I hope you guys read my newest story titled My Forgotten Childhood friend. I'll be also writing more funny stories like this one
Manuel came to announce something to the doctors
Manuel: I have big announcements to make
Ann: Doctor, We're all ears
Manuel: There would be new doctors coming here tomorrow and they're four, There are 2 girls and 2 boys also. Precious would be taught by Doctor Ann and Doctor Marcus, Eric would be taught by Doctor Lucas and Nurse Cathy, Gloria would be taught by Doctor Perpetual and Doctor Desmond and Andy would be taught by me and my wife Miss. Margaret. Miss. Margaret was also a mid wife and a dentist also. The next day, the new doctors arrived
Perpetual: Welcome, New doctors and great to see you
The New Doctors: Thank you
Perpetual: I'm Perpetual but you can call me Pep
Ann: I'm also Ann and we both are Head Assistants or Assistant Heads of B.S.H, We hope you'll love here as we teach you the necessary skills of here first
Perpetual: And, later we'll teach you the rules of this Hospital
Ann: Precious come with me and Doctor Marcus
Ann and Marcus left with Precious
Perpetual: Andy, Mr. Manuel and Miss. Margaret is waiting for you and Kimberly would show you there
Andy followed Kimberly
Perpetual: Eric, go with Doctor Lucas and Nurse Cathy
Eric followed them
Perpetual: And, Gloria follow me and Doctor Desmond
Gloria followed Desmond and Perpetual, Gloria was writing everything Desmond was saying in her pink notepad. Desmond took the notepad from her
Desmond: Who is a good doctor?
Gloria: A good surgeon.....I mean doctor
Desmond: See, you were not listening but only writing everything in this notepad. Listen to whatever I'm saying and stop writing everything in
Gloria: Okay, Doctor
Just then, Perpetual came
Perpetual: Is everything okay?
Desmond: Everything is fine
Precious was shown to the staff room, emergency room, Canteen, Rest room, One of the operation room
Ann: So, can you mention the places we've shown you?
Precious: Yes, We went to Staff room, Emergency room, Rest room, Operation room, Canteen
Marcus: That is so right and I think you're concentrating more
Ann: Doctor Marcus and I would show more techniques in Operation
Precious: I've always wanted to learn that
Marcus: Then, we'll teach you the necessary skills
Eric was being taught by Doctor Lucas and Nurse Cathy and they were in the medicine room
Lucas: I'm Lucas the famous Medical Doctor and also Optician in this Hospital
Eric: I've heard so much about you
Cathy: I'm also Nurse Cathy and I'm the second in charge here according to nurses
Eric: Okay
Lucas: This medicine is for curing some strong wounds and also swollen wounds
Eric: Can it also cure smelling wounds?
Lucas: Of Course
Andy was with only Miss. Margaret
Margaret: Doctor Manuel, would be here right now
Andy: Okay
Margaret: I hope you know me right?
Andy: Yes, you're Doctor Manuel's wife
Margaret: That is correct