
Molly Weasley

Standing in front of her bedroom mirror, Molly Weasley can't help but frown. The Matriarch of the Weasley Clan is more than a little concerned. While she's glad to have her very large family all home at the moment, leaving the place bustling with the fractious going ons of her children and grandchildren, she had hoped that she'd taught her sons at least SOME propriety.

The Burrow, while it had many rooms to accommodate all the children she and Arthur had had over the years, was not that large of a building. It was more vertical than horizontal, in the end, and in her infinite wisdom, Molly had thought it best to place the master bedroom in the middle of their humble abode back when they'd first started building more bedrooms for the children.

This was coming back to bite her in the ass a little bit, as it seemed that every night her bedroom walls, along with the floor and ceiling, were bombarded with the moans and screams of her daughters-in-law, lost in the throes of pleasure and ecstasy. Merlin forbid, she'd thought she'd picked out a few of her grand-daughters voices as well!

Luckily her husband, bless his heart, was dead to the world whenever he fell asleep or else, he might very well have died from shock. Of course, this led to a completely different set of challenges and frustrations… namely centered around her re-awakened libido and sex drive. There was no denying it, over the years Molly Weasley had let herself go, and she knew for a fact that for quite some time, she'd been very unappealing, sexually.

Truth be told, a witch's looks were only as bad as she wanted them to be. Or rather, as bad as she was willing to let them be. In most cases, anyways. There were some examples where this wasn't true, where magic itself seemed to decree that a witch was going to look more like their heart then anything else. Dolores Umbridge came to mind there, that toad of a woman.

But Molly Weasley's own looks were simply a byproduct of her numerous children and her drive to look after them. In making sure her darling boys and her single daughter were well taken care of and raised properly, Molly had made sacrifices, personal sacrifices that had left her overweight and more than a little dumpy.

But then her boys had all grown up and married beautiful women, and the influx of gorgeous in-laws all flaunting their nubile bodies had reinforced the fact that Molly had really let herself go… and more than that, that she could do better. With the encouragement of her daughters-in-law, Molly Weasley had begun a rigorous regimen of fitness. With the personal assistance of her fellow Matriarch, Apolline Delacour, Molly had even managed to stick to it, a workout partner being exactly what she needed to keep to her schedule and regimen.

On top of that, Apolline had provided Molly with a potions regimen to go along with the fitness regimen… and it'd all come together to do wonders for the MILF of a Witch. Twisting and turning this way and that in front of her bedroom mirror, Molly reaches back and palms over the yoga pants she's taken to wearing before bed, gripping at her massive and now firm ass for a moment before pulling back and giving said butt cheek a hefty swat.



She truly was a vision of beauty these days. No waist to speak of, her belly trimmed down to near nothingness… but that didn't mean she'd had to lose all that delicious baby fat either. No, instead it was all in her tits and ass, leaving her with an itty-bitty waist and a big fat booty all up in your face. Her wide hips and delicious rack gave her what could truly be termed an hourglass body… while the rejuvenation potions that Apolline Delacour had her on had smoothed out all wrinkles and left Molly looking decades younger, like she was back in her prime.

And maybe she was. Maybe this was her prime, because truth be told, she'd never felt better on a physical, mental, or spiritual level. Her kids were all grown up and had given her plenty of grandbabies to dote upon, and she finally had time to herself, time to focus ON herself… she just wished she could also focus on her marriage. Or rather, she wished that her husband would do his damn marital duties.

Looking over at her snoring spouse in disappointment, Molly Weasley frowns. She understood why Arthur hadn't made overtures towards sex in the years that she'd been… overweight. She'd not been all that pleasant to look at, and after Ginny, well, she'd really let herself go. But she'd been on her fitness and potion regimens for months now, and she'd been in the best shape of her life for weeks. Still, Arthur didn't so much as look at her with a single bit of avarice or desire in his eyes. Despite having it on good authority that she now qualified as drop-dead gorgeous, Grade A GILF material, he still wouldn't give her the time of day, at least sexually.

Sighing with disappointment, Molly moves away from the floor-length mirror and over to a drawer, opening it and pulling out her most prized toy, recently gifted to her by Apolline Delacour herself. The other grandmother called it a vibrator, and apparently it was a muggle device. Given how absurdly large it was, Molly couldn't help but wonder just what sort of deviants most muggles were… and yet, it certainly worked.

Her fellow Matriarch had not failed to notice her sexual frustration in their workout sessions, and the French veela had gifted Molly with the large vibrating phallic toy. Molly had been reluctant to try it at first, but in the end, she'd grown fed up with Arthur's neglect. She'd needed an outlet for her re-awakened libido, and this toy had proven to be quite the outlet indeed.

Whipping out her wand, the Weasley Matriarch spells her husband so that he's deafened, on the off chance that she might accidentally wake him up with the undue noise. It wasn't like their daughters-in-law woke him up, but to be fair that was through walls and Molly would be right beside him in the bed. With that taken care of, she goes on to remove her clothing and lay down naked next to her husband, setting her wand on the nightstand beside her and focusing on the vibrating sex toy she's gripping in both hands as she brings the large phallus to her clit and begins to press it against both her nub and her slit.

It doesn't take long for her loosened babymaker to give way and the massive bell end to slide deep, deep inside of her. And yet, despite being a mother of seven children, Molly Weasley finds that she's still more than tight enough for a phallus of these epic proportions. But then, to be fair, the vibrator that Apolline has given her is easily twice the size of Arthur's cock. Molly is sure that if she weren't a mother of seven, then she wouldn't even be able to take it inside of her. She's wrong, of course, but she doesn't know that. The world of sex toys is completely new to the Weasley Matriarch.

Regardless, eventually, as it always does, the vibrating tip of the massive muggle sex toy presses against the entrance of her womb. Molly cries out in joy as a torrential orgasm wracks her body, soaking the toy and making her hands slip off of its end. The high-powered sex toy goes crazy inside of her cunt as a result of this, no longer having her to control it.

Clenching her sheets and bucking wildly, all Molly can do is arch her back as she gyrates her wide hips in the air, her fat tits bouncing all over the place and her fat ass jiggling beneath her as its lifted slightly off the bed by the force of her squirting orgasms and the toy that's now wildly moving inside of her. It feels like she imagines being fucked by an electric eel would feel like, the thick toy buzzing away and its tip pressing against her cervix in a way that has her moaning wantonly, like some… like some trollop, rather than the distinguished and wizened Witch Matriarch that she is.

The trim-waisted, big-breasted, fat-arsed GILF loses all control of herself with the vibrating toy inside of her, eyes rolling back in her head, tongue lolling out of her mouth, and body spasming and seizing through orgasm after orgasm, until ultimately her squirting releases become far too strong and force the massive sex toy right out of her quivering body.

As soon as it's no longer vibrating and flailing around wildly and violently inside of her, Molly collapses back onto her side of the bed, laying there soaked and sweating, panting heavily. Content for now, though not truly satisfied, Molly slowly allows herself to fall asleep, her sweat-covered body completely nude and her legs splayed open as the toy buzzes away between them.

She's not worried about Arthur waking up before her and discovering her, truth be told. Molly Weasley has woken up before her deep sleeper of a husband for decades now without fail. And besides, even if he did, what was the worst that would happen? He'd finally realize she was a sexual creature and they'd make love again? Not exactly a bad outcome…

Regardless, she's just about asleep when her rest is rudely interrupted by the buzzing toy suddenly being pressed up against her asshole. The Weasley Matriarch's eyes snap open, because her hands are nowhere near the toy and she's not done accidental magic since she was a child. Her mouth opens to shriek and scream, but instead she finds herself muffled by a stranger's mouth covering her own, and a stranger's tongue dominating hers as the soaked toy is pressed further and further into her unprepared ass, ultimately popping into her bowels and filling her inch after inch.

The vibrations make her eyes go crossed and then roll up, as her shocked, surprised body almost immediately gives in and she orgasms uncontrollably from the surprise anal intrusion. She had no idea that the stimulation she's receiving via being ass fucked by the vibrator could feel so GOOD. If she had, she probably would have tried it herself a long time ago.

But as it is, she's still acutely aware that she's being assaulted right now, in her bed, with her oblivious husband laying right next to her. By the time Molly is able to refocus on this fact and upon her would-be rapist however, his large cock is already lined up against her gushing, gaping pussy. Still, in that last moment she recognizes her assailant, her eyes going wide as her son-in-law smiles down at her rather wickedly.


She ends up shrieking his name in a long drawn out manner as he thrusts in right in the middle of her shouting it, his cock diving deep into her warm cunt and Harry himself beginning to piledrive her down into her own marital bed as Arthur continues to sleep right beside them, peacefully unaware of what's happening to his wife mere inches away.

As Molly shrieks and squeals and creams herself around both the vibrator in her ass and the cock in her pussy over and over again, Harry chuckles down at the beautiful red-haired GILF and winks.

"Sorry, Molly… but I couldn't help but be curious. Screams of pleasure emanating through the house, even though I wasn't fucking any of the numerous Weasley women that I've made into my slutty little cum dumps? I had to investigate; you see."

Molly's eyes go wide as she processes his words, staring up into the Head Auror's face and realizing that he's telling the truth. And Merlin, it explains a lot. The news that Harry has been cuckolding her sons and plowing her daughters-in-law… it's not QUITE as surprising as it should be. It actually makes a lot of sense… too much sense. A million little things that Molly had ignored in favor of keeping everyone one big happy family suddenly hit the Weasley Matriarch. She was not an unobservant woman by any stretch of the imagination, you couldn't be with seven children… but she'd remained willfully oblivious and ignorant to what was happening within her family all this time, hadn't she?

Seeming to sense the realization within her, Harry just chuckles as he reaches up and grabs hold of her fat tits, groping and squeezing them to his heart's content.

"Imagine my surprise when I find out that you've become such a scarlet woman. And after all those sanctimonious warnings you've always spouted to others as well."

It's that that pulls Molly out of her stupor. Even as the vibrator continues to buzz away in her ass and Harry continues to saw in and out of her cunt with his thick log (she's just beginning to notice that both the sex toy and Harry's cock are the same exact size, both of them overwhelmingly larger than her husband's member) Molly shakes her head back and forth, a sense of panic coming over her.

"N-No! I'm not, I'm not that kind of, a-ah, woman, Harry! P-Please, stop this! P-Pull out, please pull out!"

Her denials and pleas for mercy were undermined by the way her hips continued to grind against his without prompting, however. Meanwhile, the vibrator was still vibrating wildly in her ass, but at this point had managed to lodge itself against her mattress and now its vibrating bell end was pressing forcefully against the thin membrane of flesh separating her anal passage from her cunt.

Harry just laughs, even as he groans from the stimulation. Molly's eyes are rolling all over the place as she clutches at the bedsheets beneath her… but never once does she reach for her wand on the nightstand beside or, nor does she reach for her husband to wake him up. Smirking down at her evilly, Harry just lifts an eyebrow and for a moment actually does pull back a bit.

"You want me to pull out? Like this?"

Molly whimpers as he does so, and shakily nods, despite not truly believing it herself. But Harry never fully leaves her body, much to her subconscious relief. He pulls out only most of the way… and then thrusts right back into her, causing another cry of reluctant ecstasy to erupt from Molly's throat and her spine to arch, her massive breasts jutting upwards and bouncing and jiggling.

"And then push right back in. Oh yeah, you enjoyed that Mrs. Weasley. Don't try to pretend you didn't."

Shuddering her way through another orgasm, Molly bites her lower lip and whimpers for a moment before a fresh scream of ecstasy leaves her throat. Harry just laughs, fucking her harder than ever before now, plowing her even as the vibrator buzzes away inside of her ass.

"Don't worry, Molly. Your sons take after their father and sleep very heavily. Your daughters-in-law, however… can hear every noise you're making, you horny GILF slut."

Molly's eyes widen at that… and then promptly roll back in her skull as Harry finally cums, causing her to explosively climax along with him. Her entire vision goes white and she's momentarily distracted by the idea of her reputation among her daughters-in-law being ruined right now by what they're hearing, as it feels like lava is searing through her cunt and womb, her ovaries tingling with delight with the certainty of her impregnation.

She's always been able to tell from the moment of conception. It's a Prewett trait actually, and every single child she's ever had, Molly knew the moment that she was pregnant, the moment that Arthur's seed took within her womb. She's always been an incredibly fertile woman, but truth be told, the aging witch had thought her child-rearing days were behind her after Ginny. She'd thought she was tapped out.

There were two things that made this factually incorrect. One, the reason there were no children after Ginny had nothing to do with Molly's fertility and everything to do with Arthur's virility. The man had done very well in breeding his wife seven times, but at the end of the day, he was a simple wizard and a simple man… HE was the one who'd ended up tapped out. Molly had a body made to be a broodmare and could have popped out a dozen more children easily since she had Ginny… but she hadn't, because she'd been loyal to her husband.

The other thing that made Molly capable of impregnation right here and right now was the potions regimen that Apolline Delacour had had her on. The Weasley Matriarch hadn't even realized that the rejuvenation potions were far from being merely skin deep. All in all, the potions regimen had done its job beautifully, as had the fitness regimen. Molly truly was in the best shape of her entire life… and more than ready to accept Harry's virile seed into her fertile womb, where it instantly dove towards her replenished, rejuvenated supply of eggs and began to burrow in.

All Molly knows of all of this is the fact that she's pregnant. All she knows is the quiet certainty of a Prewett woman that she'd just been bred by the wizard buried inside of her quim. It sends Molly into another explosive orgasm, and ultimately, the knowledge that she's been bred by her son-in-law is what finally breaks the Weasley Matriarch down just a bit.

Of course, his molestation of her tits doesn't help matters either. Seven children had caused both repairable AND irreparable changes to Molly Weasley's body. Getting the GILF trim and fit around the waist while keeping her with a gorgeous hourglass body had done a lot to fix the repairable damage… but the fact that she hadn't been able to stop lactating and producing milk since having Ginny was a magical phenomenon that not even the experts at St. Mungo's could explain.

In the end, Molly had had to learn to live with it, which had been more than possible with the use of a regularly applied magic that both drained her tits to a manageable level on a regular basis and kept her nipples from leaking everywhere. Needless to say, Harry has dispelled that magic, because right now he's gripping her milk laden tits and causing them to gush and spray all over the place even as he leans down and begins to suckle on one while still thrusting up into her cunt and continuing to ravage her.

He's creampied her, he's humiliated her, he's degraded her… and still he wants more? Molly's awakened libido loves all of it, and Molly herself can't withstand the pleasure anymore. Too far gone at this point to fight back, the Weasley Matriarch coos deliriously and slides a hand into Harry's messy black locks, pulling the man down into her chest even further as her cunt grips tightly around his massive cock.

"That's it baby, keep on drinking~ oooh, don't stop fucking mommy now, don't you dare get distracted! Plow me all night long! Knock me up with a brother for you, my beloved darling son!"

Like that, Molly Weasley has utterly snapped, going from trying to deny her desires and begging Harry not to fuck her… to degenerating into incest play, taking the role of foster mother to one Harry James Potter to deeply perverse depths as she writhes and wiggles beneath him, her voluptuous, curvaceous, hourglass body completely submitting to his cock and his mouth and his hands.

Harry, of course, drinks his fill from her breasts… and then he pulls back and slides out of her, kneeling there between Molly's splayed legs and just looking down at her for a long moment. Whining, Molly presses her massive tits together, she wiggles and poses for him as she tries to wrap her legs around his waist.

"W-Why are you stopping? Please, aren't you going to breed me some more?"

She pouts mightily up at him, batting her eyelashes, nothing of the proud older witch remaining. She's broken, fully and utterly. Harry scoffs at her for a moment, looking at her with disdain.

"I didn't expect you to be so weak, Molly… but I suppose I can give you what you want, you slutty whorish GILF."

Before she can respond, he grabs her by her hips and spins her over onto her front. The gorgeous Weasley Matriarch lets out a yelp, followed by a squeal as Harry begins to play with her fat yet firm ass like a pair of bongo drums, bringing his palms down onto her massive butt cheeks back and forth, over and over again. After a few moments of this, he grips tightly at her ass cheeks and slams back home into her pussy, filling her with his cock once more.

Meanwhile, now that it's not lodged between the bed and her body, the massive vibrating sex toy Molly Weasley has lodged up her ass is finally startling to wiggle its way free, slowly protruding more and more up into the air as her tight back door begins to try and push it out, finally, the wild vibrations and flailing motions of the toy aiding in this endeavor.

Just before the massive dildo, because that's what it truly is, not just a simple vibrator, can pop out, Harry's palm comes down on the bottom of it and he SLAMS it back inside. Molly screams like a freshly deflowered maiden as the vibrating dildo, created to match Harry in size and girth, though it could never match him in ferocity and true satisfying fuckery, goes right back into her bowels, even deeper than before.

At the same time, Harry is still fucking the Weasley Matriarch doggystyle, treating her like nothing more than the breeding bitch she's become as he plows his mother-in-law quite violently from behind, railing her vigorously and ferociously to kingdom cum. Molly orgasms again and again around his cock as a result of this, her eyes permanently rolled back in her head at this point and her tongue lolling out of her mouth.

He fills her womb with a second load of his cum, and even though she's already quite sure she's pregnant, Molly still squeals happily from the sensation. Even when he pulls out, she's moaning wantonly. Then, he pulls the vibrator out of her ass and shoves his dick into her bowels instead, and Molly is experiencing an entirely different type of pleasure as he stuffs the dildo into her cunt to block it up and keep his seed in her womb.

Getting analized by a sex toy is in no way comparable to getting butt fucked by Harry James Potter, even if the sex toy is designed to match his size and girth to a T. All in all, getting anally plowed by Harry is an experience that every witch should get to have, and only so few do. Molly Weasley can now count herself among that number as her son-in-law plows her backdoor just as hard as he fucked the front, ramming into her ass with all his might and every last inch of his cock, gripping and squeezing her butt cheeks as he uses them to hold her in place.

Her entire derriere ripples with every thrust, her entire body is jarred forward by every pistoning motion of Harry's prick. He doesn't let up on her ass for even a moment, just like he didn't let up on her cunt either of the two times he was fucking her there. Ramming in and out of Molly's gorgeous hourglass body, he fucks her bowels with gusto, and Molly in turn climaxes around the vibrating dildo in her cunt over and over again, eyes rolling back in her head still, tongue waggling around and slobbering all over the pillow she's currently face down upon.

Reaching forward after a few minutes of this, Harry grabs her by her red hair and pulls Molly Weasley's head back, forcing her spine to arch, causing her tits to bounce and jiggle all over the place with much more ferocity, and making her entire body, from her wide hips to her trim waist to her fat ass and massive rack, shake and tremble and quiver from the force with which he's plowing her.

He uses her hair like reins and fucks her backdoor to kingdom cum in no time at all, eventually filling her bowels with his seed just like he's filled her womb twice over. Now, not only is she pregnant with her son-in-law's baby, she's been anally creampied as well… to say Molly is humiliated would be an understatement. To say she's ecstatic would also be an understatement. The gorgeous GILF is having the time of her life, and she never ever wants it to end.

Luckily for her desires, he doesn't stop there, her handsome, well-hung son-in-law fucking her all night long in every position imaginable as the trim-waisted hourglass-figured GILF takes his cock over and over again, well and truly broken by his massive bitch-breaking member. It's everything Molly never knew she wanted…


As morning comes, Molly lays spread out and practically catatonic besides her still-sleeping husband. Arthur Weasley had not stirred once throughout the night, despite the way that she and her son-in-law had made the bed rock and shake. Harry is gone, but the results of his presence are very evident. She's splattered with milk and cum from head to toe, laying there in a puddle of her juices and Harry's spunk. Meanwhile, the sex toy that had been used on both of her lower orifices still vibrates away in a similar puddle between her legs.

Molly stares up at the ceiling, eyes glazed over and altogether blank. She should probably get up and clean up the mess she and Harry had made. She should probably get started on breakfast. And… wasn't there something else she was supposed to be doing? But even as Molly lays there unresponsive, not doing any of those things, the door to her and Arthur's bedroom opens up.

Some small still-aware part of the catatonic red head's mind hopes that it's Harry again, come back to fuck her right up until Arthur wakes up so that her husband can see exactly what he's missing out on, so that he can realize what his neglect has led to. As ashamed of herself as she is, in the end Molly has only managed to remain even slightly sane by embracing the madness, as it so happens. And by blaming Arthur for failing her in every way that mattered.

It's not Harry though, it's Apolline Delacour, the Delacour Matriarch sauntering up to the bed in skin-tight yoga attire that accentuates her own gorgeous, curvaceous body. The French veela isn't quite as voluptuous and curvaceous as Molly. She doesn't have as fat a chest or as big of an ass. But she makes up for it in other ways, and she's still very much a sex bomb that, despite her advanced age, is absolutely gorgeous.

Smiling knowingly as she looks down at Molly, Apolline ultimately just giggles into her palm somewhat girlishly.

"Oh my~ judging by the look of you, it seems that Harry has finally gotten around to sampling my work. Mm, do you call him Master too now, I wonder? If not yet… soon enough~"

Molly remains unresponsive, even as Apolline carries on as if they're having a conversation between the two of them.

"Oh? Did you not realize? Did you think I was helping you better yourself out of the mere kindness of my heart? Did you think the others were trying to help you get fitter simply because they wanted to? All for Harry, I assure you. Always for Harry. And from the look of things, it seems he enjoyed my efforts all night long~"

Leaning over Molly, Apolline scrapes a finger along the entrance of the Weasley Matriarch's creampied cunt, scooping up a nice amount of Harry's still-warm cum onto her digit.

"All of this… all along, it was my intention to sculpt your body for my Master. And look at you now. Harry loved it. He loved your curves, he loved your fat ass, your wide hips, your big titties. He loved every last bit of you… I'm going to get rewarded later, I imagine~"

Bringing the finger full of cum up to her lips, Apolline opens wide and sucks down on it, slurping it clean with her tongue most lewdly. Molly still lays where she is, completely unresponsive and utterly catatonic to the world, at least outwardly. Inwardly… well, Apolline's words are more than enough to finish breaking what little was left of the Weasley Matriarch's resistance. All of this… for Harry. All along, it was all for Harry. All for… their Master.

"Well, I can see now that you WON'T be attending our usual morning workout."

Oh, right. That was what Molly had been forgetting.

"Try to pull yourself together before your husband wakes up, or you're going to have to explain your current state to him. Or, obliviate him. From what I hear, that's what the others do whenever their husbands get to uppity these days. They either obliviate them themselves, or they have Harry do it when the men inevitably go to confront him."

The very thought SHOULD fill Molly with horror and disgust and dread. Harry and her daughters-in-law had been obliviating her darling boys? Surely that was a cause for anger, for righteous fury. But instead, inwardly, all Molly can think is that it's a good idea and she might very well have to implement it with Arthur, if he wakes up any time soon. Outwardly, she's still unmoving, unresponsive, still staring up at the ceiling in silence.

Giggling girlishly one more time, like she's not a GILF and is instead a young maiden completely taken with a young man, Apolline Delacour pulls back from Molly's comatose form and straightens up with a sigh, running her hands up and down her own shapely body.

"Mm… guess I'll go find Harry now and claim my reward."

With that, the silver-blonde GILF blows Molly a kiss and saunters off, leaving the room and thankfully closing the door behind her as she goes, lest Molly have to obliviate more than one Weasley man when she finally comes back to herself. Meanwhile, Molly Weasley is left to continue laying there, fucked senseless, truly insensate, in a puddle of her own juices.

This changes everything… but at the same time, nothing. She's had her eyes opened to the twisted debauchery that has infected and infested her family… while at the same time being corrupted and dragged down into the mud with the rest of them. Molly knows, deep down inside, that she'll never ever be able to live without Harry's cock again after this. She already wants him inside of her, even as she lays there catatonic on account of his massive member plowing her silly. She wants him to fuck her again, and soon too…

Which means she can't take a stand against him for plowing the wives of her sons silly, now can she? She can't stop him from doing what he's been doing for who knows how long now. If she'd found out another way, if she'd caught on earlier, maybe she could have put an end to all of it. At the very least, maybe she could have saved her family's pride.

But it's too late for that. The Matriarch of the Weasley Clan has been utterly destroyed by Harry James Potter and his magnificent bitch-breaker of a cock. There's no coming back now for Molly, and no coming back for any of the others either.


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