
This is just a short story, I hope you like it !!.

Franklin's POV

I fell in love, virtually. I had a crush on someone who didn't like me back. I met him through that app. I like that man - the way he talks and I can't stop looking at him. So, here's the story.

Hey! My name is Franklin Walker. I'm 22 years old and I'm working in a fast food restaurant, but because of the pandemic due to COVID-19 - I lose my job. So, I stayed at home watching TV, playing piano etc. I'm so bored inside our house, that's why I decided to invite my friend "Sasha", who's 23 years old.

Sasha: I badly want to have a boyfriend soon!

Franklin: So ridiculous!

Sasha: By the way, I wanted to introduce to you this app called "KY AZ." This app is so wonderful! You can meet people from other countries too. Come on, try it! And maybe, you'll meet the guy that you wanted.

Franklin: Nah! Okay, okay!

After that my best friend went home already. I don't know what this app is all about. But why not? Maybe I can try to use it anyway.

When I finally installed the "KY AZ" app, I can say that it's so much fun! I've met different people from different countries, and then I met Tayler Fennimore. He's 24 years old, and I had no idea what he looked like.

Tayler: Hey! How are you?

Franklin: I'm fine, thanks for asking.

Tayler: You have a beautiful voice!

Franklin: It's because I'm a singer. Oops! By the way, I got to go! Bye, thanks for your time!

After I sang we had a conversation.

Third person's POV

Franklin and Tayler have been so attached and they grew fond of each other. Days and nights had passed, they kept on chatting and texting each other. They eventually fell in love with each other, until Tayler decides to ask Franklin to become his girlfriend. Franklin said "yes" to him, since she really loves him and doesn't want to miss this chance. Then three weeks had passed, Tayler didn't respond to Franklin's chats and texts anymore. Tayler is not also online in KY AZ.

Sasha: Hey? Franklin? What's up?

Franklin: :'(

Sasha: What happened? You looked so down? Are you okay? (worried)

Franklin: ...….

Sasha: Is this all about that jerk? Tayler?

Franklin: He's not responding to my chats and text anymore.

Sasha: It look like you're not a girlfriend to him. Now, cut the crap and stop crying! I have to go home now.

Franklin: (falls asleep while crying)

Franklin woke up early in the morning. While she was cooking a breakfast for her family, she suddenly receives a text and it's from Tayler.

Tayler: Good morning, wifey!

Franklin: The hell! Are you even my boyfriend or not?!

Tayler: Why are you so angry, in this early morning? By the way, I wanted to talk to you about something. Like, how are we going to break up?

Franklin: What? A break-up? Seriously?

Tayler: Yes, because I already found someone who's better than you.

Franklin: I thought you loved me? Why are you breaking up with me?

Tayler: Listen, I don't want to talk about it anymore. I just wanted to break up with you, and there are no reasons required for that anymore.

Tayler's POV

I can't lose you, but I must do what the contract said. Someday, you're going to pay for this!

-1 year later-

Franklin's POV

It's been a long time since I came back to Korea. This place is so refreshing! And after that hurtful break up, I don't want to see him anymore. I don't want to go back to the U.S! Or I'll just remember that bastard guy!

Sasha: Franklin? (shouted)

Franklin: Neh?

Sasha: This place is so great! I want to go to the club, let's go?

Sasha and I went to a club. We're drinking alcohol, eating, dancing and got drunk.

I went to the bathroom because I was so drunk that I couldn't even recognize myself anymore, I suddenly slipped and I felt that someone caught me? I know it's a guy but I don't know who he is, though I felt comfortable with his arms around me.

Tayler's POV

This girl, I know her! It's Franklin, the woman I've loved before.

I'm sorry for hurting you, I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry.

Body Guard: Sir, what about that girl? I think that girl is a friend of Ms. Franklin?

Tayler: Take care of that girl, then.

Body Guard: Yes, Sir!

Tayler: Go home with me, Franklin.

Franklin's POV

I wake up in the morning, and then...

Ah! What the heck? Where am I? The bathroom door is open? And this guy is naked? Wait! Who is this guy?

Tayler: You're awake?

Franklin: Who the hell are you and where am I?

Tayler: Silly girl! You don't even recognize me? After I broke up with you?

Franklin: No way, Tayler?! Where am I? What am I doing here? You bastard!

Tayler: It seems like you're not happy to see me, my little Wifey?

Franklin: I'm not happy, though.

Tayler: Last night, we just did it.

Franklin: Did we, what?!

Shit! What I'm going to do?

Tayler: Last night, we...

Franklin: Shut up! I'm going.

I was about to walk out of the room, but Tayler suddenly hugged me.

Tayler: I don't want to lose you anymore, please come back to me?

Franklin: (resisting) No, I won't! I must not love you anymore, so please stop it!

Tayler: No, Franklin. Please love me, 'because I can't live without you.

Franklin: We must end this relationship and I don't want to see you anymore.

Tayler: :'( it's that it? Tell me? Look at me and tell me it's that all you want to do?

Franklin: ( resisting) I gotta go .

Franklin's POV

What a jerk! I can't stand it. I met my ex again. WTF! I don't want to be with that bastard again! But what did he do to me last night? I can't even remember a single thing.

Sasha: Hey, Franklin? Where did you go last night? I remembered that I was just drinking with you.

Franklin: Hmm... sorry about that, something came up.

Sasha: Let's go! I think you're already hungry, let's eat!

And we went to a restaurant.

Franklin: Hey? Sasha, are we going to eat all of this?

Sasha: I'm hungry, don't bother me. (eating)

Sasha: Hey! Have you already seen this? The news?

Franklin: What news?

Sasha: The news is all about your ex, Tayler.

Franklin: WHAT??? (grabbing the notepad)

Franklin is reading: The CEO of the IC company is sick and dying, so he's spending all of his money.

Huh? Sasha, let's go!

Franklin and Sasha went to the hospital. The thought of Tayler dying made Franklin's heart go sank. Franklin is crying.

Franklin saw a body and a lot of bodyguards inside the room. She immediately opened the door and started crying.


"I don't want to lose you. All I need is you. I love you more than myself! I know I'm not good to you. I'm so sorry. Please don't die like this. I still want to spend time with you. YAAAH! Don't die like this, please?"

"I won't forgive you, if you'll die like this."

Then I heard someone laughing at my back. And when I turned around, I saw Tayler. He's standing in front of me.

Franklin: You're not dead?

Tayler: I'm not.

Franklin: I thought you're dying. You bastard! You made me cry!

Tayler: Okay, stop it. Seriously, I'm so sorry. I'm not going to die.

Franklin: Then who's dying?

Tayler: No one's dying

Franklin: Then who is this man?

Tayler: He's my father. He is sick.

Franklin: You're so mean! I'm so sorry sir,

Tayler: Then what have you said earlier? Is it true that you still like me? Even if I made you cry? I'm so sorry for what I did. I did it because of the agreement with my family, that I'm not allowed to have a girlfriend until the company is not settled yet. (kissed the forehead of Franklin) I'm so sorry, Wifey.

Franklin: You fooled me (blushing)

Tayler: Why are you blushing?

Franklin: No, I'm not!

Tayler: Stop, pretending! I already saw it. So, do you want to be my wife forever?

Franklin: Just promise me one thing. That you'll never leave me?

Tayler: I'm not going to leave you, forever. Because I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life and become my wife. (pulled the ring out of his pocket) will you marry me?

Franklin: Yes!( Kiss)

After that, Tayler and I got married and have two children. We've spent so much time loving each other and spending so much time together. Yes, before I said that I must not love you, but you are the most valuable and significant man in my life - so, I think I must LOVE YOU FOREVER….


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