
Scent Blocker

Next few days were hard for Eric...

As Jenna is one of the wealthy students, because of her father, in that university so it was easy for her to track Eric down.

The next few days went like wherever Eric was in university Jenna definitely would be there.

Jenna is getting fully obsessed with Eric without knowing this fact that maybe that very person will be her mate. For now, she just wants to be his friend, no matter what, but here is one thing that she was not aware of, that is that the husband of her one friend Linda, is a good friend of Eric.

We know Jenna did not leave Eric alone for even a few seconds, so by following him soon she came to know about that friendship link too.

She started justifying herself by saying that a friend's friend is my friend so Eric is my friend too.

The scenario with Eric is not the same, whenever Jenna tries to come close to Eric his wolf becomes excited and wants to come out, wanting to talk to her and pamper her. With this on the side whenever he sees her beauty his breath stops and he is not able to say or do anything, by this unknown feeling in him he starts to get as far from Jenna as he possibly can. But Jenna, on the other hand, has no plans to leave her goal of being friends with Eric, she just fantasizes about him too much.

She also never felt that feeling that she felt when she is near him.

So, fed up by all of this drama, one day by getting frustrated Jenna went to her mother and asked her to give her a scent blocker.

She went to her home and start looking for her mother.

"MOM, MOMMA!!!" Jenna shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Oh my...i am here.... You scared me... what happened...?" Katherine replied in a worried tone.

"Please give me that scent blocker which you were giving to me at that time... now... pleaseee" Jenna requested with sparkling eyes.

"I was saying that you should ware scent blocker but no you never listened to me" mother replied in a worried plus angry tone.

"mom-" Jenna tried to say something

"mom, What mom... tell me... I told you to wear it as you are a rare omega. You need to have extra safety with you... but no you never listened to me... dear there are some people in the society who will come to you like a hungry wolf, Jenna you need to protect yourself" mother said non-stop not letting poor Jenna to explain her point of view. While on this Jenna thought 'yea.. and the only I want is not coming to me'.

Well after a long scolding Jenna replied, "mom... nothing happened to me, I just want to make a friend who run away as soon as he got my scent... that's why I need scent blocker so that he won't notice that I am near him".

Mother got shocked by this, Jenna further said with a pouty face "yes and u just scold me for no reason".

Mother is speechless but still she gave her that sent blocker and said "Here you go" Jenna just thanked her in a cheerful tone "thankyou so much my beautiful mother" and then she ran out of there.

"she ran away...." mother laughed a little and said " I am relaxed that nothing happened to her.. and I am missing my alpha now and my son too... and what kind of mother I am, I don't even know where is my son" she got sad by the end.

Katherine only stays at home as one time she tried to run when Beck warned her that Jenna's safety is in her hands so she is scared to leave that place, the only time she left that place is when Beck wants her to.

On that day, when she got separated from her husband, that was the same day when she was separated from her son too. In an emergency she left her son in the care of Linda, so she sincerely took care of her friend's son.

Well back to Jenna, now she is wearing that scent blocker and she is following Eric who is going inside of the forest. It is the same forest where Jenna and Ava meet Edward. She is following him quietly, well due to scent blocker Eric is unable to know who is following him but he is damn sure that someone is following him, still he just kept on going on his way.