
New Friend


I had already planned to eat my lunch at home but Jason was so excited to have a female friend that he asked me to join him on eating lunch at the school cafe which was not such a bad idea since Elsa was so occupied with the dude I bet was the class captain she told me about. "Will that box be enough for you Sally?" Jason asked in full concern as he led me to a table he finds comfortable which I also found comfortable "yes I guess and I don't eat much so I'm good-" I snorted when Jason walked away to order for me before I could even complete my sentence so all I could was sit and wait for his return; He graciously walked back with a large tray of what looked like one of those special Mac Donald's food "Are you kidding me? I'll be so round before tomorrow" I laughed nervously and Jason just laughed at me "You won't get round it's good to be full with food sometimes and that's now" Jason explained as he happily unwrapped the box of french fries "Thanks a lot, Jason-" "You'd still thank me more" Jason cut me in and I just did an Oh sound ad chuckled softly when my sixth sense informed me of a gaze which made me look over Jason to catch the gaze of a really good looking guy who watched my smile slowly fade away 'damn' I slowly cussed, tearing my gaze away from him then back at Jason "Well won't you eat?" Jason asked with concern as he watched me nervously laugh and concentrate on my food while I just kept praying that the stranger looking at me stops gazing "Do you have water or I-" "No don't worry about that I have a soda water" I cut him in in anxiousness when my eyes forced me to glance at mr. Stranger who was now busy with his phone but almost caught me staring "So what are your plans for the rest of the day?" "Nothing for now because I still need to offload some os my stuffs in my suitcase, I guess" I replied to Jason as I concentrated on my food "Okay same here "Let me get you a drink, I'll be right back" I sighed and laughed nervously "Jason-" He had already gone before I could finish my sentence so I went on with eating anyway when the cute stranger who has been eyeing sits on Jason's chair with zero fear like we've been talking for a while but I ignored him and pretended to be carried away by my food 'please don't talk. Jason please come back' I silently prayed but it seems Jason was queueing with fellow students "Hello, I hope I'm not bothering your break time" He began with his smooth masculine voice as he eyed my half plate of cheese burger like it was disgusting "Not at all" I managed to say calmly but I was freaking out from the inside; I was arranging trash that doesn't need to be arranged and he just grinned at my stupid anxious moves "So you were looking at me from across the room" I began, looking up at him slowly but looked away quick when he looked back at me "Oh yes. You are really attractive" 'rule one don't appreciate a guy's complement just nod like you knew it before he does' I nod slowly and quietly exhaled "So have you had lunch yet?" I managed to change the topic "Yes why? you want to get something for me?" I just watched his face slowly smirk as I admired his paper white teeth "Maybe-I mean no. I just felt like asking" His mouth formed an O as he Chuckled softly "my name is Stefan. and you?" 'he is asking me of my name!' I silently panicked "... Sally, Sally Shawn" I said after calmly eating another slice of Jason's medium pizza; our eyes met as he watched me swallow "Care for?" I gestured at him "No thanks, I'm fine" He snorted with a smile "Okay-" "So you study?-" "Marine biology" I shot back at him and he did the oh sound again "yes and you?" "Well, I study Piloting" "damn" I replied and we both chuckled "So. Sally right?" He wanted to confirm "Yes" "See you next time" I nod at him with a smile "Can I have your number-" "No. maybe next time" I drawled as I met Jason standing behind Stefan and mimicking him in a funny way "Okay... see you til then" He smiled at me again and walked away as Jason sat down with two bottles of water, handing one to me "You've spoiled me today" I began with a nervous giggle "Who was that?" Jason shrugged as he silently wondered why one of his pizza slice is missing "His name is Stefan and he-" "Took out of my pizza?" Jason cut in with irritation "No. I did" I shot back at him "okay" A long pause "He was asking you out right?" He watched me fight to hild my facial expression "No. he just wanted to know a little about me" I explained "Okay, let's go home. it's closing already" Jason changed the topic "Sure" I replied, feeling the awkward aura coming from Jason all of sudden "He didn't-" "He's a new friend, Jason" I cut him in with reassurance as I watched him and he snorted and nod his head slowly

Please tell your friends to tell their friends to support, share and save my book on the list... I love you all so much!! ... I'd be having my exam today so I won't update for a while but I'll be back soon!!!🌹