
'That' person

It had been long since the curtain of darkness swept over Seoul. Meanwhile, a young man working in a Coffee Shop had yet to finish his duty. It is already night yet there are nearly twenty people inside the shop having a good time with their coffee. This is because of the good interior design and amazing coffee they serve.

"Li Yeon, go rest for a while; you had been serving these customers continously." A voice came from behind the young man. Turning to face the owner of the voice, he found his colleague.

The young man placed his tray on the table and nodded. With regards to his age, he shouldn't be working at this shop at this time. It's not that he supports his life with this work but it was told by this 'someone'.

He got inside the staff's room and found out that he was alone this time.

"Tck!" The door released a low pitch sound after being locked by him. Resting comfortably on the sofa, he removed his mask and lemses. Everytime he works, he uses mask that prevents people to see his beauty.

Once removed, pale skin nearly akin to a paper was the first one to shine. Followed by this is his keen festures and pink lips. Park Li Yeon is just sixteen years old this year but holds unbelievably amazing visuals that can easily attract everyone. Even just a simple act of sitting can attract a beautiful lady.

One couldn't also hide the fact that Li Yeon's hair and eye color were strange. He is a pure blooded Korean but possesses pale blue eyes and hair that are even better than the night sky! When he was a kid, countless examinations, observations and process were done to find the cause of this phenomenon. At the end, they called it 'Yeon Case'. It is where the DNA of a person mutates changing the hair and eye color of oneself.

It is also confirmed that he is the only person having this case in the whole world. Li Yeon didn't find it troublesome since it didn't affect his vision.

Sighing deeply, he once again applied the lenses and wore the mask. He took it off to freshen up his body and now it's time to work again.

After walking out, he noticed that the number of people inside the shop decreased significantly. "I spent thirty minutes doing nothing. I didn't even notice the time."

"Li Yeon, go ask that person's order." Said a colleague. Following the finger of his colleague, he saw a person sitting alone at the corner where he was nearly not visible at all because of the plants inside the shop.

Without sparing a second, he walked near the person but halted after his phone vibrated inside his pockets. He took his phone out and read the message.

"Remove your mask and lenses; ask for collaboration ." It was 'someone' who texted him again. Li Yeon didn't find it creepy that this person knew his whereabouts. Instead, he felt curious of what the person is talking about.

He resumed walking to the person. Li Yeon could see the handsome face of the man who is clearly 25 years old or younger. His skin is pale but no paler than Li Yeon's. "What's your order sir?"

The man seemed to be awakened from a deep slumber and raised his head slowly. "Two latte please.", the man replied blankly and returned to what he is doing.

"I am right. He is surely waiting for someone. A person this handsome should have a girlfriend." He mumbled and took two latte from the counter and returned to the table of the person.

"Please enjoy" he said and was about to return but he was held back by the person with his hands. The man was electrified by Li Yeon's super cold skin and shivered.

"Join me.", said the man. This time, Li Yeon understood his intentions. The two coffees are for the two of them. His eyebrow subconsciously ascended eyeing the stranger.

The person faced him and said earnestly. " Please"

In the person's eyes are despair and exhaustion. Li Yeon decided to hear what the man would tell him so he sat at the opposite side of the table and removed his mask and lenses since 'that' person told him to.

The man's eyes bulge out instantly witnessing his attractive face that were too handsome for a man to resist. Not minding his reaction, Li Yeon leaned on the chair and took a sip of the coffee.

"Tell me, tell me if I am useless." he spouted.

Li Yeon gave off a sinister laugh that made him bodacious. "How would I know? I just met you earlier."

Hearing this, the person even felt more bitter. He is the only manager of Leon Entertainment left in their company because of their CEO'S fraud. The employees one by one left them until only him and his colleague Ashton were left.

The company could barely stood and pass the needed files for a company and to give the two of them any profit is impossible. Without salary, he won't have any money to support his little brother which is only six years old!

"Don't you see? I'm broke. Our company is bankrupted because of that damn old fox! Now, I don't have anything to support my younger brother." The person elaborated.

"Easy! Sell the building!" He replied like nothing.

The person slammed his palm unto the table and yelled, "Why would I give up on my own friend's company?"

Li Yeon got it now. 'That' person wants him to ask this stranger for a collaboration. In fact, Li Yeon is under Fairy Corporation which is a small entertainment company which is ridiculously mysterious. The Fairy Corp. doesn't have any trainee except for him amd the security is too tight!

"Is thay so... then leave your friend and go for another company." He once again mocked the stranger to anger him.

To his dismay, the person was rather calm and said, " I can't do that. I only have a choice now."

His ears perked up as he placed the coffee on the table. Putting his hands unto his thighs, Li Yeon asked, "And it is to?"

The stranger built his courage and said, "To debut another Idol. Even if the perks or succeeding is rather small, we will still be able to gain small amount. "

"That won't be easy. You'll still need to search for candidate. But it will also be hard since aspiring talenets prefer rich companies more." Li Yeon reminded him.

The man seemingly thought of something and asked, "Why don't you join the company?"