
Mushoku Impact

A failed game developer/avid gacha player dies and reincarnates as Paul Notos Greyrat in the world of Mushoku Tensei. Everything appears normal at first, but things change rather drastically on the eve of his 5th birthday...

Einlion · Tranh châm biếm
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220 Chs


Seeing Roxy kicking her feet and enjoying a crepe with an almost silly smile on her face, Paul couldn't help asking, "You like sweets?"

Broken from her sugary reverie, Roxy adopted a somewhat offended look as she replied, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Contrasting her words, Roxy finished off her crepe with several large bites before asking, "About what you said earlier, the whole 'looking forward to meeting me' thing. What did you mean? How does someone as famous as you know someone like me?"

Though she would ordinarily feel worried about being alone with someone like Paul, Roxy's curiosity far outweighed her suspicion. It helped that everyone they encountered seemed to genuinely respect and admire him.

Having already thought about what he wanted to reveal, Paul was able to sound fairly convincing as he replied, "Back when I was the Heir Apparent of House Notos, a couple of Migurdians came into my employ. I've always been curious about the world beyond the Asura Kingdom, so I ended up nagging them quite a bit about the Demon Continent and the village they originated from."

Understanding what Paul was insinuating, Roxy's mood diminished quite a bit as she asked, "You learned about me from them? What did they say...?"

Since he had actually inquired about Roxy from Rowena and Rianon, the twins Ningguang had hired to tend to the Silkies; Paul didn't have to make things up as he answered, "They said you were a quirky but exceptionally talented girl. That you were unable to use your Race's telepathic abilities but possessed an aptitude for Magic unheard of among your people."

Adopting a self-deprecating smile, Roxy lowered her head as if she were about to nurse her hot cocoa, rebutting, "I'm not 'that' talented. I started practicing Magic more than thirteen years ago and have only reached the Intermediate Rank in Water Magic..."

Resisting the urge to ask Roxy's actual age, Paul struck at the heart of the matter by asking, "Yeah? And who taught you how to master Intermediate Ranked Magic? Who provided you with the funds and resources to grow?"


Taking advantage of Roxy's silence, Paul went on to add, "According to my sources, you managed to grasp Beginner Ranked Water Magic in less than a week without any prior training. After that, you went on a journey at what, age thirteen? While most Migurdians spend their entire lives in the villages they are born in, you journeyed across the most dangerous Continent in the world as a teen before eventually making your way here, the literal opposite side of the world. If you're lacking in talent, it certainly hasn't stopped you from accomplishing your goals..."

Not expecting such heavy praise from someone she had just met, Roxy became a little teary-eyed as she lowered her head in a vain attempt to conceal her beet-red face. She hadn't felt this embarrassed and happy in a long time.

Not wanting to lay it on too thick, Paul paused to give Roxy time to collect herself. One of the things he had never fully gotten used to was just how 'expressive' people could be in a cel-shaded world. Paul had seen women blush back in his previous world, but it was nothing compared to watching a person's face become borderline incandescent. He was half-expecting steam to begin rising from Roxy's head...

Realizing what Paul was doing, Roxy felt a mixture of gratitude and even great embarrassment as she recalled which of them was supposed to be the child. Paul may look like he was in his early twenties, but he was still just a twelve-year-old boy...

After rubbing her cheeks in an attempt to massage the red out of them, Roxy raised her head to meet Paul's gaze before questioning, "So? What, exactly, do you want from me? If you've been looking forward to meeting me, there must be a reason, right?"

Nodding his head, Paul answered, "There is more to it, but it goes back to what I said before. I genuinely believe you have what it takes to become one of the most powerful Mages in the entire world, so I'd like you to join our group. I can't go into the details unless you agree to join us, but I can promise you won't regret it."

Forcing a skeptical look, Roxy asked, "Oh? And what does your group plan to accomplish? My goal is to become a great Mage and continue traveling the world. I have no intention of becoming enthralled in politics and other complicated affairs."

Raising his brows, Paul countered, "Do you genuinely believe it's possible to become powerful without garnering the attention of Nobles?"


Unable to refute Paul's words, Roxy stopped to consider her next question before asking, "Then let me put it like this. What kind of risks and rewards can I expect from joining your group? As you pointed out before, I'm more than capable of succeeding independently."

Instead of refuting Roxy's words, Paul nodded his head and said, "You're right. To be perfectly honest with you, my reasons for asking you to join us are entirely personal. I'm genuinely curious to see just how far you can go with the appropriate knowledge and resources. However, if you would rather attend the Academy and pursue a path of your own, I'm not going to try and stop you. Rather, you have my full support."

Pulling out a letter he had secured from the Principle of the Ranoa Magic Academy, Paul passed it over to Roxy, explaining, "I've always been a big supporter of education. Within that envelope, you'll find details related to a full scholarship at the Ranoa Magic Academy. There are no contracts or anything else for you to sign. You simply need to present that letter to the admissions office, and it will cover everything from your book to boarding fees. You'll also receive an allowance of 4 Asura Gold Coins a semester to cover any miscellaneous expenses."

Hearing Paul's explanation, Roxy stared at the envelope in her hands with mixed feelings. She should have been over the moon with excitement, but a strange sense of unease permeated her chest as the envelope seemed to grow heavier in her hands.

Setting the envelope on the table, Roxy returned her gaze to Paul, asking, "And if I choose to join you? Then what...?"

Adopting a smile, Paul left Roxy feeling taken aback as he replied, "That's up to you. It's not like I was planning to force you to follow me and do my bidding. Joining my group just means you'll have access to a few secrets that may jeopardize your life if the wrong people discover you're aware of them. As for the benefits, well, let's just say you'll have access to the type of knowledge and information that countries would fight wars to obtain or keep secret..."

Noticing the seriousness in Paul's eyes, a stark contrast to the casual way in which he provided his explanation, Roxy found herself swallowing hard. She got the distinct impression she was being asked to join a cult or some sort of secret society...

Unfortunately, Roxy's curiosity had often gotten the better of her. Even if Paul's group was a cult, it didn't matter so long as the knowledge and information they provided was accurate. So long as he didn't start asking her to participate in blood rituals and sacrifices, she didn't mind keeping their secrets.

Catching Paul by surprise, Roxy suddenly adopted a serious expression as she said, "I'm in. Let me join your group."

Instead of asking if Roxy was sure about her decision, Paul exhaled a sigh of relief before adopting a genuine smile and saying, "For a moment there, I was afraid you would refuse. It wouldn't have affected our plans, but I'm happy to have you with us."

Reading a little too much into Paul's words, a fairly conspicuous blush spread through Roxy's cheeks as she meekly inquired, "Now what...? I recall you mentioning something about a magical contract..."

Shaking his head, Paul admitted, "To be honest, that was just to gauge your reaction. There is a contract, but it's not the magically binding type. As I mentioned before, I'm a fairly decent judge of people's talent and character. At the very least, there are a few individuals I feel I can trust more than others. So long as I don't betray you, I'm sure you won't betray me."

Following his words, Paul produced his Dendro Vision and explained, "This is what will seal the covenant between us. I'll go into the specifics later, but the most important thing to know is that this object has the power to draw out the potential of those with grand ambitions. They are extremely limited in supply, but I plan to entrust one to you in the near future. I just don't have the correct element right now."

Having given away several Visions, Paul had confirmed that the average person could only bond with a single element. He could ask Lisa or Fischl to let Roxy borrow theirs, but that would prevent her from bonding with a Hydro Vision in the future.

Staring at the grass-colored crystal in Paul's hand, Roxy remarked, "I've never heard of a magical item that could draw out a person's potential. At the very least, not without a considerable drawback..."

Recalling the rumors regarding Paul sacrificing his lifespan to increase his power, a frown marred Roxy's expression. She wanted to become more powerful, but offering her lifespan was taking things a little too far. Her species may live upwards of three hundred years, but some lines should never be crossed.

Understanding what Roxy must be thinking, Paul shook his head and asked, "Remember what I said about people tracking your down and countries going to war? These Visions are the reason. As difficult as it may be to believe, there are absolutely no drawbacks to using them. So long as your ambition remains, it will even prevent you from getting sick and aging..."

Scrunching her face even further, Roxy retorted, "Impossible..." even as her interest in the Vision grew. If Paul was telling his truth, he had in his hands one of the most powerful magical artifacts in the entire world. If rumors regarding its abilities were to spread, Kings and commoners alike would stop at nothing to try and obtain it.

Recalling what Paul had said previously, Roxy became even incredulous as she added, "Assuming what you said is true, you plan to just give me one of these? There has to be a catch..."

Nodding his head, Paul admitted, "Quite a few. They just have nothing to do with the Vision itself. Your biggest concern would be protecting it from the people that will invariably try to steal it from you. Visions only respond to their original user, but that won't deter people from attempting to steal and research them."

As she would also like to research the Visions, Roxy couldn't really refute Paul's words. Instead, she asked, "Where did you obtain your Vision? How many are there? You mentioned something about elements...?"

Amused by Roxy's sudden intensity, a light chuckle emanated from Paul's throat as he returned his Vision to his belt and answered, "We'll talk about the specifics later. Amalie's Bakery is pretty secure, but some matters are best discussed under increased security. For now, why don't you finish up your meal so we can discuss where you'll be staying? You're free to enroll in the Ranoa Magic Academy if you want to, but I imagine that will be the least of your concerns once you hear the rest of my explanation. After all, the Visions are just the tip of a very large iceberg..."

Swallowing nervously, Roxy decided to follow Paul's advice by taking a large gulp of her cocoa. It had long grown cold, but the sweetness of the chocolate had a calming effect on her body and mind. At the very least, she could feel her tensions melting away as a very prominent feeling of excitement began to swell from the pit of her stomach...


