
Past Midnight Journey, The Road and Entry to the Port of Real, Quezon Military Settlement

Day 36 - 2:39 AM – Fami-Real-Infanta Road, Barangay Gumian, Infanta, Quezon

The military convoy Mark was driving with had already left the highway end turned southward in this smaller main road. As the end of the Markinia-Infanta Highway was in Infanta itself, it was a huge detour just to turn several kilometers south after driving northward on the highway. Still, it could not be helped as the military settlement was in the Port of Real which was more than five kilometers away south from the exit of the highway.

As Mark drove his motorcycle, he had a lot in his mind.

Not knowing, he had not only two but three reasons to go to the crime district in General Nakar, Quezon. When Jones informed Mark about the [BloodChildren] washed away downstream to that settlement, it also gave Mark the chance to ask about the hideout of the outlaws and finish his business with them.