
My Adventures as Chaos Champion

Chaos....All this Fanfic is about is Chaos. Mc is Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Adventures, and who else to follow than CHAOS themselves.

Reapthelivin · Khác
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Origin Gods (500B-Infinity): Creators and Destroyers of whole Omni-clusters. Those in the middle do whatever they want because they have their own Omni-cluster anyway, already having done what the creation laws dictate their half to have. [Chaos, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Ra, Waheguru, Salailel]

-Origin Champions(0-Infinity): The Origins have made deals with mortals or whoever they think is worthy of their power and imbue them with it. Their power varies depending on who the Origin God is. If the Origin God is a creator their power would be more to the point of creation than destruction and vis versa for the Origin Gods of destruction like Shiva. For those made from Origins that are high tier Origins and have either the potential or power of both natural laws.

-Origin God Servants(0-300B): The Origins have created servants to spread their orders and word through their and each other's Omni-clusters. The servants have varying power levels depending on their jobs. Ex: Satan being an ArchAngel has the power level of a low tier God Titan as all Arch Angels do. Death itself is as strong as a high-tier God-King along with their siblings that take care of the deaths in the other Omni-Clusters.

God Titans(1B-500B): Children of the Origin Gods, creators, and destroyers of the multiverses. These children are born out of their parents' alignments and the laws they follow. Titans also have the potential to become Origins themselves depending on how much energy they can collect. If they are towards the Creation law they will get the energy to ascend from those same creations or those who worship/use them. If they are towards destruction they will destroy things in their universes and absorb the energy put into the creation. The highest point of being a high tier Origin Gods child is because their parents' alignment and laws are considered both, they can get the energy needed from either creating things as well as destroying others' creations. The Neutral Aligned Titans' creation energy cannot be absorbed by the destruction of any other entity, not with the same alignment as them because their creations contain both creation and destruction energy. [Gaia, Nyx, Marishi, Shu, Tefnut, Jesus]

God-Kings(120M-1B): Pagans, mortals born from faith given a portion of power from God Titans so they don't rely so heavily on the mortal faith and can sustain their level of power compared to the others. Put in place to govern their Universes. [Zeus, Odin, Osiris, Set, Horus, Jade Emperor, Jupiter, Amun]

High Gods(2M-120M): Pagans who were once mortal have a substantial amount of mortal faith born from their reputation. Protectors and destroyers of worlds can use the laws of the world to claim a specific dimension attached to their world. [Thor, Poseidon, Hades, Anubis, Ares]

Gods(200,000-2M): Pagans who were once mortal are known just not worldly known. They need sacrifices and offerings from their believers. Only needed Once every Lunar Eclipse, every 2 and a half years. Use the faith energy from the offerings to strengthen themselves over and over again because they are pagans and not actual Gods they can't retain the energy that allows them to manipulate the world on a more like intermediate level. [Hermes, Athena, Aphrodite, Hecate, Hephestus, Loki, Heimdall, Freya, Bast Thoth]

Minor Gods(10,000-200,000): Pagans who have just enough faith to breach the need to access the minor laws of the world they leave in. They use this minor access to perform minor miracles to gain more mortal faith. They can barely keep their "Deity" Level, they need Offerings constantly which is unfortunate they don't all have followers to keep the constant energy to stay at that level. [Aether, Helius, Selene, Eos, Nemesis, Circe, Metis, Indra, Yama]

Demi-Gods(500-10,000): mortals that are on their way to becoming full pagans. They hunt mortals in churches and other places of worship for mortals full of faith. Once they reach a certain amount of faith energy they must have worshipers of their own so that their faith energy won't extinguish. [Emperors, Kings, Pharaohs, and Mortal Heroes]

Mortals(0-500): Beings who are born from the energy of the "Origins". They are born differently depending on the Omni-Cluster they are born into. Because mortal humanoid entities have a version of adaptation, they are able to take in a corrupted form of other mortal faith energy. Because Mortals take in this corrupted faith energies they start to become what we know of disgusting Pagans.

I forgot to put the hierarchy of the story. But as I wrote in the synopsis that this whole thing is about chaos and worlds I want to go to. :)

Reapthelivincreators' thoughts