
My Annoying Class

As Earth crumbles, a mysterious god grants random Essence rankings. Mai, a C-rank healer, faces a betrayal, awakening in a space offering powers. A journey to Hell unveils her hidden potential, leading to her return with newfound strength. As disturbances escalate, facing soul-sucking angels, Mai discovers a game-changing ability that alters the course of humanity’s fate. What to expect: - Fast pace - Action - Comedy - Fantasy - Amateur style The story is inspired by Berserk, Solo Leveling/Only I Level Up and Mookhyang/Dark Lady.

MissAlbedo · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

18. Becoming a Predator


Eucliff placed his right hand in front of him.


Out of thin air, he drew a black longbow with a black arrow, its tip red with a purple sheen. With a swift motion, he soared into the air, far away from everyone who made Mai furrow her brows.

"What the hell? Is your minion fleeing?"

The figure burst into a cold, deep laughter.

As Mai was about to ask again, it happened.


An intense purple beam shot towards her from behind, caught by her ears as she tilted her head to the side with a quick movement. Her hair on the right side was singed, and the smell of burnt hair filled the air, entering her nose, making her cough lightly. She turned around, but the sound came back to her back.


On instinct, she dodged and took a step to the right. What the hell? She tried to turn again, but the beam rushed towards her at full speed.


This time, it etched away her hair, and she immediately began healing. It stopped, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at the figure, and her heart started pounding. She closed her left eye.

"If I kill you, it all stops."

The figure burst into an evil, deep laughter, sat down, and brought out a black porcelain Japanese tea set, starting to sip tea.

Mai raised her eyebrows. At least he had etiquette.

"I understand now." She glanced at Ezekiel, who didn't seem to be in more pain, and felt relieved.


Another arrow was shot towards her, and she dodged with a quick movement, repeating several times. She clenched her fists and swung at an arrow but missed.


She gritted her teeth, looking at her hands while the arrows whizzed past her ears.

"I can't fly. Fucking arrows,"

"Activate Perception." she muttered quietly.

Perception activated.

Her eyes now glowed even more, and colorful smoke swirled around. Her heart skipped a beat, and she turned her head, squinting to examine the area. There!

Eucliff stood on a mountaintop, focusing on her, but they didn't make eye contact. Suddenly, he looked at her, and she felt a flutter in her stomach. Just when she thought he would shoot more arrows at her, he took a run, and suddenly she saw him a few meters in front of her. She held her hands up in defense.


Sounds made her raise her eyebrows. She didn't feel any pain. Am I wearing invisible gauntlets? Suddenly, she saw an image of the Swedish guy who had defeated the spiders.

Eucliff quickly flew up into the air above her and quickly shot an arrow towards her.

She blocked the arrow with a swift movement.

The figure coughed lightly, and Eucliff raised his eyebrows. He placed his left hand in front of him.


Out of thin air, he suddenly pulled forth a small green bush with small white berries.

Mai raised her eyebrows. Is that mistletoe? What on earth is he up to?

The bush spun around and transformed into a green curved arrow resembling a snake, surrounded by a reddish smoke.

"Your world still has religions even though you have Essence. I remember a blind Hother who killed his brother Balder with mistletoe. Say hello to Lord Hell for me."

Eucliff shot the arrow, and it whizzed away at full speed.



It left a green ethereal glow, sparking and leaving a clear trail in the air.

Mai didn't want to experience the same fate as Balder because she had no chance to ask the world to weep for her, and she knew Sophie would refuse. Her eyes fell on the ground below Eucliff, and she was reminded of the Swede who had jumped into the air. She clenched her fists, sparks flying, and she struck them hard on the ground.


The impact shot her into the air, and she swung at Eucliff, who didn't react in time.


His nose broke, and blood flowed, and he held his nose, grimacing.


It snapped back into place, and he raised his eyebrows, reminiscent of the blue pair where the man had done the same.

"Are all of you immortal?"

Eucliff burst into loud laughter, and the blood suddenly retracted into his nostrils, making Mai grimace. She swung at him again, but it was too late.


Her neck was harshly hit by something burning and stinging.


Her neck broke, and she fell to the ground.


She landed in Victor's arms and stared up at Eucliff, who looked down at her with glowing eyes, his lips breaking into a cunning smile.

"Mai?" Victor looked at her with a worried expression and glanced at Ezekiel, who had come over to them.

He looked up, about to fly up to Eucliff, but the figure made a hand gesture.


His right leg broke, and he screamed, falling to the ground, clutching his leg while gritting his teeth.

"No interference." said the figure with a cold voice.

"She's done. Let's gather the last souls." Eucliff said, flying down slowly and landing with a graceful movement in front of Ezekiel.

He took out a black orb and held it in front of Ezekiel's head, which began to vibrate, suddenly glowing a dark purple.

Mai's eyes grew heavy, and darkness enveloped her. Am I going to die now?


You activated A Crushing Defeat. 

A warm wave shot out from her heart, spreading throughout her body, making her feel comfortable.


Ezekiel screamed, and his left leg broke.

"I'm still enjoying my tea, so hold off on that." said the figure, taking a sip of his tea.

Eucliff furrowed his brows, withdrew the orb, and flew up into the sky, staring down while waiting with the army.


Mai opened her eyes abruptly, causing Victor to raise his eyebrows, but he didn't say anything. She quickly got to her feet and ran at full speed toward the figure, but when she was a meter away from him, he pointed his right index finger at her.

"Kneel." he commanded with a cold, echoing voice.

Something invisible seized her legs, and she immediately buckled and fell to her knees. She gritted her teeth. Again? Why was she so weak even with a system?

The figure chuckled loudly with his deep voice. "I could play with you all day. You're quite amusing. Everyone else would have given up by now."

"If you die, I'll kill you again." his last sentence sent shivers down her spine.

She wanted to comment, but suddenly felt her mouth speaking. "I obey."

What the hell? That's not what she intended to say.

The figure chuckled again, stood up, and stared intensely at her. "It was about time. Helian would love to study you. He has the best tools."

With slow steps, he approached her.

Mai thought all hope was lost.


You activated Slave. You can command another being.

Her heart raced faster, and she raised an eyebrow, breaking into a smile.

"You actually enjoy submitting yourself." The figure burst into a loud laughter.

You have activated Slave. 

The figure suddenly raised his eyebrows and touched his left chest. He slowly bowed, Mai thinking he would bow to her.


Your opponent is too strong, and your skill has been negated.

She furrowed her brows. Seriously?

The figure looked at her and laughed. "It tickled a bit, like an insect bite. Let's get this game over with."

He was about to clench his right hand but stopped. Suddenly, he drew a black smoke spear from the blue air with his left hand. He ran towards her at full speed, and she raised her arms in front of her while still kneeling.


She blocked the attack, forcing the figure several meters back, causing him to raise his eyebrows.

"Impossible. What the hell are you? You're not of Lord Melech or him." his voice sounded either angry or irritated.

"I'm worse than shit." Mai repeated his words from earlier and smiled.


The figure withdrew his spear and began chuckling instead, making her furrow her brows.

"What's so funny?" She gave him a sharp look.

"There's a reason I rarely use physical attacks because, in reality, I don't need them. It's all just a performance. You humans are too simple. Let's end the game." The figure raised his right hand in front of him and slowly turned it upward.

"Mana Drain!" he shouted, slowly squeezing something invisible in the air.

Mai furrowed her brows because she couldn't feel anything happening in her body, or perhaps it was happening, but her body hadn't reacted to it yet. She waited for a moment, but still, nothing happened.

"Are you done yet?" she asked, uninterested.

The figure furrowed his brows at her words and repeated, "Mana Drain."

This time, he gestured with both hands in the air.

They waited, and Mai began counting the seconds.

The army began to discuss among themselves while looking down at her.

"Are you finished?" Mai asked, not willing to wait any longer.

The figure raised his brows and then furrowed them.


Your opponent has used Mana Drain on you, and you have activated Spirit Drain.

Mai raised her brows, her heart skipped a beat. Whatever it was, she took the chance.

Spirit Drain activated.

A warm wave shot out into her hands, extending to her fingertips, and whitish smoke formed around her hands. She placed them in front of her, and a thick white beam shot out.


It sped in the direction of the figure, but just when she thought it would hit him, Eucliff suddenly appeared and stood in front of him. He held his hands in front of him and locked them.


A golden barrier appeared in front of him as the white smoke hit, but it continued through.

He raised his brows. "What..." But it was too late.

The smoke rushed into his forehead, and something white flew out, swiftly moving towards Mai and entering her forehead, absorbing it. She felt something cold penetrate her head and tingled for a few seconds before disappearing. She felt a prickling sensation in her forehead, and her wound began to shrink.

Eucliff's body lost balance, but before he fell to the ground, the figure grabbed him with his right arm and, with a swift motion, flew towards the sky to join his army. He stared down at Mai with malicious eyes, or it seemed more like defeat in her eyes.

"I'll be back." he said with a cold voice.

He made a hand gesture and swiftly floated into a crack, after which the army followed.


The cracks closed simultaneously, and there was complete silence in the area.

Mai looked at her hands and furrowed her brows. Why did he suddenly run away? Was it her skills that had driven him off?

She went to Ezekiel and looked at his neck, which still had invisible handprints. She leaned forward, placed her hands on his neck, and shot a warm wave out of her body, turning into thick smoke that shot further into his throat. The handprints quickly disappeared, and she healed the rest of his body. She didn't get a headache and checked the entire group for injuries.

"Thank you. I won't ask how you do that, but if you hadn't been here, we would have been dead." Ezekiel said, smiling at her.

"I don't even know how I do it myself." Mai looked at her hands, bent down, looked at Anya, and suddenly got an idea but withdrew it, shaking her head. Nah, it was impossible.


Congratulations! You have now become a Predator and unlocked level-up. 

Level: 1 


Predator Quest: Eliminate 5 humans. 

Warning: There will be severe consequences for failing the task... A kiss with the opponent.

Mai furrowed her brows and stared at the screen in front of her. Is it only now that I can level up? Isn't the order wrong? A kiss with the opponent? What the hell! She made a grimace and stuck her tongue out.

"What's wrong?" Vira asked with a worried voice, looking at her.

Mai pointed at the screen in front of her. "Can you see this?"

Ezekiel shook his head. "Have you hit your head? If it were someone else, they would have had a mental breakdown." He shrugged.

"I've already been through that period." Mai commented, which the others interpreted as a joke, so they shook their heads.

So, it's only me who can see it! Is it a blessing or a curse? Mai looked up at the sky and sighed deeply.