjusted their dress instead of taking notes I wasn't taking any notes before he ended the class and ask is too start our project I was still standing on till he spoke " you can have a seat " he said while wearing an his headset , I sat behind the class I was so tired but I needed to get done with this project even though I didn't take notes of what he was showing the class but I still listened I was trying to focus when someone boys came up too me " hi " they greeted as I raised my head " hello" I greet with a polite smile " my name is James and this my friend providence we want you to please ask the senior if Alexander the forth died in the war or did he died why in the battle and why did his body not decade before 1 week ?" he spoke that was number 2 theory question " give me a second "

I when up too him as I spoke but he didn't reply so I guess he did was playing a song on. his headset so I tapped his arms gently and. he suddenly turn too me while giving me a question look before taking his headset off " well I wann I mean they wanted to ask if Alexander the forth died in the world and why did his body not decade before a week?"

" he didn't died in the war but they were defeated and his body was poison" he said while putting on his headset

I turn too the boys and they were in a smile " thanks " they said and left for their seat while I smile

I was a bit nervous when they ask me for help but it wasn't a big deal and I love helping people.

hello guys Like it ? Add to library!

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