
Mushoku Tensei: Adventurer

A person from our world died and has reincarnated in the world of Mushoku Tensei:Jobless reincarnation with his memories intact. How will he survive in this dangerous world filled with dangerous monsters, mages and swordsmen with the human god actively trying to ruin his new life? As an adventurer of course!

Aces_BigDaddy · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Chapter 3- Hitogami strikes, X appears

I ran as fast as I could, but even then I couldn't make It, I could feel my heart beating in my chest, quickly and loudly.

I looked at the basket filled with harvests from my mother's garden. My pupils dilated and my body felt weak.

Footprints, strangely similar to a wolf, but larger and a long drag mark that lead to the forest, the wooden fence that seperated the village area from the forest was also broken into splinters.

I could only stare at it with empty lifeless eyes as I recalled the memories I had with her over the last four years, when I thought I could live happily at last.


I could feel a tug in my mind, like something was trying to pull me in and take over. And that strange eerie pitched laughter.


I rapidly started sweating, the sounds around me deafened under the sound of my heart beat. I looked at my sweaty hand and put it up against my head as I struggled to fight against the life of trauma I hand in my last life.

Piece of shit, you should just die.

Why was I cursed to give birth to you? You freak.

I was in a trance, the sounds of my previous drunkard father beating me with his belt, the sound of my previous mother slapping me repeatedly.

*Why are you still thinking of your past life Exceed? Ah I see, you ahvent changed at all, you are still the same... Hehehe.*

Even when I thought you would not be a waste of space after you went to school.

"Why? Why are you beating me? WHAT HAVE I DONE?"


My knees gave out, I clutched my head and could only look at the marks of the beast which dragged my mother into the forest.

*Accept it, you are weak exceed Give in exceed give in, I will give you power, power to be the strongest... Hehehe*

"Shut the FUCK UP!"


Uncontrolled rage boiled up inside me, even though I tried resisting, my body moved on it's own. Going inside my small house and picking up my late father's sword on the wall, realising it was still too heavy and long for me to lift it with a single hand.

Laced with the intent to kill the wolf monster, I couldn't deny the killing intent which leaked from me, the memories with my mother played in my mind as a slide show.

Boiling with rage and unknown emotions, the sword I could barely life started feeling lighter, gravity felt nonexistent and that feeling, that gut feeling. That I was doing something wrong.

*Hehehe, still as weak as ever, why won't you give in exceed. Come, come to me I will give you strength, strength to kill that monster.*


"Give me... Give me the strength to fight this monster." I asked as I accepted the calling of the mysterious high pitched voice.

*Okay then...*

I could only see red from that point as I struggled against a mysterious force, a white hand, grabbed me, pulling me away from my body into a white void.


"Mmph" I could not even make out a single words as the owner of the white hand. A man with a completely white body, like one made out of clouds. Missing his facial features.

A sickening smile without a mouth or any teeth. I was scared shitless as I tried running away from the white figure,then I saw the window.

I could see the window which lead me to my mother, I tried running towards it, into her warm imbrace but I couldn't do it.

Tendrils made up of white clouds wrapped around me pinning me to the ground, I struggled and struggled as the clouds wouldn't bulge.

*You cannot escape yourself Exceed, You are me, you are still a human, Don't deny the existence of your god.*


"Dammed hitogam..."

I couldn't speak as the tendrils choked me.

I saw Hitogami getting struck from the back by a version of me with black hair instead of blonde hair and with red eyes instead of brown.

"Yo... I'm X" The darker me said with a bland expression as Hitogami sunk into the ground, successfully escaping the scene. (Slippery bastard)

After a second I blacked out.

-Line break-

In the real world, I was in my house. The sword of my late father held in my hands. My body was as stiff as a piece of wood and my eyes were lifeless, and most importantly, I was not the one in control.

I turned around and looked out of the window, A small smile on my face. My eyes turned red like a monster and mana started flaring wildly inside me.

'Stop, Stop Stop! Damnit all body, Why won't you Just Fucking stop. I will hurt Myself!'

My flared after mana wildly flowed through me, it continuously kept healing me, even after my muscles are damaged by the taxation of using .

I slowly walked towards the window breaking it with a slice of the oversized sword. I walked out of the small house with each footsteps leaving behind an indent on the ground with each step.

'What is happening? Why can't I stop my body?' I thought, seeing myself walking towards the forest from my own eyes, even without being in control.

I leaped into the trees and started to run towards the direction where the monster's footprints went.

It was a fairly small cave. I willed my body to not go inside but it disobeyed me and continued moving inside.

Just as I went inside the entrance, I suddenly stopped and a voice spoke to me inside my head.

'Just so you know, Stop thinking of me as yourself Dipshit, call Me 'X'.'

'Who are you? Why are You Controlling my body'

'I am a fragment of your past live, created from your memories and a trigger from that fucking scheme god.'

'Give me my body back then, You are a part of me right?'

'I am a part of you, to be precise I am your hatered, I am your darkness and while you are the sun I am the moon. And I am doing this all to protect her.'

' Why are you taking control of my body then? I can rescue her.'

'You are far too weak, and I deserve some freedom after being trapped inside your unconscious mind for four years.'

'Now is not the time to discuss just give me my body back 'X', I will do what I can.'

' Shut up fucker, Don't you realise, I am far stronger than you are, you don't even realise that if not for me then Hitogami would have taken over your body after killing your consciousness.'

'Even then It is stil-'

' Have you ever thought about protecting your precious mother in this life? Have you ever tried getting stronger to protect her, the only family you have? '

'What are you yapping? Give me back MY body.'

'You won't understand, humans only understand the importance of things only after they have lost those things. Now, watch what your pitiful ass cannot do.'

'Oi, X Wait. It's dangerous...'