
Nice to meet you Jason


I couldn't start my first day at school without someone who knew it all at the school so I waited till the arrival of Elsa from one of those her vintage holidays; Elsa was really glad to resume school so she gave some of her friends and I a free ride to school which made me save the fuel of my car

I still couldn't believe I could see the day I will be living far from my family and mixing with people which wasn't so good but the fun in it is choosing how to live your life in the bad or good way since there's no else to advise you.

Elsa was really in a good mood today; before we stopped at school, she stopped at the restaurant to get everyone a lunch box which wasn't really that little.

"Follow me wherever I go" Elsa informed me as we got out of the car after her friends had bid her good bye and left for class preparation "Even in the restroom?" I asked, chuckling softly and Elsa snorted "Yes, that's if you feel pressed too" She added, leading me into the large building I guessed would be entrance into the school. then my inner voice began judgement on all sorts of teenagers and adults if they really are as good looking as they are from the outside "So. tell me about the popular kids here" I tried to bring myself out of the train of thoughts as Elsa lead me into the large school entrance which was filled up with people like us rushing to class and skipping class also "You'd know them by their presence alone and there's one, the captain of the class, he's pretty loud and pushy but still nice. There's no bullying here" She added and I just kept on nodding, looking around and seeing and some stuffs in the school premises "You don't want to know anything about the boys?" Elsa stopped and turned to look at me and I slowly shook my head with a smile and Elsa's expressionless face slowly turned to a grin "That's a lie. are you sure you don't want to know anything about the boys in the school" I chuckled shyly and shook my head "Well that's good because none of them are actually single. tie your laces pretty well" Elsa warned without my consent and I just nod slowly"Okay? but I didn't ask" I drawled and Elsa snorted, walking away but I didn't know my way so I rushed up to meet up with her "So your boyfriend is here right?" With that I got Elsa's loud and disturbing chuckle, it was the fake laughter that she loves doing when she's pretending to find something funny "Just answer with a yes or no" I muttered when Elsa grabbed attention from almost every student in the room I guess was my classroom"That's a really funny question. Let's settle down before the teacher helps us to do that" Elsa changed the topic

After what took like decades to me, the teacher finally walked in graciously as she began dictating, revising and explaining, not even lifting up her face to look at us and maybe tell the stupid cynical kids to get out of the class; some were occupied with public display of affection, some were just going live and saying trash and some were live playing a video game. Just when I thought I'd start my first day at school with zero distraction, My eyes travelled to a guy gazing at me, but not in a creepy way, more in the way of 'how did God make you so... this' I almost got trapped in his stare for a minute but I quickly looked away and paid more attention to the teacher "If you're so bored of everything, you can leave the class or get engaged with doing trash too" I muttered like he was close to me

Before the blink of an eye, the teacher had left the class and the class became noiser and empty, some had already began sitting on the table and even on the teaching table, Elsa left me for a really good looking guy I bet was her boyfriend "Great. let me just read a book then" I laughed nervously, watching everyone for a while before- "Hey, sorry to disturb but you look nervous" I turned to look at the person with such a nice voice which interrupted me; He was quite unlike every other guy in the room, a normal but neat dude which made him look attractive to me "Hi and yes because I'm new" I replied with a nervous giggle "Oh great. I'm new too" All I could do there was form an O with my mouth as I nod slowly "So we're both nervous then" We both chuckled before checking each other out silently with our eyes "So. you walked up to me like you're the king of this class" I drawled and he snorted "It's nothing like that, I felt I should talk to you so no one notices that you're really freaking out" I slightly blushed and sighed out as he laughed at me "Thanks I guess" "What's your name by the way" I quickly added because I felt I should ask "Jason and you?" "Well Jason, my name is Sally" I introduced with a smile "Nice to meet you" He smiled nicely at me "Same but I'll call you Jace because I prefer Jace and I don't care if you like it or not" I added and he Chuckled softly as his eyes almost teared up "I like your vibes already, can we be friends?" I wasn't a social girl and I don't think I really let people easily know me because I've seen cases of other people"It's fine if you want to be alone too-" "No. I mean yes, let's be friends" I laughed nervously and he snorted with a grin "Cool, I hope you don't mind if I sit beside you" He added with a nervous smile "Okay that's fine by me" I smiled back "Thank you" He softly spoke "Thank you too, Jace" I replied with a smile

it's actually chapter 2 sorry for the confusion

Deborah_Adeniyicreators' thoughts